Crusader Kings 2 - 3.0's weight gain

Good point, why am I consistently only thinking of the temperature and not what causes said temperature. I guess I’m just a bit dumb on the subject and don’t know what I’m talking about. I live in a fairly cold place that doesn’t get much sunlight outside of summer, so not much experience with heat.

My portraits became question marks and some changed around (the LF and DWR ones) that tends to happen when new traits are added or traits and events are modified

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@jcjonesacp76 Okay, if it was my mod that broke previous saves last time for adding traits or removing events, then it is fairly likely that it will happen again once I add the tailoring skill traits.

I’ve got a new drawing started, this time I’m going to do the smart thing for once and draw a picture that can have more uses than just one or two events. This is the first time I’ve drawn this size, and I think it’s coming along rather nicely. Here’s a link to what I’ve got so far, I think my line art has improved by quite a bit since last time: Blob Preview by failmuseum on DeviantArt

I’m going to have three different versions of the image for human, neko, and kitsune characters using this as my base once the rest of it is finished. So I’ll be saving the Ears, Tails, facial expressions, facial features, and hair color for last.

EDIT: It’s almost ready now, I just need to finish the hair, hair colors, mouth blush and shading of the human face, and the other two versions faces/tales.


I got the human version of the picture finished. I think it came out pretty good, though I might redo the face on it. Since I can’t seem to upload the image here, I’ll post a link to my deviantart page instead (It does have the mature flag on it though, so an account is required):

EDIT: This is a link to the old, original face. Scroll down a couple posts to see the updated one.

Thoughts on it?


I’m not too sure how to describe it, but the human version looks…off. It may be the face.

I look at the featureless blob version and it looks good. The facial features on the human version make the head look a bit too big and out of proportion with the body. If you made the face a liiiittle bit smaller I think it may look better.

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Okay, I’ll go redo the face then. I’ve already moved and scaled down the eyes and nose. I also slimmed down the cheek and left side of the head a bit. The other things I need to do are to lower the top of the hair to make it a bit shorter and I’ll redraw the mouth.

Aside from the awkward looking face, how’d I do with the body, lighting, and shading on the rest of the drawing?

I changed the face for the human version, here is what it looks like now (well, the censored version of it. I am unsure about the policy of posting a nude image directly into the forums):

Here is the link to the uncensored: Temporary Obese Human Take Two by failmuseum on DeviantArt

How is this one compared to the original? I think it looks quite a bit better, but that’s just me.

EDIT: Here’s a poll over the drawing, is this drawing good enough to be put in the mod as it stands?

  • Yes, the quality is sufficient
  • No, it needs more work (please specify in a reply)

0 voters


If it were me, I’d fix a few things:

Put the bottom of the palm of your hand on your chin, and look/feel where your fingers end up. Likely as not they’re above your eyebrows. On the character they’d only just reach her nose - so either her head is too tall, or more likely her hands are too small (or some of both). Similarly, feet tend to be longer than hands, so if you change the hands you are going to have to do the feet too.

Her feet seem to be at a very uncomfortable angle, pointing inwards. Imagine the long bones of her legs connecting to a normal sized pelvis - or just sit with your legs apart as though making space for a huge gut. From this angle we’d like see the side of her right foot, while her bottom of her left might be facing the viewer. You may also find it’s more comfortable with your feet angled off-vertical, leaning outwards. Or of course, take a look at “reference” material of someone this size in this pose (what hardship!).

If you’re intending to drop this character onto a CK2 background for an event, I suspect the colours are going to be too cold. It tends to favour warmer colours, especially for internal scenes (think torchlit, candlelit). If your art program supports it, pop a CK2 background/screengrab into a layer behind the art and see how it looks against it. Indeed, if it has a colour picker, sample the hair and flesh tones off an existing character in those scenes.

I’m not trying to suggest you try to achieve the kind of art the original artists achieved, just to make less … out of place, if that makes any sense. At the end of the day though it’s your mod to do with as you wish!

