Chub Club: A Quest Adventure

Ah, I’ve seen your Daven’s Port thread. I post on the site under the name “hedkrakka”. I can’t say I’ve read your other works, I’m afraid. I prefer OC’s over… I’m spacing on the word I want here, but commercial characters in fat works that don’t fit their character, so I tend to avoid them.

Quick question, as I haven’t seen it asked, or I might just be blind: can the MC gain in this story, or is it just the four other characters in the Chub Club?

And as long as I’m asking questions, are you planning different body types and total gains between the characters?

And for those offering help with Quest, I’m going to try uninstalling and reinstalling the software, see if that works.

Yeah I totally get preferring OC’s over commercial characters, the Davens Port stuff has kinda been my favorites so far. Nice to meet you hedkrakka, I’ve read your stuff too and its great. ^^

As for the questions, yes the MC is going to be gaining in this story, and there will be different body types. The total gains will mostly be the same, but I think the ending weights will be different depending on the romance subject once I get there.

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So in weighing my options I decided to backtrack on something I said earlier.

Yup, a demo. This doesn’t really have any weight game stuff and is mostly fluff and one very easy fetch quest, but since there’s clearly a bit of interest I wanted to share my attempts to get a grasp of this coding language and figure out how things work, as well as making sure I’m uploading properly so Udaddy and other mac users can play it. Let me know if there’s any severe issues at this stage and stay tuned for more developments! :smiley:

(If you see a next day button don’t get too excited, I don’t have anything past day one made yet)


If you give Tina the clothes and then talk to her she will ask you if you got her the clothes yet.

@MightyHalberd Thanks So much!

I like what I’ve seen so far. Leaves me wanting more.

And Quest is still giving me issues. The error reads: “Could not find ‘CefSharp.Core.dll’ or one of its dependencies. The specified module could not be found.”

Edit: Is there anything after the one fetch Quest, is that all she wrote for now?

Sadly that’s all I have for you guys right now, but work is processing steadily. If I feel ambitious enough and the coding doesn’t fight me I may add some dynamic weight gain for the main character, but we’ll see how that goes. :stuck_out_tongue:

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The demo looks very good so far.

Looks good, is all basically functional, and I didn’t run into any bugs, although one thing I am hoping for is that the fountain is going to play a bigger part in the game.

I definitely like the idea of dynamic weights, so here’s to hoping the coding isn’t too difficult.

You mentioned one of the core elements of the other members gaining weight was the MC doing Quests for them, like with Tina and the pants quest. Does that also apply to Chloe, and how would you effect the MC’s weight? Chloe and Tina both seem the most gung-ho about gaining (Tina seems to be aiming particularly high, and I love her for that), so I could certainly see them putting on a fair bit even without outside interference. Still, I’m always happy to help, lol.

As for the MC, is it just going to be something you do at the start or end of the week, similar to Long Live the Queen? Something like:

Schedule for Week 13
Exercise: 0 out of 5
Meals: 5 out of 5
Portion size: 5 out of 5
Snacks: Excessive
Food Quality: Greasy
Weight gain shakes: Yes

Estimated daily calorie count: 14,237
Accept schedule?: yes/no

Obviously, this is just an example. I don’t even know how someone would code that, or if it’s even possible in Quest.

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Oh lord, for the sake of my sanity it isn’t going to be that complicated. But I do have a system in place.

Since I’m fairly new and I’m focusing on making the descriptions nice and meaty (hehe) the game itself is only going to last a few turns or so, with every member of the club getting a quest and ending with something poignant for Chloe herself. In future updates I’ll probably add more fluff and minor characters that you can mess around with, but for the base framework I’m sticking to that model.

The NPCs gains will be consistent (at least initially), but I have something fairly simple in mind for main character weight gain. If you recall from the demo, Chloe hands out coupon books to help everyone get cheap food, and I’m tweaking it so that the book you choose will affect where you gain weight and subsequently any descriptions of your character. You won’t be able to affect the way your friends gain weight in the first completed version but that’s definitely something I may want to add later.

As for the fountain, that’ll definitely play a part in the game at some point. :wink:

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I must be tired from work, cause I damn near died when I read the first line. Seriously, it struck me as way too funny.

And no, I never saw the coupon books. My game hit a weird glitch. Finished Tina’s quest, and tried talking to everyone else, but they wouldn’t respond with anything other than “We already spoke.”

I like that coupon book idea.

Edit: Second attempt, and same thing. Finished Tina’s quest, and the plot won’t advance.

Can confirm, three different attempts, no coupons.

Yeah the Demo I have only goes up to Tina’s quest, the Coupons are gonna come right after, you’re not losing your mind. Yet. :stuck_out_tongue:

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… I noticed a “yet” in that sentence.

Sitrep, I am nearly done with Week 2, with three more to go and an epilogue. The next few steps will probably take longer since the code is going to get more complicated, but I’ll be keeping you lovelies updated as best I can, maybe with a few more completed demos along the way as well. :wink:


If you ever want a hand with spell-checking or editting I’m more than willing to help.

I already love it so far!

Much appreciated from both of you :smiley:

In the meantime I’m nearly done with day 3, trying to fix some bugs in my code. We still going!


Aaaand after bugfixing the day 3 quest we’re onto Day 4 at last, with one more to go, plus an epilogue!

I do have to backtrack on a feature I promised for the finished quest, however. Not to give things away, but my initial plan for the romance options was to have the ending be the main character with the lover, but I realized that with an epilogue like that you wouldn’t see the final results of the other characters so I’m temporarily removing that feature and am probably going to find a more natural way to bring in the lovey-dovey stuff once all the main quest guff is complete.