Eat The Dungeon General Discussion

I see, thank you for clarifying.

Additionally, Patrons can now vote on the victory theme:

Any chance the less financially endowed among us can get a preview of the music? Even if we donā€™t get to vote on it.

What type and model of phone is this?

Main Battle Music
War Call: BeepBox
Ancient Duel: BeepBox
Trap Type: BeepBox

Victory Music
Righteous Fanfare: BeepBox
Forever Onward: BeepBox


i use a tcl phone, iā€™m not sure of the model because iā€™ve had this phone for years, i could show a picture if youā€™d like

That should be enough for me to investigate it I think.

Also, patrons can now vote on the Boss Battle Music:

Warning Incoming: BeepBox

Death Approaches: BeepBox

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Finally a good belly inflation like game.
I canā€™t wait for play this offline.

I donā€™t have any plans to make an offline version, if I did it would be after development on the main game was complete.

Also: patrons can now vote on the map screen music!

Momentā€™s Rest: BeepBox

Party Time: BeepBox

Welcome Home: BeepBox


Patrons can now vote on the Bonus Level BGM:

Timeā€™s Up: BeepBox

Rush Attack: BeepBox

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Patrons can now vote on the final poll: the title screen music!

Grand Adventure: BeepBox

Letā€™s Begin: BeepBox

Get Ready: BeepBox

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Here are some things you can do to make the game better.

  1. Barrier (Enemy)
    An magical enemy create a barrier to protect one enemy or all enemies.
    A enemy with barrier status canā€™t take any damage until you defeat that enemy who create those barriers.

  2. Shield (Enemy)
    Shield is a sturdy and unbreakable object (similar with the catapult) held by an enemy.
    The shield canā€™t destroy except with a special item, other way is defeat the enemy who held this shield and both the enemy and his shied is gone.

  3. Timed KO (Enemy)
    Timer KO similar like the catapult but except the time runs out you fail this level and you have start again this level.
    Timer KO both enemies and objects such a strong weapon.
    The only way is stop this is destroy the enemy with Timed KO status but this a object, you have to defeat the wave.

  4. Heavy Hammer (Item)
    Heavy Hammer only job is destroy Shields and objects such a catapult.
    Have a long cooldown, but each time it you get more Heavy Hammer the cooldown time reduce.

The reason is why I send like this is because I a new user and I can only once can reply.


I think the timed KO enemy is really interesting and probably the best way to put a failure state into the game


If you wanted to extend this idea, when all levels have been added, having a ā€œwinā€ state for the game (beating all levels, possibly) could unlock an additional ā€œtime attackā€ mode with harder levels and required times to progress. Might be a good way to stress test the more advanced mechanics. Maybe that mode could also have rewards like recolors or skins for heroes as incentive, I imagine simple recolors would be less time-consuming than new outfits, but spitballing ideas is fun, no?

The new music is pretty nice, too, by the way. Good job.


Thank you! I think some kind of hard difficulty mode would be interesting and probably the alternative mode Iā€™m most likely to put into the game.

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Play the current alpha build here

Hello, v0.9 is as ready as I can make it. However, Iā€™m a little nervous since this is biggest technical update to ETD. Also my only Android device broke, so Iā€™m limited to version testing PC and IOS devices. Before I push the update to the main page, Iā€™d like to run a little alpha.

The above link will take to the alpha version if you would wish to test it. If it seems stable, I will push the update soon. This alpha will use your save data from the main game, so you can continue where you left off. If you do not want to try the alpha and just play the stable build, simply use the normal address.

Changes in this update:

  • Added BGM
  • Fixed a bug where the Hummus and BBQ sauce couldnā€™t be used if you brought them into the same mission
  • Fixed a bug where the game would soft-lock if you quit out of tutorial levels

Here are some known issues and things Iā€™d like to test:

  • Android device compatibility
  • Mac computer compatibility
  • Making sure the BGM loops and never stops playing
  • KNOWN ISSUE: sometimes there will be a slight pause before the audio loops. This is especially prevalent on mobile devices

Something strange happened when I tried the alpha. Played the Blue Cheese Cyclops level with the Illusionist, the Knight, the Engie and the Ranger (In that order, ltr, ttb) when suddenly the Engie and the Ranger disappeared from my screen and I couldnā€™t complete the level.

I refresh and then the only characters I can select is the warrior

I refresh again and everything seems back to normal with no weight gained by any of the characters I used, then it happens again whenever I try the Blue Cheese Cyclops level again. It only happens on that level as far as I can tell, so Iā€™m wondering if itā€™s because the illusionist is gaining too much weight too quickly or something.

Edit: Just so you know Iā€™m playing it on Firefox browser on a Windows 10 laptop if that helps.

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I havenā€™t managed to repro this. Are there any error messages if you press CTRL+SHIFT+I and look in the console while itā€™s happening?


It says: ā€œUncaught DOMException: CanvasRenderingContext2D.drawImage: Passed-in image is ā€œbrokenā€ utility.js:52ā€


Thank you, I was able to fix this. It turns out some of the Engineerā€™s sprites did not upload correctly


Just signed up to report that none of the builds have been working on my instance of Chrome. I can highlight options, but it doesnā€™t do anything when I click on it, itā€™s as though itā€™s a static image in that sense. I donā€™t know how to post it, but I get 4 errors when I pull up DevTools on the alpha build, and I know next to nothing about coding, so I donā€™t know what Iā€™m supposed to be looking for.


If you could screenshot the error messages or copy the text of them into a post that would be great. Also a screenshot of what youā€™re seeing would be helpful. Are you on a Mac or Windows machine?

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