Comfy Companion - cakecatboy game jam submission

Grotlover2 Score

Category Total
Basics: 20000
Art: 320
Writing: 300
Concept/Design 950
Msc: 200
Total: 21770


I have to say the game works as a very well-done proof of concept. The social media aspect if feel was implemented in a very cleaver manner and leaves a lot of room for expansion. I would love to see the game expanded out with proper mechanics for having to balance treating your pet well with having to make money. That being said I think the multiple characters kind of worked as a double edge sword for the game. Both characters are very well designed and it is nice being able to pick between them, but at the same time I feel splitting the assets between the two may have been a mistake as it did not add much to the game. I feel, at least for the jam, it may have been better to have focused on one and add more assets for that one character. That all being said I see a lot of promise in the game and could see it be developed into quite an interesting management style game with some work and systems.

Kilif Score

Category Total
Basics: 20000
Art: 340
Writing: 315
Concept/Design 1115
Msc: 180
Total: 21950


This is a excellent improvement upon your first jam. Presentation is on point as always, and that start screen really got me. Having two campaigns with multiple paths was fairly ambitious and I think it worked out well, though focusing on one in such a short time frame may have resulted in more fleshed out game, as the amount of content is really all I can nitpick about. Regardless, its impressive to see the improvement you’ve made. The end product is very polished, the character felt very real by the end, and most of the choices in the game felt intuitive. Great work.

Juxtaterrestrial Score

Category Total
Basics: 20000
Art: 374
Writing: 300
Concept/Design 1209
Msc: 149
Total: 22032


Wow was this project was so well polished! The art was great of course. Great. And there was a ton of it! Equal scenes for both genders along with fantastic background? The perspective made them really pop out as actual places. The amount of work and love put in the project shows. Mechanically the project is more complex than your previous projects which is great. Having the games path able to jump between lines is good. I think i saw you mention in discussion that you made a mistake with the weighting of your choices. I ran into that on my first playthrough, ruining my relationship with the pet from the get go. I’d suggest making sure that one choice isn’t the decider of outcomes for the whole novel but from what you’ve said it seems you already understand that. You have meaningful choices, and that’s great. To take future novels to another level I’d suggest including some more minor choices along with the major ones. You could have your character make alternate comments on an inconsequential bit of content and have other characters mention it later. You want players to play your games again, and one way you do it is by teasing the player with missed content. Additionally, games are inherently limited and making games can often require you to think like an illusionist. By diluting major choices with minor ones you can obfuscate that a player is just choosing a predetermined path. Small choices let players express personality, even if ultimately the choice is meaningless in the bigger course of the game. In terms of other feedback, I think your latest and future project could do with a pass of transparency. For example in the segment with the VHS player, you have the option of 3 stories. I chose the option funny story and to my confusion it went to a more adult oriented story. That wasn’t what I was going for and the fox lady left after it getting my first bad end. I think it was just a minor negative that was on top of prior bad decisions. And that’s fine. I just wished it would have been clear before choosing. I do like that at the bad ends you’re given hints as to how to get a better ending though. Feedback is good. I’d just like more information going into the choice. More foreshadowing and context clues. I think the game was good for having an overarching messages beyond “fat is hot”. I think that some players will be put off by it but I wasn’t. For me, consent is one of the most important things in our fetish, so having more media that supports that is always a good thing. The writing and dialogue were really well done. I felt bad when I made bad choices and I felt good when my little fox lady was happy. So obviously you’ve done that right. Keep up the good work!

Total points: 65752


I’d like to offer some feedback of my own, and I apologize if I’m repeating what others have already said. While the presentation was top-notch, I felt the game to be rather lacking in its writing and structure.

To start, the character writing felt kinda sloppy. I get that you were going for a theme of consent and letting the feedee take things at their own pace, but the writing did a poor job of reinforcing this point. I picked both of the “wrong” choices first, each of which gave me a functionally identical result of making my companion feel uncomfortable. This implies that she knows what she’s in for and isn’t entirely on board with it yet. Then, I pick the “right” choice, and suddenly she acts like she was into it the whole time. Not only was it rather jarring to see her apparently flip a switch and turn into a different character, it came across as a ham-handed way of conveying the game’s message.

Second, the overall structure of the story, with its explicitly good/bad endings and correct/incorrect choices, made it uninteresting as a game. It’s not inherently bad to have those things, but when an interactive story has nothing else, any ending other than the “good” ending feels like a game over. If you ask me, one of the best parts of interactive fiction is seeing how different decisions produce different stories. It’s not about those story paths being better or worse, just different. It’s about the fun of exploring the different story paths, not optimizing the outcome.

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