NB. In the absence of any specific ruling, I think it’s safe to say the whole forum is NSFW! However, the ToS requires the content to not be pornographic, so you’ve likely done the right thing.


like someone else said the face looks a bit too big for her head, and the hands and feet seem a bit too small with how fat her arms and legs are Otherwise all the folds look great.

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This is a great mod!

I don’t know if you fixed this in 7.2, but will you be adding text to the buttons in the event windows as currently its just a line of code that sometimes is too long to read it all so you have to guess what each button does?

Also I don’t know if this is planed or a bug but some of the larger event windows don’t seem to have text in them just button (usually with the above format)

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Thanks, glad you enjoy the mod :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s not a bug (most likely), I haven’t made the text for a lot of the events quite yet, so that code that you are seeing is normal. I’ll be adding a lot more of the text fairly soon as I wrap up the features I want in the 1.0 version.

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Proportions and anatomy look off. The head and neck is too large.

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Personally, I am not enamoured by the new art, partially due to clashing with the existing art ingame but mostly because I don’t think it’s an efficient use of dev time or particularly central to the CK2 experience. Especially if I was playing a character in africa or the middle east and see a huge white blimp on the screen, lol.

Having seen random crashes despite turning other mods on and off, I think there’s still something in the current version that eventually causes a CTD, though not immediately and seemingly without any hint of things going wrong beforehand.


Sorry it’s not your thing, but if the art annoys you I will still have the option in the control panel to turn off images I add into the mod and replace them with the most appropriate vanilla image available. I won’t be drawing a whole lot moving forward, just every now and then (more often it will be a “then” due how long this one drawing is taking). I’m doing a few drawings to prevent burnout, while still moving forward in some way (as well as developing a skill for myself to use in future projects). I will still be mostly trying to source my art from others if I can though.

As for the CTDs, I did run the validator and cleaned up most of the parse failures. I haven’t released a new update since I made those fixes, so once the new update is out, we’ll see if that issue is still present after more prolonged play testing. There was only one I wasn’t entirely sure what it wanted me to do since I don’t really have any experience in programming outside of CK2 and the code looked fine at a glance to me. The three parse failures that say “Error:Token “=” at line X column Y must be a literal” are the ones that are confusing me.


to fix cheddar’s grievance with art, maybe running an ethnicity check for event images and have it pick images assigned to those ethnic groups since that is a mechanic that is in game might be a thing to do (I dont know how hard this is to implement, I am just thinking out loud)

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Yeah, I did think of that, though that means having multiethnic variants of each image which is a very big ask lol and as I clarified, I was more worried about the apparent priority (I was under the impression it was driven by feedback rather than an outlet for a break from coding). I’m happy to see that the more mundane and boring but necessary parts of the mod were addressed. :smiley:

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Okay, I took a look at all of the criticism of the drawing tried to implement those changes. I made the hands and feet larger, the face and neck thinner and shorter, and changed the background to a warmer color. I also changed the bangs of the hair a bit because I was unsatisfied while looking at them. Here’s how it looks now:

How is it?

I also got a bit more programming completed last night. I made a slight tweak to the clothing system. Now instead of the tight fit and loose fit automatically being removed if you have clothing that fits well, you have to either use a decision to put on normal clothing or turn on the automatic refit in the clothing options I will be making next. This was the easiest way to make it so characters can choose to wear tight/loose clothing or go nude/sack clothing without throwing away all of your neat fitting clothing.

All characters also get 5 sets of average sized clothes upon reaching the age of 16. This is so characters don’t all go nude or wear sack clothing as soon as the game starts. This will last characters about 5 years unless they lose clothing from events or get more from others.


Cool, will a new release happen soon im curious and hyped for it

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It’ll probably be a bit yet, between the computer needing to have been looked at, this drawing taking longer than anticipated (sorry about that) and not having enough new content available, It’s going to be a bit. I would like to have at least the new clothing overhaul and the cooking/baking XP system in the mod first.


K, Im just hyped up for this man. but take you time, it’ll be worth the wait.

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