Crusader Kings 2 - 3.0's weight gain

Thanks I’m glad you enjoy the mod and are looking forward to the next update :slightly_smiling_face:.
To answer your question, currently there is no way to to do this. It is however planned for either this or the next update, depending on what I decide to prioritize after the clothing system is wrapped up.


I’m a bit concerned with the performance of the mod, it’s running a bit slow again. I don’t think it’s the clothing system since most of those events are triggered only (literally only one of them isn’t) and when I removed those files from the mod and ran it, the speed issue persisted. I even tried removing every event file for a moment and the performance difficulties persisted (did the same with decisions too). It might be the weight pulse since the months January and February are the worst with slow down every other year, but that’s still very odd that removing the event files and starting a new game did not improve performance so maybe it isn’t (Although, it might be better if it was, because after the first generation of characters is gone, the weight pulses will be more evenly spread out across the year). It’s not my computer, because deactivating the mod completely sped the game up quite a lot. Once the next update is live, I would like to hear how the performance is for everyone else, especially for those that have played 100+ years into the game.

EDIT: I turned on steam’s in game fps counter, and to make it clear, the frame rate doesn’t dip during Jan. and Feb. but the clock doesn’t move along as quickly as other months.

EDIT 2: I loaded a fairly recent save I had that didn’t use mods that went on for about 100 years, and compared the speed to a new game with the mod enabled on observer mode. They ran at about the same speed once the observer mode got to about 100 years later as well. So it might just be how much the mod has initialize for every adult character at once for the first generation of the game, and it levels out over time. So, I still need other people’s feedback on the speed once the next update is ready. Also @Manchura was probably right about my weight pulse firing for dead people due to the changes I made to how it worked (which I’ll probably have to reverse soon anyway), so I fixed it.


might be the post mortem file doing something wacky, all dead characters get offloaded into a sort of “dead man’s court” and still exist in all but live play, if pulses are filing into them it might cause issues since they are told not to interact with things but might still getting pulses fired at them

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This one’s going to be a bitch to localize, but I am almost done with self weighing overhaul. There will be more detailed localizations for each weight tier, and up to three varients of those descriptions based on your character’s desire to be/not be fat. The average/thin tiers only have two descriptions, one for positive/neutral and one for negative (those that want to be fat), the rest have three variants for positive, negative, and neutral.

Nekos, feedee fetishists, and my heretics will desire to be fat. Humble, content, dull, imbecile and slothful will get neutral versions instead of negative (but will get positive versions if they qualify). Everyone else will not want to be fat. The ones that want to be fat will get negative responses at the average and soft body tiers, a neutral option for pot belly, and positive reactions for anything higher. The ones that don’t want to be fat will get positive responses at average and soft body tiers (except for the temperate and zealots, they will be neutral at soft body), a neutral response at pot belly (again, except for the zealots and temperate, they will get negative at this tier) and they will get negative responses for anything higher than pot belly. The only real exception currently is Decadentists will get a positive reaction for potbelly, this is due to the fact that non Decadentist rulers will hover around the pot belly tier.

I have decided to make the stress of not being in the proper weight bracket tied to a stacking modifier instead of the stressed and depressed traits. It’s a modifier that has a -0.05 health debuff, pretty much won’t make a difference on it’s own, but it stacks. So the more times you check your weight and get a negative response, it will add another -0.05 health. To compensate for players that are either too far gone or like playing characters that don’t want to be fat but are anyway, I will also be making a decision for those with the modifier to just accept their weight for a while and ignore it. This will remove the modifier, but you will lose quite a bit of prestige, and your character may pick up some bad habits (gluttony, food addiction, etc.).

I have the confiding in lover/spouse/consort event already added, so the only thing I have left to do for this is to add the ai_chance(s) to the options and the let yourself go events and decision.


This update sounds really extensive - looking forward to trying out all the new stuff!


Here’s what can be expected in the update that will be coming out in the next two or three weeks:

Massive rework of the clothing system, clothing has basically turned into another resource to manage
A status menu that is used to display stats of the character that were once hidden (mostly for XP)
A new skill, tailoring used to mend and create clothing using cloth or fur (will likely just be cloth for now)
The beginning stages for a food addiction rework, it will now be curable and be caused by events
Weighing yourself is a now a gameplay mechanic rather than just allowing you to see a stat
Cooking and baking will have their other methods of XP gain finished
Kitsunes will be able to do magic on themselves (though not all spells will be finished)
The ability to spike courtier’s food with potions if a feast is held in their “honor”
Possibly a very barebones hunting/fishing system (like extremely basic, and will be improved)
More localizations from volunteers that I have yet to add to the mod
Weight tiers made more sensible

Sorry for the delays on this one, I’ll try to work a bit faster to get this out as quickly as possible, while still being functional.

