Currently Unnamed Expansive Furry RPG - Expansion for Hire?

So, it’s been a couple weeks since I posted in here, and I’m gonna give you guys a little update.

I’m not gonna lie, the last couple weeks of 2019 were busy for me, with my girlfriend visiting and holidays and such, as well as longer work shifts.

HOWEVER, thanks to a drive, I’ve managed to get myself enough funds to purchase some tile sets for the game, I do plan on making original tilesets eventually, but I’m using these as place holder and to see how I wanna go about this.

I’m now working on some other sprite for the overworld, and will work on faces for the characters when they talk.

As for music… Eh, I’m just using what I’m doing at the moment and hope to have an alpha out possibly in March?

It’s a learning process on my end since I’ve only done stuff like… Visual novels, and that was almost a decade ago at this point.