Well I didn’t see this game having a topic so I thought I make one so the people who played this can share what they know to any anybody new. but also share the game with more people. here were you can get a untranslated version of the game https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/80418004
and the mega file for the translated version of the game https://mega.nz/folder/1fhzxKQL#X13lwvEnrg7unBo4fdx5Vw
Some wondering the translated name of the game, someone down here posted it but so it wont get lost i’m going to put here the translated name of the game is “Living on a Deserted Island?”
the creator like in the topic title is done by fallboy here is there twiiter https://twitter.com/Fallboy85358914 sorry if this is bit messing this is my first. sorry the wait was long i finally gotten mega to work so here is the new link
Uh what is the link and game’s name?
the link is the game, and the name is in the title.
I think they were asking what the translated title of the game was.
@bird The title is “Living on a Deserted Island?” by the way. The 日目 part I’m not sure about. Litterally speaking, it’s the character for day(s) followed by 目, which is used as an ordinal counter (1日目 means “the first day,” for example), so it could be there to imply that days pass in the game, but I’m not sure. Not fluent in Japanese, so it could be something I’m unfamiliar with.
Do you have anything less sketchy than a random MEGA link? Like the actual website/twitter/whatever of the person who made it? Some context might people be less confused about this.
I mean, fallboy is a japanese guy that has made many many fatty RPGs, all of them already posted around here!
The translation I’m guessing is selfmade by them.
They edited it now to include the info you asked for now though
The translated box cuts off the english, so if the project manager is still accessible it should be a simple fix by chopping it up into more text boxes.
Yea I was just noticing that as well. Hopefully it won’t be to much of a problem.
this seems very unfinished, is it still a wip?
the game or the translation if the game from what I know no there is no new updates or anything of that sort for the game itself the game prob feels that way being from what i gather it was one of fallboy more early projects so it wouldn’t be has good has his later works. the translation its fully translated but like other said the box gets cut off , i’m hoping I can fix that down the line if not then maybe getting someone whos better at that than me to see if they can fix that problem.
does someone know what the golden chest combination is?
Thanks, I figured out how to get the first half but where did you find the second half?
Does anyone know what to do after defeating the girl in the “between the alter” room? I seem to be stuck after that, can’t open the chest or do anything else
I’m so confused. How is everyone just playing it fine? There’s a bunch of saved games already IN the game, I tried starting a new game and can’t go past the first 3 minutes. Like I’ve got oil and water and the lighter, now what? The boat is nothing, and the plants one-shot me.
Try using an item on the plants
How do I do that? when I access the inventory it just tries to consume the item if I can.
the item you need for the plant is torch it easy to get, get the oil were those fruits are, get the lighter from the tent and go to the wood pile intreact with it, it will auto combine into the torch.
I can not find the hints for the chest. Yeah, it is spoilered up there but the one I found does only reveal the first 2 numbers…
Yeah I feel dumb, but now that I’m in the cave idk what to do. I took the sword and made the hole in the chocolate, and beat up the girl. But I can’t find anything else to do except the chest and stone tablet, but I don’t know how to open it or anything. Someone posted a number code up there but how do you even enter it??