I came across a post that gave me an idea for a game to make. Think buckshot roulette, but Weight gain version. There’s a few different ones out there with a semi similar style, one that comes to mind is Don’t Fear the Jester which I believe was a recent project that was pretty good quality, you can find that one here on itch but that ones card based. I wanted to try my hand at 3D games so I put my main project to the side for a bit to work on this game since Its a pretty simple and easy to make concept and I should be able to have it mostly completed within a short time frame to return to my other game.
This project is heavily inspired by Warlynx’s post and will utilize mechanics and a good chunk of the things he’s come up with. (I know I’m not being original with 2 different games being based of things but i’m really just making things I’d like to see.)
Anyways, here’s where I’ll post updates as I work on this game to keep people in the loop and show the development process with occasional progress updates similar to my other project!
I started with a pretty rough draft to get a feel for 3D stuff and came up with this after about an hour or so in gif form.
After throwing together and refining mechanics and ditching the awful button mechanic I swapped it out with an actual weapon since it’s not much of a roulette otherwise.
And that leads us to the current progress of this game where I finalized the base mechanic of shooting, turns and added a timer for the players turn to sort of rush them a bit.
Classic me here going to say it, obviously everything is placeholder since I say that a lot I mind as well say it at least once on this post and is very subject to change.
Gameplay and Sizes (size animations and visuals wont look as bad when the games done):
Low on time alert:
If you got any ideas, thoughts or opinions i’m all ears and I’m happy to hear it!
Small Progress update - [10/2/24]
I got some decent progress made, definitely underestimated how quickly I’d have this game finished due to work and life but It’s coming along!
Changed from previous growth stages (1-5) to the MBF mechanic (Meal, Fat & Bloat) More on that at some point.
Added more camera things and upgraded previous code
Added Player Vs AI Scoreboard/Status board (Doesn’t work just yet though)
Added some sounds and some background stuff to liven up the game a tad.
Added Bloat beer (Empties next shot, but gains 2 Bloat for 3 turns)
Added Fat Supercharger (Consume 1 instance of Fat to power the next dart shot)
Added item animations
After the first round, player and the AI are given 2 random Items to aid them.
Made the AI a bit smarter
Redid Titlescreen a bit
Here’s a few clips of the listed changes:
Bloat beer
Next up
Add remaining items
Polish and create animations
Make the game less clunky feeling
Music and Audio
Additional Post Processing
Game modes (Classic, Barebones, Full House & Custom
Models for items and characters (plus textures)
Scoreboard/Information system
Mechanics Overhaul
Reanimate and redo growth system and animations to make them not look awful
Flesh out the R O O M
More ammo types
LOOOORE (or just an intro really.)
After all that, I’ll release the first version of the game for everyone to play and return to my main project!
Take care!
Progress update - [10/15/24] - 3:30AM
Hammered out the majority of the items, completely rebuilt the game code from the ground up which removed a ton of bugs and other wonky things so here’s the current changes!
Added a few sounds for growth, currently there’s 3 different growth sounds that can play which also randomly changes pitch to add more variety
Gun now has audio for good and bad darts as well as a few generic ambient sounds added for background sound
I’m still trying to figure out a good feel for the games visuals, so for this progress update I decided to try out a more science feeling room since this game is supposed to aim closer to sci-fi. I’ll likely change them more as I get things finished up for release.
Added settings screen
Added a bit more detail to titlescreen
Removed most dev textures (will improve them later on!)
Changed gun colors and other things
Added some people walking around in the background (for now, I just thought it looked neat)
Began working on models for items
New Titlescreen
Titlescreen settings preview
Items (most animations will be changed later on)
Added Snackie-Peekee
Added Drunk Message Idea by Screwthis!
For efficiency sake, this one is just a remote with a tv for now, the item function will stay the same but it’s visual may change later on.
Added Weight Deposit
Completely overhauled the growth system to it’s final version!
Now collaborating with a 3D modeler on character models, More on that at some point!
Added an option to choose between Human or Anthro characters
Added a preference between Weight gain & Inflation, Weight gain is default
Added temporary mode selection screen (All but Classic are disabled for now)
Tweaked the visuals a bit
I think that’s about all I have to update for now, if there’s something I forgot, It’ll be in the next progress update, here’s what’s next (The ‘*’ beside something means it’s priority):
Next up
Add remaining items (3 remaining)*
Music (a few more sfx too)
Post processing
Begin work on Game Modes*
Make final item models
Scoreboard functionality (Was removed before this update due to overhauling)*
Redo growth animations (Growth system finished!)*
Ammo types
The list grows shorter! I aim to have about half this list finished by next week, I have a decent chunk of time off the remainder of this week!
