Crusader Kings 2 - 3.0's weight gain

Its k Vore isn’t my bag of tea either, I was curious about that since I was playing DWR vampire at the time, (Which is hillarious to me since she is a blob and has a health of like 49-50 lol) Which makes me curious about health problems if the physique is high enough, will they have health problems? (That is something i’m kind of in to)

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I will probably give rotund and higher ranks a health penalty. Though I probably won’t be making any events related to health particularly graphic or severe, mostly it’ll have to do with fatigue and not much else. It’d be really easy to make more graphic events if people wanted though, just have a trigger that fires with the desired weight tier modifier. Once again, if any would want to make an addon for more graphic content, they can ask me anytime.


It’s worth noting there are events that can fire if you have Holy Fury (which you should get if the WG content interests you) after becoming fat that simulate health problems and the obese modifier has some nasty drawbacks. Both present a model and base for additional events.


It is also worth getting holy furry since CK2 is having a SUMMER SALE! Also I would think graphic options would be cool, you could tie it into options for those who dislike it.

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Sorry for the slow updates, I had a few things I had to do/attend recently. On the plus side, I have put in the order for my new drawing tablet, so my digital artwork should come out much faster at a higher quality from now on.

Edit: To give an idea of where I am at with drawing now, I just finished this picture about an hour ago. I’m still new to faces for the most part, and I really didn’t have access to good lighting when I took the picture. I didn’t use any references, and I think it shows a bit with the arms, it’s not a pose I’m comfortable with yet.


oh very nice! reminding me that i still have a tablet to break in haha (and art skills to form)


I almost have the clothing system’s new base mechanics finished. Only one of the events used will function the same way the weight tracking event does. It’ll pull double duty, checking if you have clothing that fits if you have either the tight fit or loose fit modifiers and removing those modifiers if so. It will also check if you don’t have any clothing that fits you properly, and if you don’t it will fire the event that let’s choose your ill fitting clothing, sack clothing, or to go nude. I’ll need to revise it a little bit once I make it possible for specific characters to wear tight clothing deliberately, but I’ll cross the bridge when I get there.

Also, nudity and sack clothing will need to be manually “removed” by a decision if you have clothes you can wear or want to switch from nudity to (sack clothing or vice versa).

EDIT: Drawing tablet arrived, I need a little practice with it still, but the speed and quality I’ve been able to doodle with it means I should be able to make something decent looking with pretty soon.


First thing I did now that I got a much better tablet was to finish and fix up this drawing for the neko maid event that I have yet to make (I was waiting until I was done with this picture). How’d I do?

For reference, this is what it looked like before I touched it up.
[Neko Got Fat WIP]

Current Version of the mod:


Well given the fact that I’m now planning on playing a Neko kingdom, I’d say you did pretty good :wink:

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How do you make a neko kingdom

step 1: be neko

step 2: get a kingdom


Makes sense, start my seducing ways to power go!

You know I forgot to ask for clothing but you mentioned cold weather, would the same be true for warm weather as well ie Africa or maybe italy(I know Jack about the climate system in ck2)

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@jcjonesacp76 I will likely not be doing anything for hot weather, since the effects of not having clothing in those regions would be significantly less pronounced than not having clothing in cold regions.

I got the bulk of the new clothing system done now, now I just need to make an event to check how much clothing you have in each size (I’ll probably combine this with the weigh self decision and events), the ability to clothe yourself after going nude or using sack clothing, being able to wear tight clothing even when you stuff that fits properly, giving hand me down clothing to dynasty members that are the same sex as you, and events to help the AI make the correct decisions related to clothing.

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Will this new update break old saves, that happened with the last one so I’m curious. I notice a save tends to break if new traits are added ie dark world and LF

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Found a bug in which when getting a friend to help you start learning to bake the event that is meant to trigger for your friend triggers for you. this can be fixed by putting the event trigger in the random_friend block.

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@jcjonesacp76 This is the first I’m hearing about my previous update breaking save files, what happened for you?

@Cwsi I just tested it as I have it in the mod, and the events seemed to run correctly. Did it not work for you when playing?

sunburn is a thing though isn’t it?

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That’s true, I was only really thinking about temperature (hypothermia mainly, since heat exhaustion would be improved via nudity most of the time and thus would trivialize the clothing system if nudity would be preferable). I could probably do something for sunburns, maybe getting it too much puts the character at risk for cancer?

EDIT: Maybe make sunburn a lesser concern in the more moderate parts of the map in summer as well? I know there are conditions tied to regions of the map, so it would be possible. So it would look something like this:

Northern Climate: Worry about the cold in Autumn-Spring time
Moderate Climate: Worry about the cold in Winter and worry about the sun in summer
Southern Climate: Worry about the sun in Spring-Autumn

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it is actually better to be covered when in direct sunlight as the body is not absorbing all the heat radiation from the sun, so you suffer more heat exhaustion when nude in the sun then fully covered, that is why the desert parts of the world all use full body coverings rather then few articles of clothes, plus wind and everything else would cause their own issues when wandering deserts while nude.