Crusader Kings 2 - 3.0's weight gain

Also to note Fatten prisoner is no longer appearing for me, is this happening with anyone else?

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I look forward to trying out this update!

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Indeed, and there’s a religion aspect that makes gluttony into a virtue.


You mean for ck3…fat nation here I come


It’s only available as an option if your character meets some fairly loose requirements.

To fatten prisoners you need to be one of the following:
a kitsune, a neko, cruel, gluttonous, hedonist, temperate, a fetishist, envious, lunatic, possessed, a bountist, tribal, or have the focus of intrigue.

You also need to have non consensual content enabled in the main options menu. Does your character meet these requirements?

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I took a look at a list of the known tenents for custom faiths in ck3 and I found which one you are talking about. For those that are interested, the name of the tenent is “Hedonistic”, according to spreadsheet I looked at that listed what everything did, Hedonistic does the following:

Holding feasts generates piety, gluttony is turned into a virtue (x2, which I can only assume means that it is a major virtue), Temperance is made a sin (x2), stress loss is increased by +20%, and you cannot have the tenent “Monasticism” in your religion due to them being incompatible.

EDIT: looking at some of the other tenents, I found one that syncs well with Hedonistic (especially for parent religions that have holy sites in the desert), is the “Sun Worship” tenent. What that one does is give additional piety for holding feasts in summer, gives a 25% attrition reduction in desert counties, and also gives access to something called a sun trial for prisoners (which I am assuming is an execution method).

Once I get my hands on the game I’ll probably play around with it, steal a few ideas, and then use them for the CK2 mod. This assuming I can play it though, I am running a Windows 7 machine and might have difficulties since the min. requirements is Win.8. I meet all of the other recommended requirements though, so who knows.


i can’t wait for ck3 or the ideas it’ll give you!!! @_@

can’t believe there’s a fatty tenet. someone at paradox is our guy. u_u

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Considering that this thread started because of WG mechanics and events added in CK2 3.0 / HF, is it too surprising?


The future is here, I added a new automation option after receiving feedback from @ZoeFoxx. Now, whenever the event that handles the yearly loss of one piece of clothing you are wearing fires, there is an option to automatically purchase one outfit using a character flag (this means that there isn’t an event popup). The size of the outfit that is purchased is whatever the same size as whatever you are wearing. This option makes it so players will only really have to go to the tailor if they lose outfits from other events or if they change sizes and need new clothing to match. To enable it, go into the status menu and select the wardrobe option, and then the automated systems option. You will need to turn this on again every time you change characters though, and it may be better to leave it off if you are a level 2 tailor once the ability to make clothing becomes an option. This would be because it would be much cheaper to make the clothing yourself.

I also fixed a really dumb bug that prevented the two simple flavor events for outfits tearing from firing. I put the wrong id for those events, so they simply couldn’t have worked because they were a different namespace than what the file was looking for.


It should all be set but it’s not appearing.
Edit: Ok I’m just an idiot who pressed it thinking the option would turn it non and off, not that it was set to the option. However when Fantasy option is selected it turns once, but does not change after that when you flick it on and off.


You might be excited to know that I got a bit bored. I decided to try something a bit different that I hadn’t planned on doing quite yet. I started working on a CB. I went into minor detail about a mass fattening CB earlier, well I decided to make something similar to that for a very specific kind of character. The CB is used to fatten up a large portion of a target nation’s characters and give many of them the glutton trait. You will be able to use the CB if your character is either a lunatic or possessed, and you are either temperate, a fat fetishist (not feedee), a kitsune, or both you and the target are tribal nations. The target must be independent and the leader of the nation must not be a character that would want to be fat. The lunatic instigator can’t call in any allies for assistance in winning the war (but the defense can), and this war does not give you any gold, piety (you lose this), prestige or land. The real prize lies in the potential of mass destabilization of a nation that you can take on by yourself (no promises though). You will only be able to successfully use this CB one or maybe two times in a character’s lifespan (haven’t decided yet). Will also need non consensual content turned on to use this CB.

