That could be a lot of fun. Couple guys standing next to you, during a feast of what have you, and someone forces all spells and illusions to dissipate.
One or more of the people next to you wind up pinned to the wall or floor under what turned out to be several hundred pounds of kitsune blubber.
I’m just checking in, and I’m glad to have seen this mod grow (no pun intended) so much! I’ll also be more active for localisations now that I have tons of free time. However, I probably won’t do all of them, especially if I’m not super motivated.
Good luck on your continuation of its many features!
Alright I got the illusion spell in now. It’s fairly simple, the illusion will make the kitsune appear as the ideal body size of the viewer, but those closest to you can see right through the illusion. Functionally, this gives you a +10 general opinion buff and a -20 vassal opinion (practically this would mean that your vassals get a -10 opinion) for 175 days. The illusion will have a minor impact on your physique though, in what way will depend on if you have reason to want to be fat or not (feedee fetish traits or heresies. If you don’t have them you gain 5 weight, if you have them you lose -5 weight). It will also remove the negative opinion modifiers from the weight tiers. You will also have a small chance of getting the deceitful trait when using the spell. The spell has a cool down timer, after casting, the weight pulse needs to fire twice before it can be used again.
EDIT: being under the effects of the spell will also block the dynamic weight gain event from firing (the one that handles the weight tiers), but it will fire the moment the spell is over.
I know you might’ve posted it before, but what can we expect from this next update? I’ve been out of the loop for a while, but quarantine has brought me back in, with plenty of spare time.
It should be ready sometime later this week or next week. The main roadblock right now is the remaining 4 Kitsune spells I need to make. If it starts taking to long though, I’ll just remove the penalties for holding too much charge for the next demo to get it out quicker. I also have to do the feedee stuffing events, but I pretty much have a template for how to make those, and the third stuffing type is already made due to how I programmed it.
Sorry I misread that, it was the first thing I did after waking up.
-Feedee fetishist can interact with their partner to indulge their fetish, namely stuffing, fondling, and asking for your partner’s opinion before deliberately trying to gain weight via reckless eating.
-Prisoner force feeding has been reworkd to not be terrible and actually useful. You can even use potions on your prisoners.
-Control panel that allows you to customize the mod by disabling unwanted features such as: supernatural content (with two settings, only the mild fantasy elements or completely off), turn off the non consensual content like prisoner force feeding or the stuffing force feeding, turning off the unimmersive images and replace them with the generic fancy feast image (doesn’t do anything just yet, because I don’t have any pictures that fit that description in the demo), and turning off the close families diet notifications.
-Fixed a lot of misc. bugs.
-Introduction of the magic system, but only for Kitsunes at the moment.
-Improved performance dramatically by combing a total of about 40 events into just 2 events.
-I don’t remember if the horse events were present in the previous demo, but if they weren’t they will be in this one.
Alright, I’m almost done with the consensual feedee stuffing branch, then I just need to do the roleplay/forced version of the event and have the event hook into the game path and we will be ready for the demo if I can’t come up with anymore Kitsune spells soon.
The feedee initiator version of stuffing works a little differently from the fat fetish version, because this time the feedee is the one who is more or less in charge. This means that feedee must supply the food before starting instead of the stuffer. The feedee is owns the food in this scenario, unlike the other one which puts the feeder in charge. So if the feeder decides to stop feeding the feedee, the feedee will have the option to just stuff themselves instead of letting the food go to waste. There will be a penalty for doing this though, doing it without a partner will come at a small piety penalty for each food unit eaten until you stop if you aren’t following one of my heresies, if you are following one of my heresies prestige will be lost instead. If you get stuffed on your own, there is a 20% chance of the partner returning to find that the feedee ate everything themselves. The partner’s response will depend on their traits, ranging from just ignoring it, another chance for them to develop the fat fetish, getting aroused if they have the fat fetish, getting upset, or exposing the feedee as a fetishist.
