Escape Your Apatite (Dungeon Crawler)

It’s uploading now!


Due to some fumbling during the last few hours, saving and the credits (which were mistakenly dummied out) are not available in the Jam release. I just put up a build including both, but I’m keeping the original build up as per the rules. Sorry for the inconvenience!


Been playing this game and love the style and overall simplistic battle system!

I’d like to ask though, since I’m not exactly sure if it’s intended. While battling I’m noticing enemies always tend to fatten up Leone and Morgan, and almost never attacking them unless Vixen is down.
Bat enemies also always tend to feed off of Vixen when they are always pretty much the thin one in the entire squad. Unless battles always involve one or multiple slimes.

Since the gym workout is expensive (without grind), and since you do need to grind a bunch to properly battle the first room boss (haven’t defeated the boss yet), you’re pretty much always have Leone and Morgan 100% fat and Vixen 0-5% fat

Quick update: after grinding a bunch, reaching level 5 with all characters and fighting the boss more, I managed to get the squad weight up to 100%, but after reentering the floor I got to fight slimes often and less bats. Bats however do get fat from Vixen most

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This is the kind of stuff i love, rpg style characters getting fat. Tough it also comes with the rpg problems of lots of grind. I went with grinding to get the characters at least to level 5 to unlock more stats and skills and it made a world of a difference, i feel like this is how they should be from the start, at least skill wise as i was barely able to do much except beat the small groups of enemies and died to a large group as they gang up on the same character over and over and if they get too fat, they are almost the same as dead as they go for 4 or 5 turns not doing anything. Having a kink wg where you really wish you didnt gain weight at all can be a bit counter productive. This kind of balacing can be super difficult to manage on the short time of a jam, so i hope you keep doing more stuff with this style of game.

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It might be due to random chance honestly. I’ll check into that issue with the bats for another update at a later date (I’m taking a break for now since the Jam’s over anyways), I might need to make it be more specific to cut down on this kinda thing (like checking for the fattest target). Once the bats get fat, they give up on feeding on the party and just beat the crap outta you.

I also lowered the cost quite a bit (by over half) in the gym in the post-Jam version I have out, I didn’t get to see how brutal that was in action unfortunately due to the time constraints. My bad!

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I can understand the issue about the balancing, but I honestly wanted it to be a bit difficult on the first floor, so you really try to use all your options to figure things out (like using the Class Changing or Power Ups). From there, you’re comfortable with the mechanics and can get a move on (and/or steamroll due to the customization involved). Although, I did NOT get as much playtesting done as I really wanted/needed…
I absolutely goofed up the Too Fat To Move issue though. That was meant to be a significantly lower chance to happen, and I thought it was accurate (I had to have gotten weirdly lucky in my testing). It’s been fixed in the post-Jam update at the very least - my bad!

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When I tried to leave the dungeon back up the stairs, it put me in the credits instead of back to the hub/shop area. Do you HAVE to party wipe to get back there, or was that just a bug?

That’s a bug! I’m so sorry.

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Hold up, working on one final fix, it’s important.

Alright, v1.3b is up for real, and it should fix a lot of bugs, oversights, and save data. Sorry for the delay!

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Ok, so i thought the stairs was normal but yeah, going up would be unskippable credits and going down would take you to the start, so i thought it was the end of the demo. Having now more floors to be able to explore. Im enjoying a lot more and have been grinding, got everyone to lvl 30 and max out some upgrades specially for defense but im still getting one shot by Apatite. Curious if its possible to beat her but the grinding is starting to get a bit slow. Also got some crashes cant say exactly what it was but it always happened fighting against the cherry enemy.

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I’ll look into that crash with the Cherry enemy, I need to replicate it first. I’m getting busy again, so it may be some time. Sorry!

Hey, uh, where do you go to save the game?

On the non-Jam version, it auto-saves upon you exiting the dungeon to the Home Base, either by walking back up the stairs in B1F, or by dying. In the Jam version, it wasn’t implemented yet - sorry!


ALRIGHT, this should be it!
v1.4 fixes all of the last few bugs I was given, and some that I was able to find via my own playtesting (since I got a good chance to do so). I’ve also added a little textbox during battles to tell the player what skills do what - the text was already in the game code, but I didn’t get a chance to get it to actually show until now. My bad! <.<"


Pretty fun rogue lite

Thank you! :purple_heart:
It’s not a roguelite though - the dungeon isn’t randomized, outside of what materials you can pick up. So you can plan out your route through everything for a challenge run, or get help from a friend or a guide if you need it!


Keeps crashing.

ERROR in action number 1 of Step Event0 for object o_battle: I32 argument is unset
gml_Script_anon@9226@___struct___23@___struct___4@GameData (line 355) gml_Script_BattleStatePerformAction@gml_Object_o_battle_Create_0 (line 291) gml_Object_o_battle_Step_0 (line 1)

ERROR in action number 1 of Step Event0 for object o_menu_equip:
Variable Index [1] out of range [1] - -1.100235(100235,1)
gml_Object_o_menu_equip_Step_0 (line 157)

ERROR in action number 1 of Step Event0 for object o_battle: I32 argument is unset
gml_Script_anon@9226@___struct___23@___struct___4@GameData (line 355)
gml_Script_BattleStatePerformAction@gml_Object_o_battle_Create_0 (line 291)
gml_Object_o_battle_Step_0 (line 1)

Changing fullscreen on or off with A doesn’t work after pressing apply, it only changes depending on whether screen size is set to x1 or x1.50.

Version is 1.4

Also, why isn’t this under the furry tag, it seems like a lot of the furry games on the site aren’t.


I’ll be looking into it. If you could give me some pointers on what you were doing when the crashes occurred, it would help speed things up. Sorry for the trouble!
Only thing I can say is that for the first or third crash, make sure your save data isn’t from before v1.3. Anything before that will crash due to issues related to save data created before then.

EDIT: I found the issue. You are a lucky winner, you got a Super Crit, and I missed something with those by mistake. I’ll be fixing that as a 1.4a, along with the screen issue and the equipment crash. I’m wrapping it up right now, but I’m double-checking everything before committing. Sorry for the trouble!!

And about the tags: the tags weren’t working correctly when I was trying to set up the thread initially. My bad. EDIT: I can’t seem to figure out how to add them onto the thread right now.

v1.4a’s up! Quick fixes for the crashes found by AnonymousIndividual - thank you for the help!

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