Eat The Dungeon General Discussion

Are you thinking of exporting this game or using a different game-making program?
I using Gdevelop 5, a game-making program that does not request coding skills and supports Javascript.


I am ready to play her

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In the far future I might make a standalone version or something but I have a lot of work to complete before I even think about it.

For now, Iā€™m starting up a new adventurer poll. This will probably be the last round of female adventurer polls for a while!

Patrons can vote here:



Ok then letā€™s do it
The last poll

I have gotten over my frustration for the time (even thought Erill deserved a win there, Druid was HIS class, just like Barbarian was MINE). Alchemistā€™s leading right now with 19 voted, followed by Beastkin with 14.

I have a horse in this race regardless of who wins, my Goblin and favourite Bunny (the White Rabbit was high up there, but not a personal favourite like these two) are on the line.

To be completely honest though, I donā€™t know the other two entries to the Beastkin class, nor the winged Alchemist second from the right (not the one with the tail, thatā€™s a frankensteined chimera).

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Alchemist will be my pick and i hope get the last 2 adventure votes in the future.

Hereā€™s the alchemist options! The top two options will go on to the final poll!

Patrons can vote here:


i vote for blue. it look so cute :blush:.

Desperately hoping my Goblin gets in, but right now sheā€™s at 7 votes while the Robot and Blue are at 8.

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Robot is my big favorite, with Goblin as a second, but Iā€™m pretty confident that Blue will win, judging by historical precedent.

Voted for Gobby since we desperately still need a shortstack female

Well, I guess I wonā€™t have too many more designs to dig into this way, so letā€™s get to it.

  • Robot seems to be close to winning based on Numptyā€™s post, which is a little surprising to me because Iā€™m not sure how she gets fat. As in, what does that really look like for a pimped out Aperture turret? But sheā€™s cute in a ā€œRisk of Rain survivor with a faceā€ sort of way, and the colors are nice, so I think i get why sheā€™s getting votes. Iā€™ll still be surprised if she wins.

  • Chimera is a lot of fun, if a bit bizarre, but I think the asymmetry throws off her mass appeal. Still, she manages to pull off the ā€œlaboratory hybrid monsterā€ look without feeling like incompatible designs stitched together, which warrants kudos in its own right.

  • From the monster to the maniac, we have another odd but novel entry. She looks crazy enough, and the color blocking does a good job of negotiating her bold color choices, but more than any design so far, wellā€¦she kinda scares me. I think itā€™s the eyes. Maybe itā€™s just a me thing, but if everyone else has the same response, that may outweigh her good creative choices here.

  • Goblin chonk, oh goblin chonk, wherefore art thou, goblin chonk? I would be happy to see this one win, but history suggests it wonā€™t happen. She looks good, but I just donā€™t think goblins are what the people want, at least not more than other options. Still, tides may change, especially on response to those fuckin hips.

  • One more surprising combination of ideas here. Sheā€™s a plague doctor bird, erā€¦ something. I canā€™t say this design bores me, but I find it a little hard to read at a glance. Of all these entries, sheā€™s probably the least familiar to most voters, and as weā€™ve seen, most winners are things that draw on common tropes or design elements. A crow plague doctor with a Greek letter on a stick is inventive, but it sounds like it has yet to prove its popularity.

  • And now we come to my expected winner, a rather safe design whose last name is hopefully not Balls. Perhaps Blue will leave us a clue as to what makes a winning design. ā€œEepy nerd girl with thighs like a titanosaurā€ is also an easy sell to boot. I wonā€™t be surprised if ā€œdabadeedabadieā€ becomes a line of dialogue in a future update.

Goblin is in the lead currently with Blue closely behind. Robot is in third atm but that could change, we got a week.


Robot: Portal 3 Confirm!

Chimera: Itā€™s alive Itā€™s Alive!

Mad Scientist: so many Wonderful Poisons- Xaril, Poisoned Mind From Hearthstone

Goblin: Strap in, itā€™s gonna be a Blast!- Boommaster Flark From Hearthstone

Harpy: now need Pet Phantasmal Dragon

Blue: lookā€™s like macā€™s friend got a Girlfriend.


Goblin: Need a Short stack Adventurer

Blue: Thicc Legs!

Goblinā€™s in third place, behind Robot and Blue.

Iā€™m starting to genuinely understand how pissed Alarune mustā€™ve felt to have had so many designs get a lot of votes but constantly fall short. Fuckā€™s sake.

donā€™t worry my friend, at lest we will get 2 outcomes out of this:

Outcome 1. Alarune will have 3 wins in the book and we get a Robot Girl from Portal.

Outcome 2. We get Blue with Super Thicc Legs!

Congratulations. (Gotten to the point where I just donā€™t care any more.)

Hereā€™s the final Alchemist poll!

Patrons can vote here:


letā€™s see

Robot: Portal and Alarune 3rd win


Blue: Famous song and Ultra Thicc Legs!

itā€™s hard to pick both cool!

Btw: Whatā€™s the poll score for Thicc Legs Blue And Portal 3 Robot Girl?

The Blue Alchemist is our winner!