CreatureUnknown's Coinpurse Kobold

Well if that’s the case then why am I seeing this:
(taken just now)

That’s when the discussion was posted. The update time shows when the page was updated, not when a new file was last uploaded.

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Right, that would probably explain it then. I just wanted to make sure so there wasn’t any accidental rule breaking.

My biggest complaints are that there really should have been a dropshadow for the characters, and the doors that face east/west are super easy to not see. Otherwise, fun concept.


I just played this game recently and I forgot to leave a comment about it, so here goes: This game is pretty good honestly, the risk vs reward aspect is there and it certainly embodies the “Greed” concept. The only things I think that could improve it would probably would extended beyond what would be possible in the time limit presented during the Game Jam, namely procedurally generated level layouts. I’m definately giving it a heart for what is already there though.

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This game is simply GREAT!

So many little details make this game stand out to me, like how you need to squeeze through doors when you’re too fat, the way your belly gets progressively bigger and especially the surprise waiting for you at the top of the castle.

The stealth mechanics are implemented wonderfully, the art/ environment and animations really sell the world you play in, and the concept of a kobold purse is both adorable and hngggg~

Only notes from me are that some of the NPC placements are questionable (Mainly the guy that’s guarding the front door of the house in the first area) and when the warning pops up that an area is heavily guarded, it doesn’t seem to usually have any more guards.

But those are merely nitpicks, I had a massive grin on my face playing this game all the way through :]


I personally feel this game has a lot of missed potential.

the absolute biggest issue for me is the controls. it feels like I have .5 seconds of input lag whenever I walk around, making it really hard to do the simplest of things (at least while in the air you have no input lag).

another big issue I had was that the indicators for where NPCs are looking did not match with how they were acting. on multiple occasions I was standing still and they were looking in a completely different direction (90° or more) and then they just started chasing me.

it is also very easy to cheese the game. if you are in the air you don’t make noise and jumping and landing doesn’t make noise either, so just timing your jumps (or not holding the movement keys when landing and jumping) you can move around full speed completely silently. also you can’t be grabbed when standing on tables (and similar things that are wide enough) making it easy to manipulate the chasers so you can jump away (and if they are max fat they can’t catch up to you no matter how much coin you have taken). the NPCs also struggle to catch up to you if there are a lot of things around since they can’t just go over things like you can

something more minor is that the view gets obstructed a lot (I have the camera zoomed out basically always to the max). the tree in the villages south west being a very clear example. it doesn’t have to be there (or be that big) but it covers a lot of the screen. another thing is that the trigger to lower the walls is really small so you basically have to hug the walls to see inside. so if you come from the north your view will be obstructed for quite a bit until you get close enough to see inside.

another minor thing is that you can get caught through a wall if you are close enough to it.

I liked the little “minigame” where you get stuck in things and would have liked it to be more heavily featured. there aren’t that many things to get stuck in and the threshold for getting stuck and not getting through at all is very small (and most of the getting stuck part seem to require very little mashing)

so yeah, when I was playing this I mostly just got frustrated. it’s a real shame as well because it’s really close to being great but as it is now I can’t enjoy it


The only criticisms I have is the fact that the 2nd floor on the inn has a particularly tough guard. In fact, stairs in general were kind of a pain to deal with, you would always get caught on them, and you could easily fall off them.

But otherwise, I really loved this game!


I agree with Bryce3037.I would like to see a kobold that has been stuffed with gold and is (not actually) bursting at the seems with gold. Maybe being rolled back to the cave or something

First Round Scores

Jux Score

Category Total
Game Runs: 50.0
Use of Theme: 50.0
Art: 8.9
Writing: 6.9
Music & Sound: 9.0
Mechanics: 8.5
Game Concept 9.5
Use of Fetish 9.0
Judge Preference: 9.5
Wild Cards Attempted: 2.0
Admin Wild Card: 3.0
Patreon Wild Card: 4.2
Community Wild Card: 0.0
Total: 170.5

Alex Score

Category Total
Game Runs: 50.0
Use of Theme: 50.0
Art: 10.0
Writing: 7.0
Music & Sound: 8.5
Mechanics: 8.0
Game Concept 8.5
Use of Fetish 7.0
Judge Preference: 8.5
Wild Cards Attempted: 3.0
Admin Wild Card: 2.0
Patreon Wild Card: 4.0
Community Wild Card: 3.0
Total: 169.5

Roops Score

Category Total
Game Runs: 50.0
Use of Theme: 50.0
Art: 8.5
Writing: 7.0
Music & Sound: 8.0
Mechanics: 8.0
Game Concept 9.0
Use of Fetish 8.0
Judge Preference: 10.0
Wild Cards Attempted: 2.0
Admin Wild Card: 2.0
Patreon Wild Card: 5.0
Community Wild Card: 0.0
Total: 167.5

