Debu Complex : a tamagotchi-like game - 26/04/23 | HIATUS (version 0.8.1)

Nope, just talk to her for two or three days, then you’ll unlock more dialogs and the ability to give her gifts to further increase your relationship level with her.

I’ll make sure to clarify that in the next version because it is a recurring confusion, but the game follows your system clock ; one in-game day = one real day.


I don’t know wether this has been asked before, is it possible to make this game fullscreen? I can’t find the option in the settings.

It is not. Mostly because I am a moron and didn’t bother looking into it at the beginning of the project, and when I wanted to start making the game resizable… Well, it basically became too big of a task to realistically do it. It should have been one of the first things I did when I started developing the game. So I guess that’s a lesson learned for any next project I work on.

I should probably add a FAQ section to the top post for this kind of recurrent questions, at least it can’t hurt.

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what is the top relation you can have with emma to unlock her as a feeder in the other files? I’m 102,5 with her

When you reach 50, you should unlock an option to invite her over. Once done, you can talk to her (but the one line of dialog is uninteresting), feed her for a few extra dialogs, or stuff yourself in front of her. Doing so will progress the “quest” to turn her into a feeder. Just eat food, the fuller your character gets the better, and talk to her a few times. Eventually, the dialogs will change. Then it’s just a matter of repeating this process a few times until she admits she’s into big bellies and becomes your feeder.

Progress is shared across all save files, except for a few mandatory “checkpoints” dialogs. This whole process will take a few days if you don’t use the cheat option to summon Emma through the debug menu.

Once you managed to turn her into a full fledged feeder with one character, you won’t have to go through the mandatory checkpoints I mentioned before with your other characters. Just invite her over, stuff your character full, and talk to her. You’ll be prompted with a choice to make her your feeder or not. If you chose no, just repeat the process again to trigger the choice once more.

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she is already my feeder a lot ago, she can tease my character, feed her, rub her belly and check the calories and food consumed, but i can’t invite her home in my other files

You still need to reach a relation of 50 on the save file of the other character in order to invite her. Is that the case?

If so, mind sending me your save file? It’s in your appdata folder. I’ll check what’s going on.

Got another little one: if your purchase amount exactly equals the amount of money you have, you can’t buy what you’re trying to. The money amount will remain green but the button will be greyed out.

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Uh, I though I already fixed this one… Well, I’ll check it out.

And another, newly created characters in 0.6.1 start out with very few recipes and even using the ones you know from having another character results in “Bowl o’ Booger” as the cooking result


Ah! I see where this one comes from. Actually, all recipes are locked at game start and I run a script to make a few temporary changes when the character loads. Unlocking all recipes, for example. But the script only runs on character load, not when a new character is created. If you save, quit and reload, you should have all your recipes. But you said the character starts with “very few recipes”, it should be “none” for now… I’ll look into this. Anyway, good catch!

The recipe failing if you haven’t unlocked it beforehand is normal behavior. So at least this is tested and validated.


ok, that was the problem, thanks!!

thankyou for the 17776 reference (?!)

I think I might have stumbled onto something else weird. Characters aren’t supposed to be able to lose weight according to your description, and I have a 0.6.1 character who is actually losing weight despite going over her BMR.

Start the day at 99.1 lbs, BMR 2214
Eat 3700 calories
Wake up next day at 98.56 lbs

EDIT: and this has now happened several times in a row, since that character’s weight started off at 100 lbs

Yup, looks like a typo in the formula. This one’s been there for a loooong time… Thanks, I’ll fix it by tomorrow.

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No problem! If you’d like a beta tester…well, as you can see I’m pretty good at breaking things, lol

Never have I been more upset to be staying in a place with no private computer than now. I can’t WAIT to go home and check out this new update!

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ran into a problem where if i invite Emma over and talk to her twice she switches to her stuffed sprite and gives the stuffed dialog

is something supposed to be to the right of sushi inventory?

One thing I’d really like is some glasses. I love glasses girls

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