By the Light's Grace [Gain Jam 2024]

Yeaaaah. Compared to Punch out. You made my day. :smiley:

-For the flash and the protection I didn’t know what to do. I know it’s less fun to flash with an opponent stuck in a defensive position, but I wanted the player to really focus on the timing. Especially when you look at it, flash is an extremely strong technique for this game. But the objective is not to slow down the gameplay. Perhaps the protection can protect from flash or reduce the time to 2 turns during the protection to give the player time to reposition without wasting too much time. To think about.

-I’ll check for Burn. I had the impression that the command could get stuck a little and not launch each time but in general you have to force it a little. I’m not making excuses, don’t worry. It’s malfunctioning and I know I need to perfect it. On the other hand, if it is not in the launch but in the execution I will have to check more in depth because in the action of the Jam I have a past experience.

Thank you very much for your feedback which will allow us to bring even more improvement to the next version and for this comparison with an anthological game. :smiley:

See ya. ;3

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