Crusader Kings 3: Weight Gain and Consequences

No WG content I’m aware of but the code for how events related to it work may be useful as a base for additional content & events tied to those traits, like say a secret community of gainers within your court - or the court of your liege.

Ooor you could take this suggestion the other way and allow characters with the witch trait as well to get up to Shenanigans…

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Yes to all of those.

Wish you could hold the grand right more often in the game, there is no real insentive for witchcraft to be honest

Nah, I could do better. I had some ideas for gatherings, but they will be left for later updates.

You’re most likely not extracting to the right folder. I bet you installed the other mods via Steam and not manually via Documents.


I am. No need to insult my intelligence.

Crusader Kings 3 is currently 20% off on Steam for anyone who’s interested.

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Fun game as well if I might add. There’s a learning curve but once you get the basics there’s no wrong way to play.

Sorry to ask, but how do you get internet explorer files to open?

So I have all the files downloaded and such, but I cant seem to get the heavier bodies to appear just the vanilla file ones, may I request some assistance in the trying time of getting this to work for me? QwQ

The heavier bodies are their own separate mod, if you downloaded them all, you need to paste both male and female body mods in the main folder

Oh so not in the body mod folder? gotcha ill try that then.

Swore they had to be in the GFX folder

Edit: Still cant seem to figure it out, it seems like it wants to update the body style but doesn’t actually do it, gonna try a reload of the mods (Im not to mod savvy to be honest so sorry if im being a bother)

They would automatically merge if you pasted both of the extracted files in the body mod folder itself

I extracted them both into the GFX file like it said but it doesn’t seem to take, any thoughts?

Are both of the files from the original male and female zips are in the unzipped body mod folder. If they are then I don’t really know what’s going on

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Yup I just moved the unzipped folders into one another like they are suppose to stack, didnt get any conflicts but in the end it just doesn’t take…unless im missing another mod I need?

Edit: Alrighty I dunno what else to do with this sadly, iv spent two hours trying to figure this out in multiple manners but cant seem to solve the puzzle. I have a bit to much of an inability for modding haha. I did try to do this in a few different ways but none of them seem to work. Lemmie know if anyone can offer a good amount of guidance id much appreciate it!

This isn’t a question about this mod in particular, but more the More Character Shapes one. Curious if anyone here knows more about it.

The way the visual gain in the mod works is you have a slow steady gain up until weight value is in the high teens, but then no visual gain until the mid 20s, at which there is a huge disjointed change in the body.

I’ve tried fiddling with the gene file (char_body_overhaul/common/genes/genes_modified.txt) that I believe control the visuals to some extent but to no avail.
I’m specifically editing the block starting line 341 which looks like:

female = { # Fat body from 0.5 to 1.0 gene value

		setting = { attribute = "bs_fat_1"	value = { min = -0.2 max = 1.0 }  age = age_preset_child_fat	} # Head fat

		setting = { attribute = "bs_fat_1_body"	value = { min = -0.3 max = 1.0 }  age = age_preset_child_fat	} 

		setting = { attribute = "bs_body_fat_1"	value = { min = -1.0 max = 1.0 }  age = age_preset_child_fat	} 

		setting = { attribute = "body_fat_correction"	value = { min = -0.5 max = 1.0 }  age = age_preset_child_fat	} 

My values are different than default bc of my fiddling. Even after testing I don’t really understand what each attribute does.

Just wish it was a smooth gain all the way through and not thin->curvy->no gain->then suddenly +50 pounds.

I mean see if the mod was set up properly, Try making a blank playlist and just adding the body shape mod to the playlist to see if their are conflict errors with other mods or if the mod itself was set up right,

Did some more investigating, and it does seem to be this mod that causes the nonlinear/disjointed change in the visual. I took this mod out and only kept in more body shapes and it was completely linear.
I’m still trying to figure this out, but if someone has any info, let me know.

Mod looks great, and I can’t wait to try it on my next playthough. (I think if I add any more big mods to my current game, my save files will have a stern talk with me.) A couple of quick questions on it/in general. Forewarning, I am really not well versed in how modding works. I subscribe, put it in the mods list and hope for the best, and have huge respect for people that can do it. (I can think up, design, and write all day, but I can’t code.)

  1. Is there a (relatively easy) way to stop just short of immobile? I like to stop things at just on the verge before absolutely immobility.

  2. A lot of the stuff seems like it’s heavily based (from what I can see) on consequences and kind of an embarassment thing? Are there/are there plans for/possibility for more hedonistic/decadent/pleasure element? (Totally your mod and should be how you want it, and you said you were more into the serious side of it. I’m not into the cartoony style either, but I’m thinking more of you know. . . a decadent court if the Emperor and Empress are into weight gain. . . that sort of thing.)

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