Crusader Kings 2 - 3.0's weight gain

Almost certainly not. This mod will not work with most massive overhauls and will need a patch. I will try to figure out how to make a patch for most overhauls. Really, there are two main files that if touched, will cause trouble. The HFP health events and the main scripted effects file (I think it was scripted effects, I’d have to double check), if either file is touched by a different mod, it will cause issues.

Yeah it works with other mods that aren’t overhauls but add things IE i’ve used it with Tianxia: Silk Road Expansion and it’s been working great (At least as of 0.7)

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I should probably ask this before I forget, how is the performance with this update? Is it any better or worse than the previous version of the mod? If anyone plays for 100 years or more it would be especially helpful to hear how fast the game is running.

BTW just wondering if everyone heard but ruler designer will be added to CK3 in an update for those curious and eager for it (ME).


I’ve at least experienced far fewer crashes to desktop on this version. Whereas with the previous version which would CtD several times an hour, this one has done it once. So yeah, way more stable.

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Actually the old version works quite nice with Geheimnisnacht, I would advise trying it out for any Warhaming lover

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So, I’ve seen a lot of talk in the thread about heresies but I’m not sure how I should go about triggering them to spawn. My ruler is an exposed fat fetishist with nearly a dozen lovers who goes out on dinner dates several times a week and is a feedee to two different people. I feel like if ever there was an avatar of decadent hedonism, it’s this gal, lol. That said, I can’t find any trace of the heresy in my game. Am I doing something wrong?

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No nothing wrong, much of the heresy discussion so far has been theoretical features for the future. The only two heresies that are present are one for Catholicism and Orthodoxy respectively, but they are very feature incomplete. To play as them, you either need to use the ruler designer, a console command, being a christian ruler and getting a lucky role on the peasant girl random event, having either a cynical or very pious character during the holy man event, or get lucky and have them spawn into the game naturally (like every other heresy).

They really are nothing to write home about currently, they don’t offer much in terms of gameplay mechanics other than giving some extra choices for some events. Think of the Lollard or Waldensian heresies for reference.

Just did a bit more playtesting myself, I found a few bugs and some overzealous ai choices. I noticed an issue with the fat fetish version of the role playing forced stuffing event where the event just stops if you need to convince the partner. The AI is a bit too risky when it comes to taking care of the weight stress, they will often go very long periods of time without taking care of it. Finally I noticed a bizarre occurrence if you picked the neutral diet too many times in a row, you would get the temperate trait. This is from a feature I thought I finished, turns out it isn’t and broken. Expect a mild bug fix before the next part of the update, though I will probably lump in the lover, consort, and spouse response to clothes bursting/tearing along with it.

Also, now that some time has passed, how is the clothing and weighing system? I’m asking more about how is it to play rather than bugs (though if you found any, please let me know).

Here’s a link to the current build


The clothing system can be frustrating since there’s no indication what clothing size you are, at least as far as I can tell. This makes going to the tailor a guessing game so I just don’t do it and take the penalty. Also, it seems that clothes are outgrown very quickly, as I was forced into sack clothing before even getting the Soft Body modifier. Finally, it would be nice if clothing disappeared from the tailor after you bought it so that it would be easier to determine which sizes you already own.

In contrast, I enjoy the weighing system. It provides a better level of depth that compliments both feedee rulers and reluctant fatties.

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So I just learned you can make custom religions ck3.

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So a glitch or choice in this mod is making everyone’s health really low, The AI does not cheek its weight, I have a character with this stacked to 39 in a whole new play session.

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Yeah, I’ll include a description of what weight level all of the clothing sizes are for in both the tailor and the status screen’s wardrobe section. If going to the tailor manually is becoming a frustration, I could also add an automated purchase clothing option whenever the natural clothing wastage event fires (the one based on time), that way trips to the tailor would only be necessary if you lost more clothing from random events. Hopefully this system will fare a bit better once I actually have the flavor events set up, and it’s not just the tedious part of it.

@jcjonesacp76 Yeah I saw that, it’s not a “bug” exactly. They are actually checking their weight too often and almost never picking the “let self go” option if they have an excessive amount of the health debuffs. I have hopefully remedied this if they get too many of the modifiers. They are more likely to take the prestige hit (which I have reduced to -100 now) and let themselves go if they have 20+ modifiers (-1.0 health), 10 of the modifiers and less than 4.5 health, or any time they have less than 3.5 health. I did this by simply adding a variable every time the modifier is given as well as setting said variable to 0 whenever the modifier is removed.

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in other words, the mod is doing the opposite and making everyone skin and bones lmao

I don’t know I’ve got a few fatties walking around
@failmuseum and you’ve fixed this problem, I’ve got a character with 39 debuts on her. William will be a widower soon and he’ll closely follow(he’s at 21)

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Yeah, it should be fixed in the small update I’ll post either today or tomorrow. Apologies if I screwed up anyone’s playthrough. This issue only causes health issues due to stress, it’s not effecting anyone’s weight.

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I mean, being super skinny as a monarch isn’t accurate, but I think it’d be appropriate for the mod if most NPCs are able to self-regulate their weight within a relatively normal range… unless/until they gain negative traits or are influenced by player actions. People getting mega obese on their own kinda takes some of the fun out of getting them there in the first place.


As for the crashes, the ones I’ve had thus far seem to correlate with the birth of new characters, so it’s probably related to the calculations related to that. I use a LOT of mods, but none of them clash since there’s a dearth of mods if any that mess with the Holy Fury stuff related to weight.

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I don’t know if those crashes are related to my mod, I don’t have anything in the mod (at this point) that effects the birth of characters. Maybe hired new characters, but if that were the case, new games would be crashing constantly when literally every living adult character is getting a handful of events to get the mod setup.

I agree with cheddar, due to the fact that it makes sense from one standpoint, but from the coding standpoint it will be a nightmare.