Crusader Kings 2 - 3.0's weight gain

If we are lucky and we appeal to CK3 developers they might be able to release some base models and a mod kit to help get the ball rolling. Those models and rigs for the models would definitely make it easier for the 3d savvy to kit bash them


I downloaded the mod but I don’t know if its on, how do I know if its on

Edit: I think I downloaded it wrong or I just cant get it to work. Can anyone who got it to work tell me how?

Have you chosen fatocracy mod in the mod menu? If the mod is activated, there must be fatocracy_options in intrigue menu in the game.

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Nope, I did something wrong. I’ve never downloaded a ck2 mod not on the steam workshop. Do you know how you downloaded it?

You should unzip archive in mod folder of ck2. Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings 2\mod

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Here are the full instructions,

  1. Download the mod’s archive
  2. extract the contents of the archive
  3. move the contents of the archive into the folder: “Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings 2\mod” (NOT the archive itself)
  4. open the game’s launcher
  5. open the mod panel on the right side of launcher (it’s next to the dlc tab)
  6. look for “Fatocracy” in the list of mods
  7. check the box to enable the mod
  8. the mod is now installed.

If there isn’t a mod folder, launch the game once and quit immediately, but since you’ve downloaded mods from steam, there should be one.

I’ve found sometimes with mods in general, you gotta start the launcher once after putting the mod in the folder, then close the launcher and open it again. The first time the mod will be there, but not selectable. Maybe it’s just my system being glitchy though.

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I’m not sure what i’m doing wrong, it should work, i think (I’ve installed Vic 2 mods before and they seem to work in a similar way) but it just wont work. I load up the mod and nothing happens. I made a video showing it (i had to use windows movie maker because my premier just would not work. ). Here’s the video 12345678 - YouTube

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Is there a folder called “Fatocracy” in the mod install directory? You don’t need/want the zip archive in that folder, just the folder labled “Fatocracy” and the .mod file labeled “Fatocracy”.

When you unzip the archive, there will be a folder called “Fatocracy” and a .mod file with the same name, those are things you want in “Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings 2\mod”, but not the zip archive. The reason you are seeing the mod in the launcher but it doesn’t do anything is because the folder (from what I could tell from the video) with all the events, decisions, modifiers etc. was not in the mod directory, but the .mod file is.

Mod seems to be working now, thanks for the help!


Apologies for the slower development lately (I decided to spend time with some family recently), but I got the tailoring skill into the game now. Unlike the culinary skills and the future outdoorsman skills, this one does not branch into separate branches, but you will unlock it’s secondary feature once you reach lv.2 of the skill.

As of now, it is only used to mend clothing in future events that cause light damage to clothing. If this happens, you will get a 50% chance to fix the clothing that got damaged. If you fail the roll, the clothing will be lost, but if you pass it, you will be able to keep the outfit at no cost. At lv.2 of the skill, your chance of successfully mending clothing is bumped up to 90%. There is also a decent chance of pricking yourself with the needle, especially at lv.1. This only gives a -0.01 health penalty for two weeks, but later on in development I will go back and add a very low chance of getting an infection from this for those that have the Reaper’s Due DLC (unless infection is in the game without it, and I’m just mistaken).

In the update after this one, when I make it possible to gather fur (hunting), Lv.2 tailors will be able to make their own clothing at a fraction of the cost the tailor shop is selling them. This is most useful at higher weights, where clothing becomes fairly costly.

You get the tailoring xp from either a friend or consort that knows how to sew, or by getting lessons from the tailor shop (much like how you get lessons from the court cook).

Only 20XP total is needed to max out this skill (compared to culinary’s 40, split evenly between cooking and baking)

Here are the icons for the traits.
Seamster (LV.1):

Tailor (LV.2):

In a slightly less related note, since this update has taken me so long, I think I will be releasing it in two parts as a way to say thank you for your patience. Once I get the Kitsune AI magic and a few events for the tailoring skill to be useful I will release what I have. Then I will work on the remainder of what was planned for this update and release another update once it’s ready. In other words the second part of the update will arrive fairly soon after the first part.


great to hear! and no need to apologize for spending time with your family man, that shit comes first :^)


Will a spouses level of tailoring effect your character?

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Not at present, but I may be able to do something for that in the future.

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I was just curious about that since A Fat Admirer spouse could hide you gains if you were concerned or if you are the spouse you could hide your spouses gains as well. Its an interesting tactic to make your spouse fatter without them catching on.


Here is the first part of the new update Fatocracy Demo (2.2 MB)

It mainly features the new clothing system, the self weighing/weight concern system, Kitsunes AI characters can use their magic properly now, and the tailoring skill. I still need to add many of the new localizations that have been given to me, they will be present in the second part of this update. The second part of the update will have the trade education, the specialized feasts, more clothing flavor events, the basic version of the hunting and fishing ability and the localizations from the volunteers that I really need to get into the mod.

Thanks for the patience these past couple months, I hope this update is worth the wait.


will this update require a restart or will it be a patch-in? same with the second part

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This one might need a restart to use the clothing system right away, otherwise wait until the current children of the campaign age up into adulthood, they will have no issue using any of the new systems (hopefully).

If you are really attached to the campaign and don’t want to wait, type into the console:
“event FATTENDIETS.1” then pick a diet, then you probably want to type in “event FATTENDIETS.2” and pick the diet you want again. The reason is that there is a flag that is used to signal that this character is using the clothing system I added to the first diet event (it’s also where you get your five free average sized outfits). I decided to put it here to avoid adding another event that isn’t relying on being triggered by a different event/decision. No guarantee this will work though, and if it does it will only apply to your character and any children that grow up from this point onward.


By the way, does this mod work with total conversions for the base game, such as the various GoT mods, Witcher Kings, etc?

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I’ve found that it glitches with AGoT as it has taken away the belly modifiers (For Build 0.7 anyway) in addition certain things ive noticed don’t trigger right for the mod (To my knowledge). So I will go with no, you’d need someone to do a compatibility patch to the conversion or this mod. (I asked before as well Shame would have liked to have AGoT fats, hmmm fat Cersei.)

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