Crusader Kings 2 - 3.0's weight gain

I made a new menu/decision for wardrobe management. The menu also handles quite a few other features as well. The features of the menu handle: Changing which clothing you want, checking how much clothing of each size you own, enable/disable the automatic clothing refitting option, weighing yourself, checking how much XP you have in all the skills (baking, cooking, magic, tailoring, hunting, fishing, and one other skill that I have to make), checking how many crafting materials you have (cloth and fur for now, might be more in the future), and allowing you to go into your personal food storage (more on that later in this post).

I will be referring to this menu as the status menu moving forward.

Now the personal food storage is an idea I have that mostly relates to the hunting skill, fishing skill, and Bountism’s farming mechanic. It will be handled by a very simple variable that represents how much food is being stored by this character. Over time, the variable will go down on it’s own to represent spoilage on a very basic level. The main use for stored food will be to either use instead of money during stuffing sessions, this mod’s feasts or anything related to paying for food (dinner date excluded), selling for a small profit (Bountists will lose a little piety for this), or donating for piety (Bountism will receive more piety than other religions). I also want characters in seclusion that are having food troubles to have the ability to use the food in storage to increase the “food remaining” variable.

I’m also looking for suggestions for one final skill/skill branch. I’ve used all of the “life style” traits colors (cooking and baking = green, hunting and fishing will = red, magic = blue, and tailoring = purple) except for white. So I’d like to have one more skill to round out the list.


Maybe the white could be something similar to the family focus bloodline? Something to do with making yourself and the members of your bloodline strong and prosperous? Lends itself neatly to making sure your familiy members are “healthy”, sabotaging diets, etc.

Could call it meliorism after the similar mechanics in the base game.


a sort of “ok I love eating but I cant let the realm die because of it” kind of skill line?


I was thinking more along the lines of a trade that isn’t necessarily related to the fetish or even weight gain directly (magic was the exception). I want it to be fairly mundane like the others (cooking, tailoring, fishing etc.) I might be able to turn that idea into a future heresy/bloodline/ambition in the future though, thanks :slightly_smiling_face:.

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Oh lol, I misunderstood. Glad I gave you ideas though!

Since you want something less explicit, what about something relating to books, writing or scholarship?

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Maybe something akin to husbandry. Raising animals of some kind that maybe give modifiers to other skills or unique options in certain events. Like raising a hunting dog on your own like in the base game event except more controlled. Or perhaps horse breeding which gives a small martial bonus or could be used in your horse event line.


Honestly, it would be nice to see content for the existing minor titles - some of them could make for fun fetish-related content, like jester (fat jokes ahoy!), dwarf (shortstack bait), master of the hunt (eating too many of their kills?), keeper of the horse (there’s already horses stuff in the mod, may as well tie it in) and court tutor (what better way to spread one’s interests and beliefs?)!


I got the majority of the clothing system working for both the player and the AI now. I made it so the AI will fairly intelligently purchase clothing in bulk every weight pulse. They need enough money to purchase clothes if they are landed, but if they aren’t they will get clothing a different way. The unlanded characters will get enough clothing to break even with the natural degredation of clothing for free, but they also have a chance to get up to two more pieces of clothing via random chance. They will only get clothing that is in their current size though. The landed characters have the option to purchase 3 sets of their current size, with a 20% chance to buy one outfit that is either a size above or a a size below. They will always buy clothing if the AI has the money and has less than 3 outfits in their current size.

Since I didn’t write it down yet, I’ll take this time to detail some ideas I had for the fishing skill. Firstly, it would provide food for the food storage. I think it should have a higher chance of success than hunting and is safer than hunting, but it doesn’t yield any fur and doesn’t provide any health benefits or weight loss. I would also have a second interaction where you take your children on a fishing trip. This would raise your relationship with them a bit, potentially gain fishing XP, smaller chance of the child getting fishing XP, but the yield of fish will be split between the both of your food storages.

Once I nail down more of the hunting details I’ll post it, which will probably be pretty soon.


Here’s my idea for the hunting skill/mechanics. Here’s a cliff notes version of the difference between fishing and hunting:

Produces fur as well as meat (For tribal/nomadic clothing or selling)
Regular hunting will provide a minor health bonus regardless of success
Doesn’t require living or being on a a coast, river, or lake
More positive random events
Provides more prestige
Efficient method of weight loss

Efficient method of weight loss
More negative random events
More dangerous than fishing (risk of getting injured by animals or hunting partner)
Less likely to succeed than Fishing
Compared to the fishing trip with child, this only provides a small opinion boost with Master of the Hunt


“Pros: Efficient method of weight loss
Cons: Efficient method of weight loss”
so true, so true…
looks good though, can’t wait :^)


Bit of an aside but the latest dev diary for ck3 talks about character models and has a nice showcasing of body types.

“In addition to genetics and age, lifestyle choices and changes also impact a character’s appearance. Body types vary greatly from alarmingly thin victims of starvation to truly impressive bulks of some high nobility gluttons. Different levels of muscularity and fitness are also represented and tied to the “prowess” value in the game.”


That was cool and it looks like their will be some sort of ruler designer or am I mistaken? It looks sweet especially the bulk

I wouldn’t be surprised. This looks fantastic, and I’m not even talking about the kinky stuff.

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jokes on yall it will be a 20 buck DLC


*see the DLC prices

“Ah, I see Paradox is working at full form.”

“Meh, I don’t even like my first born that much.”


Yeah I admit I’m way too forgiving of Paradox’s DLC policy compared to other companies >.<

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Looking a the progression from emaciated to fat, it makes me curious if it would be possible to extend the maximum range of the body sliders. The clothing seems to work like how the sims 3/4 clothing would gradually adapt along with the body weight and muscle of the character. So theoretically, it could be possible to extend the maximum ranges of the body weight and muscle in a similar manner to how those two sliders could fairly easily be increased in the sims 3/4.


Got a little bored of just working on the clothing, so now that it’s pretty much done I started working on the self weighing system. Every weight pulse, characters with the traits temperate, kitsune, neko, paranoid, diligent, envious, feedee fetish, or zealous and who do not have the traits humble, slothful, content, dull, or imbecile will have a new variable increase. The variable tracks how concerned the character is about their weight (whether they want to be fat or not). The higher the variable is, the higher the chance of the character getting an event where they get stressed from not checking their weight. If you choose to weigh yourself, the variable will be set back to 0. The act of weighing yourself will also be a risk though if you are not in the range the character wants to be in.

Characters that are not in their desired range also might get an event where their lovers/spouse/concubines may notice their disappointment/sulking, the character will have a choice to confide in their partner if they want to. They might be comforting, inspiring, make the problem worse or encourage the current behavior based on their traits. So it could lead to a loss of the depressed/stressed trait, weight loss/gain, gain the stressed/depressed trait and lower opinion of the partner, or lead to reckless eating/a flag where the character will be able to do high physical activity without getting the overwhelmed event for a time.

I’ll probably have few more random events that can happen as a result of weighing yourself or ignoring weighing yourself in the future.


I am VERY excited for the future update(s) of this mod.
It’s such a great addition that I honestly never thought about.
Thank you!


Oh, and is it possible for someone to spike one of your drinks with potions?
Sorry if this question was answered already. I’m running on like, 3 hours of sleep lol.

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