Dojo Crawler

Yes! Super aware of this error! I’m not allowed to upload new builds right now but there’s a manual fix you can apply by duplicating guy_thin.png and reanming it to guy_fattest.png

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Thanks a buch! have good rest of the night or so, I did get weight class somewhere 6 or 8 so far trying get any higher weight class

Despite the bugs and glitches, i had a great time with this game, it’s a good game that once it get polish or if it does, it’s gonna be a name

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For some reason i have the bug

I think that’s the wrong game…

Oh sorry my bad :((((

8 is the highest! I think I’m going to keep it that way (numerically at least, but my plan is drawing some new sprites so the higher classes LOOK heavier)

Thanks! I’m a little narvous about the work I just amde for myself commiting to fixing this up because I had another big project on before this but I’ll try and baalnce the two

Oh don’t sweat it, I too have clicked the Yokai Slam thread instead of this one just because of the themetic similarities :v

Hello srr about last time , i just play your game and its awsome wish it had more fat level sprite though 0w0 anyway i encounter a bug is there any way to fix it

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Hi all, just a quick update to say I have a new discord and it has a room about dicussing this game (and also where I’ll be putting out more up-to-date builds while judging’s still going on)

If anyone’s interested in a more direct back and forth about this thing’s development it would be cool to see you there :+1:

Apparently that was a faulty invite link and everytone who joined using it was being kicked off D:
Here’s a new one -UrgBurg

Grotlover2 Score

| Category | Total |

| —: | :–|

| Basics: | 20000 |

| Art: | 360 |

| Writing: | 200 |

| Concept/Design | 1100 |

| Msc: | 125 |

| Total: | 21960 |


A very cool use of the RPG maker engine to make a very reto dungeon crawler with some fun characters and that dark humor that Urg likes to throw in to the games sometimes. The sumo fight system is simple but fun. Movement can be a bit disorienting at time though with the fixed 90 degree turn.

Jux Score

| Category | Total |

| —: | :–|

| Basics: | 20000 |

| Art: | 352 |

| Writing: | 314 |

| Concept/Design | 1390 |

| Msc: | 140 |

| Total: | 22510 |


Once again witchcraft. You always stretch the bounds of what I thought was possible in RPGmaker. I encountered an annoying bug on the second half of floor two which meant that any time an enemy attacked me I instantly lost. I assume that was a bug and you weren’t meant to lose all the time. Still this was a great project with a ton of soul and elbow grease put into it.

Kilif Score

| Category | Total |

| —: | :–|

| Basics: | 20000 |

| Art: | 315 |

| Writing: | 355 |

| Concept/Design | 1435 |

| Msc: | 195 |

| Total: | 22635 |


I loved this as clearly a lot of attention and craftsmanship went into it. The fact that you have several fully realized characters with different playstyles is insane given the time frame, not to mention the art assets, that amazing intro sequence, and the overall polish. Its a real shame that the game bugs out after a certain point, however the overall presentation of this game is truly mind blowing. I loved managing the food and relations with other people, and the concept of stealing someone’s food so they have no chance of getting bigger, well, I quite enjoyed that.

I don’t know if your team had any plans on expanding this game or using the concept for future games, but I know I would love to see more.

S&S Score

| Category | Total |

| —: | :–|

| Basics: | 20000 |

| Art: | 315 |

| Writing: | 335 |

| Concept/Design | 1270 |

| Msc: | 135 |

| Total: | 22400 |


Squirrel Score

| Category | Total |

| —: | :–|

| Basics: | 20000 |

| Art: | 320 |

| Writing: | 370 |

| Concept/Design | 1310 |

| Msc: | 180 |

| Total: | 22400 |


Really interesting premise with a good use of the theme, choc full of interesting, likeable characters and a unique use of the RPGMaker engine. I loved getting to know each of the characters and developing different relationships and rivalries with them, I thought this was an excellent mechanic which added an extra layer of depth to interactions… Such a super charming game full of character which was a blast to play.


Art: 1662

Writing: 1574

Sound: 1389

Design: 6505

Total: 111905

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