Eat The Dungeon General Discussion

Someone should make a mod where being hit by enemies fattens you up instead of the opposite.

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Isn’t it just those zombie asshats that steal your fat


Good sir, I insist they be called ‘Zombries’, solely for the purpose of Pun.


Using Developer Tools (Crtl + Shift + I), I know it is possible to change enemy stats and values, including the element they attack with. Using this, it is possible to change enemies to attack with Fullness, which will increase the fullness of the party member it hits (just like those invincible Candy Trebuchets). I don’t know if this alone would be enough for a full on mod, but it’s a start.

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all the enemies but the bosses should be puns


Instead of Holy, the attribute is called Faith, which in mind also covers mental fortitude and willpower. Also somebody had to be the pure Faith character and I thought it made more sense to make the druid the magic/faith one instead.

I won’t be making a standalone version at least while development is happening. Next time the game doesn’t load, please open the dev tools with CTRL+SHIFT+I and see if there are any error messages. If there are, please take a screenshot and post it here.

I mean all of them, not just the pink slimy mining dudes

Wait, shit, wrong game.

Major Update v0.13 To do list:

1.14th Female Adventurer for Beastkin
2.Levels 61-66 Add on
3.New weight levels for Monk and Dancer
4.our 1st Male Adventurer. i hope my oc Numbuh 55 be in the game as a Ref Skin for Raider

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Unfortunately due to having to care for a sick family member, all I managed to accomplish this February was adding the art for the slime girl npc. Next week I will try to have more complete.


Here’s art for two npcs: Gretel and The Bonus Round Sister! Unfortunately things are still very busy here and its been very difficult balancing caring for family members, my day job, and ETD. It will be very difficult for me to predict when updates will happen for a while.



“All beauty standards are socially constructed, which means they are fake.” Good lord telling the truth right there…

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Shante’s cousin is cute as ever as a Npc Nice Job :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :blush: :relaxed: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I only see 1 gif here? Where’s Gretel?

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Sorry I wasn’t clear, this is an update to the game, so you can see her there

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Eat the Dungeon Update v0.11.8

The troll and the dwarf are here! They’re the last npcs for this first segment of levels. Next will be the text for the next 6 level’s cutscenes!

4-24-22-1 sm


This has got to be one of my favorite weight gain games to-date. Mostly because of the amazing art style and characters, but also because of the fact that gaining weight isn’t the bad ending of the game.


So when does the dancer start having her card change? For everyone else their card changes to a different pose and/or facial expression whenever they reach a certain weight, and I have gotten her to over 10000 pounds and she hasn’t changed. Is this meant to happen, is it not yet implemented into the game, is it meant to represent her high metabolism, or have I just not gotten her to a high enough weight?

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She hasn’t been given the next stage of weight gain yet, in fact I think she still has only one phase so far.

Don’t worry it will come in due time, we waited for all of the others as the same.

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not sure if its just mobile but text on quite a few dialogues tend to slip off screen (safari if that helps too)

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