Bulkshot Roulette - Progress update [10/25/24]

that sucks man, i hope it goes well for you. good luck with whatever you’re going through live strong bro

Hi! Things have getting better IRL and ive been constantly practicing all kinds of things in the background and feel pretty prepared to return to this project.

The time away allowed me to get a better scope on the project, my goals and sort of cut back since i really dont need to drop a fully fledged game off rip.

With that being said, I still lack models for the characters so when its ready ill just drop a beta version with the approach I was doing, i know its not as immersive or cool, but its so dang hard to find people to make models for stuff like this, if anyone is actually interested in making character models i’ll instead release a beta with character models instead of my current approach.

So, the scope ive decided on for now is this:

  • All previously mentioned items
  • Itemless mode
  • Dart game mode
  • Non pop versions and pop versions

A drastic cut back but i’d rather build off something i have released rather than build off something without feedback, apologies if that disappoints.

All in all with this cutback and much more knowledge i could have this done in a month or so but i wont set a date so i dont put pressure on myself.

Talk soon, until then!


And where is the link of main file of this game? I cant find it =(
Can you please put link in “Replay” of my comment

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Good to hear from you, bro. I’m glad you’re doin better and glad to see you continuing with your projects. I gotta say, you got some great ideas here and the fact you actually have something to show for it is amazing. Keep up the good work, and I hope you find a modeler.
Unfortunately I’m only a decent sketch artist at most otherwise I’d job at the chance to model if I was any good at it, lol.


Welcome back!!! Glad to hear you’re doing better

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Hi! The game isn’t currently available anywhere, but since i really only need to round the edges and add a few things and remove stuff for simplistic sake it’ll likely be available both here and on my itch account in about a month or a tad longer


I appreciate that, i was pretty hyper critical of every little detail so im glad a break helped with fixing that as well

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Yeah man, don’t be afraid to work on yourself. You can take this at your own pace. Can’t wait for future updates, lol.

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got other stuff to do to pass the time

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oh, ok we will wait =)