Added a bunch more sfx for item use, dart gun handling, shooting, clock, hover, etc
Connected Audio settings to game audio tracks
Added new gamemode: Shots (Plus work in progress intro scene for it)
Shots mode description: “Take shots instead of darts, some will make you grow, others wont. After every 3 safe shots, you will lose some gained weight. Spin the table to shuffle the drinks. A couple items will be accessible to you to tip the odds in your favour.”
Up Next
Finish Shots game mode
Get character models
Add more textures
Implement remaining Dart types for classic mode
Work on Barebones mode & Custom (custom wont be on release to cut on time)
More music
Classic mode intro
Any ideas for the game or items ideas feel free to let me know! I’m off to catch some z’s for a bit
So you said makes using items hard when to big first never to big
second could you add a screen that drops from ceiling to pic the items from possible salutation maybe
is this going to be a weight gain themed game or more inflation themed?
Primarily, it will be weight gain with the option to swap it to Inflation in the settings, I’ll try and make the WG version feel more weight gainy once I start polishing things!
I have a higher preference toward Inflation stuff, however I’ll do my best to have both available on release since I know the majority of people here like that wg more
I can’t wait to play it both the projects you are working on look amazing and you definitely put the time and effort also I think you are the most organized person I’ve seen on here in a while with your project
Overhauled dart system and code making it a far smoother experience to work with
Fixed any major camera issues
Fixed player shooting issues
Readded and improved Sizeboard system to work efficiently.
Points and Effects are now separate
Added TEMP Visual Opponent growth stages 1-7 (No images available yet)
Added popping ending, begun working on animation for it (Off by default, Inflation mode only)
Dramatically improved dialogue system
Exit Door returns to title screen
Dart Types
Added new dart types:
Feeding darts (+3 Meal stacks, each lasting 3 turns before converting to fat)
Leech darts (Removes 1 fat from target, adds it to other person)
Ultra-Gain darts (Target gains +2 Fat instead of +1)
Burn (Slims the target by one increment of fat)
Gurgle (Inflates the target by one increment of bloat that lasts 3 turns.)
Double-Trouble (+2 Fat and +2 Meal to the target)
F(at)ire Sale (WG mode only, Items that cost 2 fat are reduced to 1, but you gain x2 Fat)
Blueberry (Inflation mode only, +1 Fat every turn for the rest of the game, items that cost 2 Fat are reduced to 1)
Disallowance (Prevents the target from using items for 1 turn)
Cutoff (Skips the targets next turn)
Began creating assets for the games background (Stuff with a * are still in works):
Poster1, Poster2
Roulette Table*
Shots Table*
VHS Player (From titlescreen & Roulette)
Created Item models for (Stuff with a * are still in works):
Bloat Beer
Darts (Done but will be redone sleeker later on)
Istanok CRC (Dart gun)*
Shot glasses
Lipo Shield
Up Next
Improve previous mechanics code
Create and/or improve the intro & Gameover Animations
WG Game over
Inflation Game over
WG Win
Inflation Win
inflation Game over popping (Non-gore)
Finish making the remaining darts work
Make more models
Finish Shots game mode
Overhaul Visual appearance
Models for player and Opponent
Add Barebones Mode
That’s about all for this progress update! All the items that will be in the game on release are implemented, dart types are near finished and I’ve been steamrolling through making models.
Once I’m finished everything in the Up Next section, I’m going to go hard on visuals, Animation, Post processing, textures, shading and tweaking until I have something that will probably look a lot better than it’s current state.
After that, It’s off to testing then once I fix the majority of any bugs that snuck through, It’ll be released here and on! (At no cost obviously)
Feedback is welcome and appreciated! If I forgot anything I’ll put it on the next progress update!
Super excited to see how this turns out! Loved Don’t Fear The Jester a ton, so I’m glad to see a similar game in the works! The WIPs are looking promising (:
As a tiny update, to sort of push myself to get everything near ready, ive decided on a release date for the first version of the game.
November 23rd
This version will contain 3 modes:
Shots (If I’m not as busy as i have been for the past two weeks)
And will have the items and darts as previously listed along with the WG and Inflation versions (which really just changes the ending and sounds and adds 1 unique item depending on the mode)
I’ve begun ripping the game apart to clean it all up, improve the code and remove any bugs I’ve been experiencing, as well as making it feel less like a prototype. The player and opponent will also have significantly better temp models (although im not exactly a professional at modelling or art), then once the actual models are finished I’ll update the game with those!
There should be about 2 or 3 remaining progress updates before release.
I’m mentioning all of this here to avoid feature creeping since I feel it looming which will dramatically increase the time it takes me to finish this and return to my Original Project. and setting a release date will help me avoid it easier.
Hey! Unfortunately things in my life have been making progress on this project increasingly difficult, the last 2 weeks has just been constant 1 step forward, 4 steps back so I have to put this, and my other projects on hold until I can get things straightened out, pausing them is just the best choice I have currently to take a bit of weight off (no pun intended).
I know it’s not the best look, making and showing the progress of 2-3 projects, then putting them all on hold and dipping, especially when I haven’t even uploaded a single game so I apologize for it, but I’ll do my best to redeem myself and upload lots of games in the future
I’ll continue working on this project when I can, November 24th was the original release since I have all the assets, textures and post processing prepped as well as mechanics, but I’ve since barely been able to focus due to external situations so there’s no longer a planned date. I might release tiny games here and there on my page as I continue practicing game development, art and modelling. And at least if I do put the project on pause now, I can take more time to make it look better since I’m not a fan of the visuals I had planned. Any and all games I make and release will be there and/or on this platform.
Once everything is settled I’ll continue progress updates as normal.
Any further games apart from Big big dungeon and bulkshot roulette will not have progress updates but will be posted with their full releases upfront.
TL;DR: Life be no bueno, me pause game, me fix, then me keep make game
It may not be a massive project with tons of people looking forward to it but It does make me disappointed in myself for not having it done by now, regardless I apologize if anyone is disappointed
IRL will always take priority first and foremost. As much as I am hyped for Bulkshot Roulette to be released, much better for you to be in tip top shape before focusing on the games!