Eat The Dungeon General Discussion

The nerd looks so cute!

And her outfit and weapon looks nice!


I vote for all of them, but if itā€™s the Dragongirl, I think something other than a
big, poofy dress would look better.

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Hmmmm if you want a kobold thereā€™s a knight option you might be interested in hmmmmmmmmm

Possibly? But my hands are kind of tied, as these are all patron-submitted and the poofy dress was what the patron wanted.

Personally Iā€™m a big fan of huge poofy dresses on their own but I think its a hard look to make good in WG art

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How are none of the comments so far for Scavenger? Definitely the coolest design. Also has the best potential for fat growth - breaking bits off randomly with fat poking through as their armour is patched together in the first place.


Poofy dresses can work, though in an appropriate context. A lot of movable fabric that can be displaced or torn. Though that isnā€™t the sort of aesthetic I think Iā€™d expect for a spellblade, personally. Itā€™s a shame that the three designs must compete with each other rather than converge into a Platonic Form Singularity. :stuck_out_tongue:

Iā€™m obviously gonna vote for the draconic option.
We need more non-Humans!

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Nerd, hands down. Dragon girl should be the cutest, but I donā€™t see her growing well in the limited panels of the game. The nerd fits well, has a more engaging color scheme (imo), and I like the potential for her outfit.

Hard pass on the scavenger.

But hey, the points are made up and the score doesnā€™t matter (here), since we Iā€™m not a patron right now!


I agree that the nerd has a great color scheme. Itā€™d be nice if we could see know whoā€™s winning the poll right now.

I know everyoneā€™s on about the new class, but I feel the need to ask something Iā€™ve been wondering for a while: does the thief justā€¦suck? The most effective comp Iā€™ve been able to drum up is warrior/witch/nun/bard so I can just spam the AoE attacks, and Iā€™ve organized all my upgrades around this. The thief justā€¦doesnā€™t seem to have any real use. Am I missing some functionality she has, or is she actually UP?

And, to stay on the topic of new classes, are all of these proposed classes intended to be added eventually? And will the spellblade suffer from the same drawbacks as the thief, or will she get some utility that brings her up to par otherwise?

Im not into animal stuffā€¦

The first one just looks like a blue humanoid with a tail and reptile feet. Thatā€™s honestly skirting pretty generously around the ā€œfurryā€ label. As long as the goods (including the face) are the same, sheā€™s just a monster girl.


I think ā€˜ā€˜nerdā€™ā€™ fits in with the existing characters the best.


Thank you. The thing with her is that her armour isnā€™t properly locked in place, being simply held on via magic. The initial idea was just pieces of scrap metal, so Iā€™m happy Bewildered changed it to this. Also, at least one of her swords is intended to be wielded telekinetically.

Seriously, thank you. Itā€™s nice to hear some people like her design.


Thief is good at taking down individual enemies quickly, whereas the witch tends to get overstuffed more easily since itā€™s harder to avoid attacking invulnerable (ie; more filling) enemies.

I would say they have less outright than the Witch due to the effects of chocolate sauce and lack of range but having two attack types means they can render the knight redundant as an offence character.

I donā€™t use Knight at all. I just make my Thief really, really fast and a bit powerful.
Thief is really spammable and is enough to clear a level quick. Even if the enemy type doesnā€™t match, you can use her to kill low HP enemies because itā€™s faster and more efficient than waiting or wasting other party members cooldown.
If she gets too full or K.Oā€™d, she has healers to assist her (mainly the bard, sheā€™s OP)

I definitely think youā€™re missing something. I would say if any character right now is in a weak state it would be the Warrior by far. Iā€™ll elaborate a little more for those interested. If not Iā€™ll tl;dr my giant wall of text below right here and just say I think the Warrior is significantly worse than the Thief. The Warrior is mediocre as both a support and damage dealer unless you want to triple pocket the witch or thief.

With the exception of a few stages, you need to run priestess and witch. Light magic isnā€™t super common a element, but when it does show up, it is very often the most efficient means of dispatching foes as it often has a lower hp count compared to the other elements a enemy may have. Every team comp should have some form of healing as having no means of restoring attack power will destroy your clear times. She can be substituted for the Bard, but your magic damage dealer (a very commonly paired element with light) will be gaining tons of weight and likely be knocked out and slowed down to near uselessness without tons of grinding.

