<DISCONTINUED> Big Fatties - Blueberry mod addon (Joliair's Popping Mod now no longer required)

Update: The Blueberry Mod now no longer requires Joliairs Popping mod. Replaced the need for the “bloating cure” with vanilla “venom sample”. Have fun.

Kind of slipped my mind, but tried the mod without the popping mod (and other popping mod reliant mods) and it runs independently. Dumb of me to post the Update without even testing it’s functionality isn’t hindered without the main mod present.

UPDATE: I am not dead… I am however been waiting for my work station (my PC) to come back from the repair shop. I have also yet to finish my work with Myantha. (BTW check em out, they’re a wiz at what they do.) But when I do, I will fix a few things for Multiplayer use. As I am told it doesn’t work on servers. And I will be trying to create Fruit/Berry Planetoids for Juice collecting. I was told I’d get my PC back in a week and its been 10 days so far, so I’m hoping to see it in a few days time. Stay juicy and hope to get the squeaky wheel greased.


What will these fruit and berry planetoids be like? How will these be useful for juicing? Are these supposed to be people or some other kind of organism?

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I haven’t thought that far yet, but I will think of something for them. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I see that you need to use the venom sample to stop swelling, but I cant figure out exactly how to use it. Im not able to consume and the wiki says its only used in crafting, how is it meant to be used? Or am I just dumb and read this wrong? Im very new to Starbound btw


You don’t use the venom sample itself to stop it, you use venom samples to craft distilled versions of the juice that don’t cause swelling.


God I must be some sort of undead mummy, rising from my sarcophagus.

I’m alive, just been waiting 2-3 stinking months for a repair on my Pc that was just today fixed by other people… I’m a little livid, but you all shout be glad to hear I’m nearing the point of getting back to the grindstone.


Got my PC back. 2-3 months and all that was the problem was my Motherboard’s Drivers weren’t install properly by the first guys… Well, I’ll start work back when I finish my job with Myantha.

Still have sprites long over due for them to edit.

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…this really aint the place for it so im likely to get yelled at but… man that sucks what happened borked update? hopefully this a one off problem and not a recurring one thats a symptom of a bigger pain in the ass

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? Are you referring to my PC’s trouble shooting or the mod? Just curious to what you mean.

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the pc woes is what i meant…

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Oh, then yeah. It took so long for something stupidly obvious. At least it wasn’t my fault, since I wasn’t the one installing the motherboard. So it’s out of my hands on that regard. :slight_smile:

I like the mod but how do we not stay a blue color forever? I crafted the vending machine and it has Perfectly Generic Item in it so no cure? The blue stops win I warp to the ship or go to another world but back at any home base my character turns back to a blue color. I don’t know if this is a bug or not playing with FU I drop that mod. right now my character is not bloating but just the random blue color. :thought_balloon: :speech_balloon: :eyes:

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I’m taking a little break from the mod right now. But I will see to fixing it for the following things.

Crafting and generic items.

Compatibility with FU

And Multiplayer.

As for the Blue colouring and staying like it. I haven’t gotten that part nailed down yet, as I am new and unfamiliar with the coding language. But I want to see if I can make it a constant effect if I can. But for now, it’s only a visual and bloating effect. Sorry


Hylotl Ruined Castle is my home base just thought I’d let you know it might be Hylotl dungeons code? That’s win I used the blueberry. no worries but thank you for the mod. just be careful if you use berries in a dungeon :thinking: :laughing: :+1:

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I’ll need to look into that as well.

Thanks for the warning


Been a while, but thanks to Jase-Vendor on Discord, I got back to work and fixed an ever present bug with the Vending machine. Now you can all use this mod on Dedicated servers without any problems.

I won’t be working on this as much still, since I’m in my last year of University. So I hope you all can have fun with this fix while I’m gone again.

Thanks for all your patience and have an amazing year yourselves :grin:


Hey all, just to let you know I’ve finished University and am finally free to do what ever with the mod… However, during my time away, I’ve semi lost interest in making this mod mostly for a few reasons.

  1. I don’t have the coding know-how to make an interesting system that makes the berry inflation aspect fun or unique.

  2. The Big Fatties mod update that’s being worked on when it finally releases may mess with things since I was working off of the current WiP build of the Mod.

  3. Just general disinterest as I’ve been away focussing on other ventures, whether that be University, IRL, Discord or Art.

I’m not 100% saying this mod will be binned or removed from the forum. I think since the biggest bug has been fixed, the mod is still “usable” to an extent and a lot of people still may like using it. That is why I’ll be labelling this mod along with my other mods as “Discontinued”.

I’m genuinely sorry about this, if University never took me away from coding this mod, then I believe I would still be keenly interested in trying to keep adding and creating new aspects to the mod. But who knows, maybe one day I’ll come back to it with renewed interest. Thanks again, and sorry for this fruitless endeavour.


I could maintain the mod, probably: I’m learning LUA and know how to sprite.

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