Crusader Kings 3: Weight Gain and Consequences

Hello everyone, so I really liked the roleplay aspect of this mod, but It have been broken for ages, so I decided to delete or change the broken parts for my personal use, I am sharing It in case someone wants to use It also. I have tested It for a tad bit and the only things that I have noticed is that sometimes when using the carnalitas “lay with” decision, the face of your ruler may disappear from the scene (I does always come back after finishing the event), and that the ui for the weight gained or lost does not properly inform you the number anymore (your weight will change as It should, but how much is a mistery now). It should by all means work with CBO. With that said, all work goes for the original creator, and I take no credit or wish to disrespect them by sharing this modification of their mod, if I have broken any rules, please contact me and I will remove this comment. (Also my apologies for my bad writing, english is not my mother language)


Thanks for trying to keep this mod alive, but I’ve tried it and for
some reason it doesn’t work for me.
None of the characters are getting the chubby, obese, etc traits and I’m
not seeing much change in the fatness of people, like they’re not getting super huge.
Does it work with the current version of CBO cus I’m wondering if it’s a me problem>


Hi there, so I have noticed that the traits are not getting assigned with the threshold changes, but the characters are getting heavier as they should with time, if you have better barbershop, you can see the weight % go up with time, and of note, It is the game default weight change so you can see the maximum weight change in ruler creator. And yes, I use the current version of the CBO mod. I just hope someone more informed can give better tips for what the problem might be, because I am a disaster with troubleshooting. I wish you well and hope you can get It working :3

Ps: I have broken the mod a bit more to remove the height stuff because all my characters were being assigned lilliputian height and that is a heavy debuff in prowess, but in doing so I also fixed the weight gained ui? Anyway if this was bugging someone, you can download It here.


Thanks, I checked it out and it works a bit better. Thanks for keeping the mod alive since the creator went M.I.A, it’s a super niche mod for a super niche game. Hope to see more works from you!

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On what version should it be played? I tried several but every character is his own regent and they have no traits.

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I made the changes with 1.11.4 (aka “Peacock”) update in mind, what other mods do you also have? If you have other mods that is. As for the regent stuff, this mod never touched goverment stuff with the exception being court amenities, which I deleted because I have no idea how they work, so I have no idea what could be causing It.

Képernyőkép 2024-02-10 165755
I play with only this mod. I think I will reinstall and try again.

You don’t have to go back to a previous version, It works just fine with the last update ;–;

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My friends I am worried about that the fact the model revamp could be considered CP. At least last time I played with it. I uninstalled it for that reason. Has it changed In the two years since I used it?

Hey, I am currently trying to fix this mod. I made some changes and most of the features are working, but there is a probelm. The game uses weight values from -100 to 100 and 0 is base weight valve. The mod changes this, so that -80 is base and and above would be overweight. But the optical changes of the characters are stick to 0. So the mod sees 0 as heavly overwight, but in the game the chars are excat normal weight. Over 0 the body fat scales quite fast. Does anyone know how to change the morph (optical weight in game ) so that -80 would be avarage and above the body fat starts scaling?


You could go into common > defines > 01_fat_defines.txt and change DEFAULT_BASE_WEIGHT_MIN and DEFAULT_BASE_WEIGHT_MAX to -90 and -70 respectively (or any two values that have -80 as the median). Can’t find anything that specifically sets 0 as the average weight so I assume that’s just calculated from the median of the two extremes. Although looking at the last WGaC release that’s already been done so it might be a separate issue.

Thanks for working on the mod. I’m happy to see people keeping this niche mod alive. Will this version you’re making be compatible with the new update and/or dlc’s?

Nope that value are only for the starts weights of every character when you start a new game. The right valve is in commom > script_values > wgac_base_value.txt . In know i can changes this, but i wanted to be -80 to be normal weight, because it was originally intended form the mod. Also the weight system is kinda fucked when i put on 0. Right know i have a compromise at -25 where the weight system is working (but still a bit bugged).

And to the game, I am testing on the newest version but i have no idea with dlc, because I dont have all of them lul.
And to everone I am new to modding and this mod is a bit complex. I just dont want you to have too much hope for this. I can uplaod my current version which is kinda working ( atleast for me) [deleted]


Still, working on it, even if it’s not much, is still a lot for this mod. I’ll check it out soon to see how well it works. Thanks again.

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Hello there, I’ve been working on this mod now a bit longer and i understand more of it. I can give you guys a new updated version of my rework. I put a file in the mod folder called patchnotes which shows what i changed / added like new trait and decision and bug fixes. Also showing known issues to me. I havent tested all of it by now but I think most is working now. Let me know about bugs when you find some. (403.6 KB)


It appears to be working so far, however at the start when creating your own ruler the slider wont actually show the weight until you start the game. Not crucial, but it makes its a little difficult to guestimate the weight you want to start out as. Thanks for taking the time to fix the mod!

I checked it out, so far it’s just as I remember it! Thanks for putting in the effort!
One thing that bugs me is that after a certain weight, particularly for women, their body looks super glitchy, like their collarbones sticking out like sharp points. Is it just me or do I need another mod with it, cus I only used better barbershop.

It’s meant to be played with Character Body Overhaul, linked in the first post under Installation and Compatibility. Haven’t tried this new update yet but I’d imagine it’s the same requirements, place CBO above WGaC.

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Thanks! I forgot to use cbo lol, my bad.
I installed it and now the mod works flawlessly. Thanks for reminding me!

Idk if the updated version added it, but I’ve noticed in Royal Court, there is the option to get a sixth tier for the food, called ‘hedonistic meals’ and a court job that’s in charge of the pantry with little events.
I’m so happy this mod is getting new stuff!

UPDATE - (403.9 KB)

I noticed that some events are bugged and i fixed it. Now all events can be triggered and working. Also some other minor changes. You can find all changes in patchnotes.