Currently Unnamed Expansive Furry RPG - Expansion for Hire?

While the process of animation would be fun, I’m not going for that style. I’m going for more of a final fantasy vibe with the characters’ battle art.

I’m mad, but I’m not insane.

Sorry, I seem to have memory of animation being mentioned somewhere guess i got cornfused eh?
anyway this is way too early in dev to ask but any easter egg’s you going to hide in game?

So, giving a bit of an update, with the holiday season happening, I’ve been a bit busy with work and such, I do plan on having an update next weekend hopefully, but for now, I’m sorry for a lack of an update.



Giving an update, Bourbon’s battle sprites are almost done.


i take it that is the ko sprite? also late happy holodays

Yup, pretty much, it is the knocked out sprite for Bourbon.

is bourbon still going to be a temp charactor?


I’m just about done with Bourbon’s sprites for battle, I do have to make a few other overworld sprites, but after that, I’m aiming to get started on tiles and such.

Oh joy… Tiles.

From the tutorials I’ve seen, that looks to be a bit of a hurdle. But it’ll be fun.


Heya, Mad.
Speaking of tiles, Would it be asking too much for a minor spoiler on what your up to with them? We’re not geting the team rocket auto moving style shenanigans are we? Or is it just a minecart ride?
Also (corny accent), how art ye holiday season goeth, Mad? Tis a season of merryment and wonder here. Hopefully your spirits aren’t sullen. Alack, mostly here folks patronage to stores bring out the worst of man truely. I hope thine familia gather in celebration under good humor ere long tis banished til next year. I hope thy celebration be magikal and memorable and thy health fair.

So I know it may be a bit early to ask this, but will the partners that weren’t voted be playable in later chapters?

To answer your question, I’d like to have them at least be in the game at some point. Not sure at this point.

Happy new years guys and gals - I’ll be doing more frequent updates this year.


So, it’s been a couple weeks since I posted in here, and I’m gonna give you guys a little update.

I’m not gonna lie, the last couple weeks of 2019 were busy for me, with my girlfriend visiting and holidays and such, as well as longer work shifts.

HOWEVER, thanks to a drive, I’ve managed to get myself enough funds to purchase some tile sets for the game, I do plan on making original tilesets eventually, but I’m using these as place holder and to see how I wanna go about this.

I’m now working on some other sprite for the overworld, and will work on faces for the characters when they talk.

As for music… Eh, I’m just using what I’m doing at the moment and hope to have an alpha out possibly in March?

It’s a learning process on my end since I’ve only done stuff like… Visual novels, and that was almost a decade ago at this point.



Working on the other overworld sprites for the first chapter, sorry for not having much of an update, just been busy and such.


So, I finally managed to get Bourbon’s sprites into the game YAY! Still gotta put her expanded sprites in.

So, I figured I’d put a few things out there:

  1. The battle system won’t be anything special, it’ll be a simple variation of the Classic RPG standard/Final Fantasy.
  2. If anyone’s good at making battle backgrounds, I’d love to see if anyone would be able to donate their time. If not, then that’s all good.

Game is looking good so far!

When you say ‘Classic RPG standard/Final Fantasy’, do you mean turn-based or ATB? Personally, I very much dislike ATB.

Turn based. I don’t even know how to do ATB.

Fair enough. Just wanted to ask, 'cause I find ATB to add unwanted stress under the guise of being ‘turn-based’.

looking good so far man