Dungeon Snacker, a dungeon crawling RPG (Exas4000, Sato and Rusfish's submission)

Welcome to Dungeon snacker!

It is a short dungeon crawler, where you will fight your way through a forgotten food reserve, now plague by surprisingly delicious looking slimes! Do your best to plunder every bit of food from these slimy rascals to obtain the best rank… Fearless Snacker!
Beware, as you have to treck back to the entrance once you reached the opposite side of the dungeon!

The food you obtain in combat can be eaten at rest areas (indicated by a little fire icon on the map). Simply press the slot with the food you want to ingest and gain some progress toward the next level! upon leveling up, you will gain stats and health! So be sure to chose wisely the order of your rest area’s meal!

Download Dungeon Snacker here!

Download the revised version here!

  • added combat preview to understand how much damage you do and receive. (broken attack calculation! wait for next version!)
  • added difficulty setting, set to the revised difficulty as a baseline.
    * Lower general scaling for revised difficulty
    * Set Slime’s defense lower to help with combat variety.

definitive version v3

  • fixed and adjusted the attacks! plays the same, but now you can pack a punch!
  • removed a game breaking bug that caused the game to crash when hovering the defend button at the end of combat

Lead programmer and team leader: Exas4000
Original artist for the initial designs: Sato/LordOfGee Genpis-Chong - Hobbyist, Digital Artist | DeviantArt
Main Artist: Rusfish https://twitter.com/roussrusfish

I cannot thank enough everyone for how the game looks now.
I wish all my luck to LordOfGee who had to deal with Covid related stuff during the jam.
I also have my gratitude to Rusfish for his last minute help of massive degree. Without him, the game would look like patchwork.


I think there’s something wrong with the strike option in combat. Sometimes it just doesn’t do anything at all. Not sure why or what’s making it happen.

There’s also almost no indications of what’s actually happening in combat. You just click a button and numbers suddenly change without any messages explaining what happened. The only thing that seems to work is to just use reckless until the enemy’s dead, and you inevitably run out of HP after a dozen or so fights.

Whoa that green looking marshmallow is far too cute to be what appears to be generic encounter!

:pray: s for Sato. :frowning:


sadly, i could not get in a combat preview. So you don’t have feedback when an attack does no damage.
I am sorry about this!

if only i had another week.

I feel like i’m missing something here, because it feels like no matter how much power I gain, I simply can’t use Strike past a certain point in the game. It does no damage. I have to use Reckless, and then I take a ton of damage, and do a comparatively small amount of damage to the enemy in return. Defending feels like it does nothing, and i’m essentially forced to flee for a majority of the end of the game. I like the idea behind this, but it feels like it’s so difficult to actually do anything to opponents in the later rooms.

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another feature that was removed was the inclusion of relics. Sadly due to bugs early in development, we could not make stuff that would help overpowering enemy armor or shred it.

The game also lacked play testing… so i can guess that the whole thing might be hard to learn.
I still hope that you appreciated the game past its short comings!

The artwork, the UI, and the concept are really good! The only issue seems to be balancing and enemy scaling. As others have pointed out, strike quickly becomes useless even if you put as many points as possible into attack skills. This also seems to make increasing your defense useless as you are almost always recklessly attacking.

I think with just a bit of tuning, this would be great.


I think this is okay, it’s a bit rough of course. I can definitely see more from this idea, if it was more fleshed out, such as the use of magic, potions, weapons and armor lying around, etc.
It’s not balanced, the monsters are stronger as you progress. Food doesn’t necessarily offer enough HP, making this game really difficult. Then there’s the commands. I think it was the ‘strike’ option that doesn’t work after the first 2-3 fights.
Overall, I like the concept idea, and I think there’s a lot more you can build up to this game, but the battle system needs to be fixed.

It’s really hard to play with no indication of how much health I’ve got. :-\

HP is in the top-right corner, it’s the pink icon. That said, you can’t strategize when you can’t do anything but use the reckless attack, so it doesn’t matter a whole lot…

Found out a simple way for strike not to break, never use strike on a defense Flan, it’ll break the button.
I know this applies for the first def Flan you encounter, not sure if it’s the same for all of them. To play it safe though, use reckless on the green one’s and you should be able to use strike just fine!

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Power does nothing - reckless always does 10 damage. Defense does nothing, because strike is broken and only reckless does damage. LT does nothing, at least that I can ascertain. Crit also doesn’t seem to do anything, I never once scored a critical hit.
The difficulty scaling is pretty crazy, and the berserkers are nuts. You basically have to get lucky and get a bunch of regen food early to not get obliterated.
the game is also too short to experience any of the weight stages. I’m forced out of the dungeon very quickly no matter what I do. I was never able to get beyond level 5 or so. If there’s more weight stages than that (I’ve only seen two beyond the first) I’m unable to see them.
There looks like there’s a fun game somewhere in here, but I’m having trouble finding it.