EDIT: I got the the roleplaying/forced stuffing types done, so now all I need to do is set the ai chances for all of the events (fat fetish stuffing variants as well) and it will be good to go. By some miracle, there were only two easily identifiable errors with feedee stuffing paths this time, and they have been fixed. Bad news, is that the game stuffing variant only seems to work with the fat fetish version at the moment. But due to how much of a mess my code was back then, I might have to rebuild that stuffing style as well. again.
I was thinking of adding a pre reformed pagan religion for nekos possibly (It would be a bastardization of the old Egyptian pantheon that would have to be unlocked. It would be similar to how one would revive Hellenism), but I am definitely adding new religious features that can be used to reform the existing pagan religions. Most of these religious features would just be aspects of the existing heresies that you want (example being Bountism’s farming abilities, or Decadentism’s CBs), but there will probably be a religion feature or two that is wholly unique to the pagans. Religious features for pagan reformation do require the Holy Fury DLC though (which I’d recommend for the mod since it will likely be the most important dlc for extra content. It’s also, in my opinion, the best of CK2’s DLC anyway.)
I haven’t read the whole thread, I’m sorry for that
couple of thoughts:
being able to set diet by decisions and change whenever would be nicer than the same event constantly
I got to the max weight level pretty quickly when I went for it, it’d be nice if there were more. I only got that potion thing once, and I’m thinking maybe making the temporary obesity thing a thing you could get for higher regular weight or whatever
also it seems hard to get the fat fetish instead of just the feedee one
and every time I tried to tell spouse he or she revealed it
It’d also be nice to have something make it easier and less restrictive to play women
Thanks for the input for the mod , and it’s fine, I don’t expect anyone to read through every previous post.
I agree that the diets would be a lot less cumbersome if you could change it on demand, but the problem with that is due to how easy it would be to switch your diet right before the weight pulse fires to get the desired weight pulse outcome.
Yeah there will be more after reaching weight level 100 in the future, right now though it really is the last major threshold.
The potion thing, sometimes people will get unlucky and have difficulty with it firing. Are you saying that it only happened one time, with one character? Or did you play with multiple characters and only had it fire for one of them?
There will be standard immobility later down the line, at about weight level 200-300ish. It will have some overlap with temporary obesity, it even have some of the same events. Temporary obesity will remain separate to cover the rapid weight gain/sort of inflation fetish.
I admit that at present it is significantly easier to get the feedee fetish, this is due mostly to the fact that I haven’t incorporated the events where a character witnesses another character gain weight yet. Once those get added, it should even out quite a bit.
Next update will fix the spouse being a prick when revealing fetishes, I needed to put the ai chance modifiers in, which will be present in this week’s update.
As for the women, if you set the game rule to have full gender equality, or install some other mod that makes it easier to play as women that will fix the issue. If I can, I want to add some ways to reform the heresies to allow the enatic and cognatic succession laws, but you will have to earn that ability to do that.
Played around 5-6 characters I think, but a lot of them didn’t manage to live that long (all I played more than 10 years though I think). Got it for only one of them, but for him afterwards I could get it again by clicking on the portrait.
Anyway I really appreciate your work and I’m pretty eager to se more of it
Apologies for the hold up and relative radio silence lately, it’s been a rough week for me. I’m feeling better now, but stress got it’s grips on me again (as well as mixture of bitterness and feeling down). Not meant to be a pity party, just wanted to explain why I haven’t been as active lately just in case I need to release the next update next week instead.
Thanks, I guess from my point of view it’s more because I said that “it would be be out sometime this week or next week” a week and a half ago that I feel that I do owe the update coming out on time. This a little silly though, since I really only hold myself to that standard, and no one else (especially since it’s something so ultimately inconsequential that I’m doing for free). Thanks for the concern, and I’ll try to not be as hard on myself inf the future .
Fool, work harder. If that update isn’t out in 48 hours, 21 minutes, and 32.555 seconds precisely, we will personally hunt you down and sever your left ear.