Crushing Force - A fat fur fighting game

Speaking of which, he’s here:


Crushing Force appreciation post:
Idk if this is the right place to post this (apologies if it isnt) xd

I just wanted to say how much I love this game, both visually, but also gameplay-wise.

Im someone who plays Fighting Games casually and I could always find some fun in playing against bots/learning the characters.

Really love the work you’ve done!


I’m surprised you don’t update here more, Kazecat. You’ve made a few since your last update, including your fursona:


I thought I did. I must have forgot to post the update here as well.

I need help: I don’t understand what the sideways-folded-up-arrow that appears as Tom’s super moves

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I’m not sure what you mean by “sideways-folded-up-arrow”
if you are talking about these arrows
then they mean how you are supposed to move the control stick and what button to press to do a specific move. so for dark void you start by holding down and then you roll it to the right and then press punch


The mediafire links seem to be broken…

I think the link at the very top is for an old build. I think this is the latest build (the links work at least)


Yeah, sorry the most recent links are where to get the game. I try to just update files to keep links working but I had to switch engines for some benefits so I must of broken that chain.


Was doing some dabbling in this again… its still difficult to tell what is or isn’t a true combo since practice mode’s button jam setting seems to not function mid-combo (thus no way to get the dummy to airtech on its own), but I did find a fair number of loops (and a silly OTG interaction) on Crytus. That 5D hitstun is kind of obscene on a character with such freeform airdash cancels.


I mean, he has a steiker that, if he uses it and misses, the opponent can infinite kill him with his own striker.

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I knew about the aid dash loops and I thought they were fun. But the reps you performed are excessive so I feel something I added may not be working. There is supposed to be hitstun decay and it may not be working. I’ll correct that for future updates.

The hitstun was not decaying since a lot of the combo was grounded. In the future, these loops will still be possible but the hitstun decay will make it so you can’t do this infinitely. Since I thought his air dash loops were fun.

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