As like many have already said, combat really drags the project down as the difficulty spike is super high, some bugs with attack and damage scaling, etc and combat itself is a little too fast as health is only indicated by a tiny number in the stat screen to the right. No damage indication of how much you took and what not so it’s really easy to die and be confused because your character’s health isn’t more visibly displayed in the UI. Health itself also isn’t restored all too easily so you’re left with an experience that’s difficult to play through. I did manage to make it to the end once, but by virtue of run chaining consecutive battles with low health (running never failed so I’m not sure if this intended or not) and I managed to make it back to the exit with a small belly but most likely not the “best ending” type of deal.

It took me a bit to realize that food items increase your stats per level up rather than a flat buff, and leveling up itself isn’t all to explained well (an experience bar system would be a good indicator to show how far away we are, etc). The UI could also have an explanation detailing what each stat does.

What makes the combat issues so frustrating and disheartening is how amazing the art is in this game. All the enemies are super adorable and charming, I love how I stumbled into a random event where a flan follows the protagonist (not sure if there’s application for this but it’s cute never the less). All the food items are high quality images and look solid. The protagonist is nicely displayed too, or at least from the weight gain stages that I’ve seen.

I also feel this submission properly expresses the theme by virtue of the player choosing between which reward food items to grab to dictate level up stats. There’s also events that I notice that I failed by virtue of the protagonist being fatter, for example the rickety bridge that collapses but you can cross over without hassle while still being skinny.

I also like the music in the submission too, it’s somewhat familiar to woodman’s theme from megaman and that’s pretty nice.

Ultimately this is a submission with a lot of potential once the UI gets revamped and the kinks in combat get ironed out. I want to like this game so much on account of how charming and adorable the art work is, but the combat really makes me sad. This is 100% a project that I’ll be pulling for more updates outside of the gain jam stressful deadline. There’s so much potential in this game, just need to clear out the issues and I have no doubt the development team can do just that in their spare time should they choose to!


Yeah, much like a lot of the others, I’m just coming by to note that the strike option just kind of… Stops working. It doesn’t seem to cause an enemy’s turn to pass, or even give any feedback about a zero damage attack.

There’s something really good to be built on here, though if you’re out of time on the Jam, definitely come back to it. It needs some love, for sure, but I think this could really become something cool!

short comment: Strike is useless after the 3 first slimes, reckless and flee are the only what really have a use, flee is the only option (except if you chose death like one) in the final part

This is a really funky little dungeon crawler rogue lite with a great foundation if you ever wanted to expand it. Plus the art is really fantastic (well as far as I’ve seen), but like everyone else the balancing needs a once over. Even just a temporary build to beef up ours attack or lower enemy defence would be a great stop gap if you don’t have time for a full revision of the balancing.

Made a revised version!
I won’t have the time to do major changes past that!

Download the revised version here!

  • added combat preview to understand how much damage you do and receive. (currently as attack scalling broken, wait for next version)
  • added difficulty setting, set to the revised difficulty as a baseline.
    * Lower general scaling for revised difficulty
    * Set Slime’s defense lower to help with combat variety.

oh shit, you might be right. Why do only know do i realise that! (power)

well. uh… this is awkward. the game was balanced and rebalanced around the broken attack stat.

Well. I got to fix that

ps:LT increase the loot’s maximum value for stats.

definitive version v3

  • fixed and adjusted the attacks! plays the same, but now you can pack a punch!
  • removed a critical bug that caused a crash when rapidly returning the cursor on combat moves after a combat

includes these fixes too from previous in-between version!

  • added combat preview to understand how much damage you do and receive.
  • added difficulty setting, set to the revised difficulty as a baseline.
  • Lower general scaling for revised difficulty
  • Set Slime’s defense lower to help with combat variety.
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Replayed through really quickly on revised difficulty and reached cleared at Fearless Snacker without a hassle. Then on my second attempt I cleared through Original difficulty at Fearless Snacker rank.

These combat fixes are HUGE. The game is so much more smoother to play! I’m definitely interested in post game jam updates which could potentially add a more lengthy campaign and potential story into the mix.

I think one bug that I noticed is that the music seems to randomly disappear? After that point, the battle sounds results in just a lot of sound effects so it sounds a little odd, and the music doesn’t return following a battle, but I can’t quite pinpoint when it goes away, I’ll replay through again and see if I can identify a possible reason.