I won’t be adding the blob image into the mod this update, since I want to get better at making faces before I do so. Because the image could be used fairly often, I want to improve on it first. So, I made another drawing that I obviously can’t use for the mod to get some more practice:

How is this one? I know the skin tone is a bit yellow and one of the hands is a little larger than the other, but any particular criticisms?

This was a remake of a pencil drawing I made about a month back for comparison’s sake:


Pretty cool art laddie

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also keep drawing for the best

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Hello. I really enjoyed your mod and I hope you would not abandon this mod after release ck3.

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Glad you like the mod :slightly_smiling_face:. Don’t worry about that, I’m certainly not abandoning it once CK3 comes out. If anything, I might pick up a few good ideas that game may have and put them into the mod.


Do you need some help? I am total noob at modding but feel really excited by your project.

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Help would be great! How are you with writing or drawing? Those are the main things I could use the most help with. If you know how to make events, we could always use more flavor events. Send me a message, and we can discuss it :slightly_smiling_face:.

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The weighing mechanics and clothing system framework are now completed and ready to go. The next thing I’ll be working on is either the cooking and baking leveling methods or the clothing systems flavor events (early stage of temporary obesity, clothing bursting, ruining them from dinner dates etc.).

One thing I should say about the characters that need to check their weight periodically, the event that pops up if they haven’t done so in a while will give them the same weight stress modifier as the self weighing negative results. This in practice means that if they have a weight that is acceptable, they will lose the modifier from not checking as often as they are supposed to. Also, the event will happen more often the longer you go without checking up to an average of every 6 months (average is every 24 months to start with). You will also get the modifier multiple times from this event if you go a real long time without checking. This can all be avoided/reversed the next time you check your weight, but since it’s the same stress modifier you will need a positive or a neutral response (some neutral responses won’t fix it though, it’s dependent on your traits) to remove it, so checking weight could also further worsen the stress if it isn’t satisfactory. If it all gets to be too much, you could always just let yourself go to remove the health penalties, take a prestige hit, and risk picking up some bad habits.

I also finished another drawing (pretty quickly this time), I think it turned out pretty well. One day I will defeat my nemesis, drawing eyes correctly. Just to be clear, I’m drawing these in my “spare” time (spare as in whenever I choose to do something not related to the mod), so it’s not taking up development time to make these Here it is:

How is it? Particularly, how are the eyes compared to the previous picture a few posts up?


If you are looking for help writing, I definitely have experience in that direction. I could certainly help write flavor text for events, though I have found myself too perplexed by the complexity of modding this game to create the code for any.

As a side note, as thankful as I am sure we all are to Gary for bringing up the idea, I feel like your mod deserves a dedicated thread at this point.


Yeah I could always use some help with writing, especially once this next update drops. I’ll send you a message once it releases :slightly_smiling_face:.

I’ll have to make thread for this soon, you’re right this next update might be the best time to do so since the mod is starting to become feature complete for the 1.0 release (I still plan on adding more afterwards don’t worry).


Tutoring for the cooking and baking systems are now ready to go. Just right click on the court cook (cooking xp only), a friend who can cook/bake, or a consort who can cook/bake. You can get tutoring once per 180 days (roughly 2 xp out of 20 needed for max level, per year using this method alone). If the tutor is a master chef, there is a 50% chance of getting 1 xp in the other culinary skill for no extra charge. Like all the culinary skill leveling methods, Kitsune’s who use the new culinary knowledge spell will also get 1 extra xp for the skill you are trying to increase (but it will not give extra xp for the other culinary skill, if you were tutored by a master chef). The prices are 30 gold (court cook), 20 gold (friend), or 10 gold (consort).

Next will be the tailoring skill implementation, then the education system for children (to make leveling the trade skills: cooking, baking, fishing, hunting, tailoring, and one TBD skill(s) easier), then the clothing flavor events, then honor feasts (as well as potion spiking), then finally the AI kitsune’s being capable of using magic on their own. Once these are done (the flavor events are really the only thing that will take much time) the next update will be released.


For CK3 the game looks to be highly moddable does that mean that we can get a lot of fat mods as well with expanded sliders I hope thats the case.

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it depends on how the models work, if they are trash any expanded slider mods will just look horrid and make Lovecraftian creatures look better in comparison

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All hail Queen Cthulhu!

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this is the only problem i have with ck3 so far (aside from the nixing of state stats) because it’s going to make things like the AGOT mod or TES conversion or really anything at all that requires something other than a Relatively Normal Human to be displayed more difficult and time consuming to accomplish

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