Suggestions and Feedback is appreciated! Have a great night/day!
Small Progress update - [10/17/24] - 4:56AM
Added the following items: Lipo-Shield, Flashy Attire, Fruit bowl (Item idea by Screwthis)
Finalized turn mechanic & Applied timer functionality
Fixed a handful of bugs
Finished Initial score/size board set up
Fixed lighting and some Post processing issues
Changed mode select screen
Added Opponent items and their ability to use them.
Added an secret item somewhere
Fixed issues with Meal being applied before it was supposed to be
Increased player animations from 5 to 8
Issue or feature?: Getting too big (About 7th size stage makes it impossible to use items)
Opponent growth mechanic has been implemented
Overhauled player growth animations
Added & Redid Game over screen along with winning screen (no animations yet)
Added an all time stats that will keep track of: Items used, Darts fired, Shots drank, Sizes gained, Money earned, Games played, Loses, Wins
Added Money for each action done in a game, if you win, it goes to your stats at the main menu.
Began creating temporary animations for the Opponent
Added a mute music animation
Added 2 songs to the game
Added a bunch more sfx for item use, dart gun handling, shooting, clock, hover, etc
Connected Audio settings to game audio tracks
- Added new gamemode: Shots (Plus work in progress intro scene for it)
Shots mode description: “Take shots instead of darts, some will make you grow, others wont. After every 3 safe shots, you will lose some gained weight. Spin the table to shuffle the drinks. A couple items will be accessible to you to tip the odds in your favour.”
Up Next
Finish Shots game mode
Get character models
Add more textures
Implement remaining Dart types for classic mode
Work on Barebones mode & Custom (custom wont be on release to cut on time)
More music
Classic mode intro
Any ideas for the game or items ideas feel free to let me know! I’m off to catch some z’s for a bit
Progress Update - [10/25/24] - 4:30AM
- Updated Title Screen
Finished item mechanics
Overhauled dart system and code making it a far smoother experience to work with
Fixed any major camera issues
Fixed player shooting issues
Readded and improved Sizeboard system to work efficiently.
- Points and Effects are now separate
Added TEMP Visual Opponent growth stages 1-7 (No images available yet)
Added popping ending, begun working on animation for it (Off by default, Inflation mode only)
Dramatically improved dialogue system
Exit Door returns to title screen
Dart Types
- Added new dart types:
- Feeding darts (+3 Meal stacks, each lasting 3 turns before converting to fat)
- Leech darts (Removes 1 fat from target, adds it to other person)
- Ultra-Gain darts (Target gains +2 Fat instead of +1)
- Burn (Slims the target by one increment of fat)
- Gurgle (Inflates the target by one increment of bloat that lasts 3 turns.)
- Double-Trouble (+2 Fat and +2 Meal to the target)
F(at)ire Sale (WG mode only, Items that cost 2 fat are reduced to 1, but you gain x2 Fat)
Blueberry (Inflation mode only, +1 Fat every turn for the rest of the game, items that cost 2 Fat are reduced to 1)
- Disallowance (Prevents the target from using items for 1 turn)
- Cutoff (Skips the targets next turn)
Began creating assets for the games background (Stuff with a * are still in works):
- Vents
- Wires
- Pipes
- Radio
- Poster1, Poster2
- Roulette Table*
- Shots Table*
- TV
- VHS Player (From titlescreen & Roulette)
Created Item models for (Stuff with a * are still in works):
- Bloat Beer
- Supercharger
- Darts (Done but will be redone sleeker later on)
- Istanok CRC (Dart gun)*
- Shot glasses
- Lipo Shield
- Snackie
- Disallowance
Up Next
Improve previous mechanics code
Create and/or improve the intro & Gameover Animations
- WG Game over
- Inflation Game over
- WG Win
- Inflation Win
- inflation Game over popping (Non-gore)
Finish making the remaining darts work
Make more models
Finish Shots game mode
Overhaul Visual appearance
Models for player and Opponent
Add Barebones Mode
That’s about all for this progress update! All the items that will be in the game on release are implemented, dart types are near finished and I’ve been steamrolling through making models.
Once I’m finished everything in the Up Next section, I’m going to go hard on visuals, Animation, Post processing, textures, shading and tweaking until I have something that will probably look a lot better than it’s current state.
After that, It’s off to testing then once I fix the majority of any bugs that snuck through, It’ll be released here and on itch.io! (At no cost obviously)
Feedback is welcome and appreciated! If I forgot anything I’ll put it on the next progress update!