Behold! A newcomer comes with a … a… text adventure??
Okay, so I’m not super awesome at programming, and I can’t draw. I can write okay though, and this was a good chance to put a game together.
My submission for this year’s Fat Fortnight Game Jam is also my first game. It’s not super complex, but there is a plot, fetish-driven as it is, with sex and fats.
And cum inflation. Because it’s fun.
So, I present to you Cumm Labs Inc!
"With the power of science, Cumm Labs Inc has decided to explore one of the world’s more niche kinks: Sex and Weight Gain. What if you could pair the two together, quite literally? Here at Cumm Labs, we’ve decided to find ways to make that happen!
What could possibly go wrong?"
This game contains the following:
- Sex & Masturbation
- Sexual foreplay
- Female-only Weight Gain
- Cum inflation
- Some penis growth
- Testicle/balls growth
- Shredded Clothing
- A slowly revealed plot
- Crazy amount of Fatness
And a bunch of ornery text, because I love you
There’s also an option to relive (or rather, read the full text again) for the scenes in the game. Unfortunately, one becomes unavailable after a little while, but I’ll figure something out.
This is only a demo, with the first 2 of 6 scenes planned, and more plot to be introduced as the story continues.
Play and/or download the game! - Restricted
I am open to feedback and criticism! Have fun!