Final Score: 507.5

Grotlover2 Score

Category Total
Basics: 200.0
Art: 36.0
Writing: 32.0
Sound: 26.0
Concept/Design 134.0
Msc: 18.0
Admin Card Attempted: 5.0
Admin Card Score: 8.0
Patreon Card Attempted 5.0
Patreon Card Score 17.0
Community Card Attempted 5.0
Community Card Score 3.0
Total: 489.0


I have to say, out of the top 5 I have played up to this point it is one of my favorites along with Blombo’s PalanQuest. Coinpurse Kobold feels like a mix of Sneak Feast and Feed the Crown and makes intresting use of the 2D meshes with soft body physics that CreatureUnkown has been refining working with all these years.

The game makes use of a hybrid 2d/3d style with the maps being 3d and the character being 2d puppets. This leads to a charming paper puppet like style for many of the characters. This style tends to work better for the Kobolds and the Dragon though as opposed to the villagers who, when upgraded to max size, look more like balls with legs and arms then a complete character. This is in part to a shading issue, but I feel is also due to the fact the default bodies for the guards and villagers are not built as well for it as the Dragon on Kobolds whose natural body shape can help mask that issue.

The game play is very similar to the core loop of Feed the Crown. The player controls a Kobold that needs to go around consuming coins to bring back to their dragon in his cave. Unlike Feed the Crown though who follows a mainly linear structure, Coinpurse Kobold uses a hub world like structure where the player can choose to try to steal gold from one of three areas before returning to the cave with what they took. The game also has a nice upgrade system where gold can be spent to adjust things like making the villagers and guards easier to sneak around by making them fat and lazy or make more gold spawn by causing inflation. Unlike, most upgrade systems though, these can be refunded at any time and do not really consume the gold you have, more acting as a gate keeping mechanism.

The sound and music are also quite well done, with each track feeling good for where it is being played and the general sound effects of the gold jingling in your belly sounding quite good. That being said, it does feel a bit baren at times as there is no audible feedback for the villagers or the guards.

There are some large issues with the game as well though.

First, the hybrid 2d/3d style I think actively hurts it from a stealth perspective. Since the 2d sprites can really only indicate of they are looking in one of 4 quadrants it can be very hard to tell where they are looking at a glance, and that is neglecting the fact the view cone actually moves independently of the character. This makes players very reliant on the projected view cone which can be very hard to see as it can be obstructed by obstacles and the characters especially when they are at their max size.

Also, unlike most stealth games, being spotted does not fill some sort of awareness meter. Instead, awareness increases the size of view cone and as soon as you are spotted will immediately enter chase mode which can result in an instant death if you are close to the character. This combined with the fact that you can not always see the view cone has led to many instant deaths for me as I accidently tripped the view cone not knowing they were looking in my direction.

Finally, the game also falls prey to some bad first order strategy issues mainly caused by its AI and pathing systems. The AI in general is passible with a few exceptions, and most the issues tend to look to be due to bad pathing. The AI can not follow you up stairs making multi story structures easier to evade in. Also, I have had many times where instead of chasing me, the AI will instead try to cut me off which can lead to them getting stuck. This happens most often with the bartender in the tavern and is likely due to the AI chasing your current position instead of the last position they saw you. This combined with the infinite gold pile in the throne room means the best way to “win” the game is to just smash a grab the castle over and over again by rushing the throne room and then running back out with all the gold you gathered.

Outside of these major issues, I feel the minion motif was not very well executed on. While it was an intresting take, making the player subservient to the dragon, there was nothing that really made me feel like I was subservient to them. It would have been nice if there was some sort of consequence for failing to bring back gold or something that made the player to have to decide between giving the dragon the gold or keeping it for themselves. It also would have been nice if the progress of the dragon was pointed out a bit more to the player. Its genuinely really cool when the camera zooms out and shows how small you are compared to them, but their growth happened so gradually I only really noticed it once they were at max size.

Overall, another brilliant game that I hope will be developed further upon in the future! Though I think some pathing and feedback issues will need to be solved first to make the stealth really stand out.

Kilif Score

Category Total
Basics: 200.0
Art: 34.0
Writing: 24.0
Sound: 33.0
Concept/Design 130.0
Msc: 20.0
Admin Card Attempted: 5.0
Admin Card Score: 5.0
Patreon Card Attempted 5.0
Patreon Card Score 15.0
Community Card Attempted 5.0
Community Card Score 5.0
Total: 481.0


Loved the concept, really utilized the theme as you were aways driven to try and get a little bit more. Other than some minor bugs and some oddities with the animations at times, I really have no complaints. Would love to see more.


Art: 70.0

Writing: 56.0

Sound: 59.0

Design: 264.0

Total: 970.0

Aaaaa thank you! I’m so glad you all enjoyed it!