Speaking of magic damage, magic is probably the single most important element, a properly leveled up witch is absolutely vital and while this partly due to get monopoly on magic at the moment, mass aoe will keep her relevant even once the next class comes out.

This leaves us with the Warriorā€™s two biggest competitors as the Preistess and Witch are too important to leave out for most levels.

The Thief from a dps standpoint is flatout superior to the Warrior. Sneak damage is in the same boat as light magic, it is less slightly common than weapon damage, but when it shows up its extremely powerful and efficient and saves a ton of time. The thief has the same range as the Warrior too, in addition to a lower base speed. With a few points into power the Thief from a damage dealer standpoint just completely outclasses the Warrior.

With those 3 classes we cover every element in the game.

This leaves us no chance we get stuck in awkward situations where 4 characters need to awkwardly dogpile an enemy for 1 damage per action and kill our clear times (shout outs to the new speed control buttons in the newest patch, these were a god send for these situations.)

This leaves us two classes to choose from for our last spot.

Due to the Thief being the reigning melee dps in the game at this point, this means if we are picking the Warrior, itā€™s mostly for the sole purpose of team support be it through the defense buff and its stomach emptying effects or as clean up to take pressure off the Thief. But first the Bardā€¦

The Bard offers another heal and stomach emptying source for the dps characters in addition to her immensely useful buff which enables the Thief and Witch to completely decimate waves of trash and high hp enemies. Two healers mean both the Thief and Witch will be able to receive support, or the bard and priestess can double pocket one of them in levels with heavy emphasis on one element.

So this leaves us with the Warriors defense buff. Due to the infinite duration of the defense buff, buffing your damage dealer at the start of a level is a wise strategy and at higher levels of power, the strength of the buff will be such that she will be buffing people for stomach emptying more often than for the buff.

This is useful, but an unnecessary level of protection if you level up other characterā€™s power up enough to shrug off enemy attacks long enough for damage buff and or heal to one or two shot the problem enemy right off the bat.

The only time I feel like I really want the defense buff over the damage buff of the bard is at very low character levels where damage levels are low to the point where a fast attacking enemy can get them down to very low single digit damage. Which again, becomes more an annoyance than a actual problem after the first handful of power levels up in combination with the weight level power boosts.

I know there a lot of strategies people have come up with that incorporate her like triple pocketing the Witch in certain levels, but I do think the Warrior is the weak link right now performance wise.

I donā€™t think the defense buff in its current state stays useful past the early game. And the other things the Warrior brings to the team are just already done better by other characters. Sheā€™s kind of a dps-support hybrid but she doesnā€™t do either particularly well.

Once the spell blade gets in, I predict she will be the go-to 4th slot Bard competition as an extra source of major and melee will be more appealing in levels where you donā€™t need the Bardā€™s buff or heal.

Warrior is the weakest support right now and next patch I think she will also be the weakest overall dps.

I think a defense rework and/or an extra tile of range to target the second row would be interesting way to make the character a little more relevant. Could be wrong though, just my take on things at the moment anyways.

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I agree, I think the Warrior is presently the weakest character. When I do buff her, I will probably either increase the base strength of the defense ability, or maybe give her a small AOE (like hitting her target and the target behind her)

Maybe? I havenā€™t decided what the final number of adventurers is yet

My intention for the spellblade is to have a character that can spam magic damage quickly, as opposed to the witch who frequently has high cooldowns. Hopefully that will make her an attractive option


I remember you mentioning considering making the Speed upgrade take off base time as well as decreasing fat cooldown. if you make this a thing, the Witch(Charolette) could just become an extremely expensive, extremely powerful Spellblade. same with the Warrior(Amy) and the Thief(Sky).

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Where are you getting these names for the classes from?

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I made them myself, if youā€™re talking about the individual names.
Warrior: Amy
Thief: Sky
Priestess: Maria
Witch: Charolette
Bard: Abby