Is there anyway for me to update mine, it still says version 0.9.1, I’m using a phone.
I tried using the link on the deviantart page for the newest version but it also made me restart the game, I can still go back and play my save on the 0.9.1 version.
Is there anyway for me to transfer over my old save or if not, do you guys have any tips to farm quickly?
I am planning on draining them since the whole “get to 1,000,000” challenge left me feeling burned out and annoyed more than anything else. However, I did want to share my progress
Yes I’m sure, going for the challenge made me lost interest in the game since it felt like I was doing something that was always getting harder and harder with no payoff. Yeah I get bragging rights but for what? Slogging away at something for months while feeling miserable the whole way? I’ll pass
I was thinking of something, what if when a character gets more fat (maybe at determinate numbers) she gets a slight boost in power, they are getting bigger after all (some of them of the sheer size of trucks) and that would also be a reason to not make all characters slim, always extraxting weight and not spending points in metabolism, like they are sacrificing speed for strenght, and we could see “fat characters builds”
The power is cool n all but the dropoff in speed is too heavy (pun intended) for the double boost to hold any value, especially when you need to do hundreds of damage and doubling even 100 strength is kinda jank
Let’s see, we saw all levels for the 8 classes, now we need is the last levels for the Engineer And the Ranger and 2 levels for the Psychic, and i bet the Psychic’s Pillows will get much Bigger if you know what i mean
I’m actually just waiting for the next version, I wonder if it contains a new level for one of the adventurers, a new adventurer, or maybe new items and stages.
I’ve stopped playing and decided to wait for now since I’ve beaten all the levels and it gets kind of mind numbing if I play the same levels over and over again for too long.
Guys I formatted my computer and lost all my progress in the game, does anyone know in any way that I can recover my save game? I had already finished the game with everything I could do and when I went to check out the new update to see the new character I discovered this unhappiness
Pity that pity there is no way for me to recover my save game, unfortunately I don’t have much time available to invest in the game, I only play them in my spare time, now get out there when I will have time to play this game all over again.