in the event of loss or white peace, the lunatic will just pay simple reparations and lose prestige. If the lunatic wins though, the top leader of the target nation will gain 20 weight level, the glutton trait if they don’t have it, lustful characters have a 5% of getting a feedee fetish, and some misc traits if they do (if you have glutton 10% of hedonist, if hedonist and gluttonous 10% of food addiction, if all three of the previous gain additional 5 weight). After that, all of their vassals and courtiers gain 15 weight and have a 50% of becoming gluttonous (the other trait and addiction chances are the same for all of these events). Then the next set of vassals and courtiers gain 10, and 25% of gluttony. Finally their vassals and courtiers gain 5 and have a 10% of gluttony. Everyone will also get an opinion debuff of their top liege for failing this particular war, how strong will depend on how many steps removed the character is from their top liege. If a character is locked up during in one of these character’s prisons, they will not be fattened. The lunatic will also be exposed as a fat fetishist if that is the only secondary requirement they meet regardless of the war’s outcome (not temperate, a kitsune or both targets being tribal).

This may seem overpowered and it might be, I’ll need to run extensive testing on it to make sure it isn’t too extreme as far as destabilization goes. From a weight gain perspective, It might be too much without enough penalty for the lunatic, so maybe excommunication if available or a fairly nasty general opinion debuff that lasts a while. I still need to work on this a bit though.


I think it’ll be great for those who have holy warred with the bountism religion so lol


How can I fatten up my retainers and others in the country?
I don’t know any English, so I only know how to gain weight by eating dinner with my wife and choices in my daily diet.

Hey! Lurker on the forum here, I really like your mod but find that I’m frustrated by the lack of a lot of flavor text for a lot of events, do you need someone to come on and do some writing for you? I’d be happy to spend time writing text for a bunch of events that don’t have any flavor yet. Feel free to message me any time if you want to work with me

I think there are a few folks working on it but I doubt @failmuseum won’t mind extra help (I think)


sweet!! I’ll be super happy to help

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My clothing keeps getting snagged, and by that, I mean like, four pieces of clothing every year. I’m going to have to go into the game files and remove that mechanic o_o


Oh, that shouldn’t be happening. It really shouldn’t be more than 2 outfits lost per year on average (and now with the automated purchasing function, you hopefully won’t be needing to go into the tailor nearly as often). Hopefully in the next patch that comes out I fixed that, because that hasn’t been happening to me while testing.

@keegan4201 I’ll be calling on/for anyone willing to volunteer and help with writing pretty soon (once this bugfix patch is out either tomorrow or the day after). If you want to help I won’t turn it down :slight_smile:, but I will need your permission to change or remove anything you give me in case something changes or doesn’t quite work with the scene. I try to keep everything intact as much as possible when it comes to what volunteers send me though.


Slightly off-topic, but I figure I should mention it:

CK3’s got the same file structure/event scripting, from what I can tell, and includes events for weight gain, stress-eating, and even becoming gluttonous in prison. The Hedonism doctrine for religious reform makes gluttony a virtue, too.

So, it would seem that decent chunk of the groundwork is already there, should you/ when you decide to port this over.

In the meantime, good luck with your continued work on the mod: it’s brought many hours of enjoyment thus far, and promises to continue doing in future.


It’s a bit different, I’ll definitely need to wait until some modding tutorials are out first before I make much of anything yet. I did do some digging through the game’s files to look for anything I could find, and I already found what the weight variable is called now. I also found the obesity modifier, this time it isn’t lying to you about how much health you are losing like in CK2 vanilla. After first impressions, I think when I eventually get around to making a mod for CK3 (if someone doesn’t beat me to it), it will probably have to be a bit more grounded in reality than my current mod. Mainly because of the 3d models being a very large hurdle compared to just using your imagination with the portraits. So, any the mundane fetish stuff, the diet system, the clothing system (which will get better I promise), concerns about weight etc. will be just fine, but things like temporary obesity will be very difficult without just ignoring the what the character model looks like. I suppose potions wouldn’t be out though, they were mostly stat modifiers anyway. Regardless, I won’t be making anything significant for CK3 before CK2’s mod completely done (meaning even after 1.0 is out).