Fatty Text Adventure Game

Hmmm, there was a bug where that happened after stretchy fruit/seaweed wore off, but that should have been fixed a while ago. And it should reset whenever you lose a battle anyway. Do you know what version you’re on? If you refresh the page it should prevent it from happening again after the next time you’re defeated.


When I go to the restaurant, I get KO’ed as early as 125% when eating there, instead of 130% like the instructions say is the limit.

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Oh, hmmm. That might be because time passes as part of the event. So you go over 130% and then time passes which makes you go back under 130% by the time the scene’s done. I think I should be able to find a way to fix that when I get home. Thank you for the report!


is there a way to defeat the obsidian golem I’m level 23 and I still cant beat it

nevermind i beat it


I have to bring my account out of retirement to congratulate this massive W.

I’m beyond excited to see what new stuff you can add to your already S+ tier game.


I didn’t even know you were inactive on this forum for that long.

I actually lurked a lot. I just never bothered to log onto my account.

Oops, sorry for the duplicate message… but do you think you’ll be posting more often?

Sure, I don’t see why not.

where do I need to go for the working with the experiments quest

Wait, is this just a remake of the original in a new program? Or is there new content worth checking out too?

I think its an updated version

This is remade in Twine, since Flash is dead and no longer supported. :heart:

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Is it at all possible to have it so that species stats show on the screen with the dropdown? I don’t mind too much going back to it after clicking edit species, but it is a little annoying.

Also, if/when you do start adding more content to the game, it’d be neat to see some more default species. Off the top of my head, I can think of things like capybara, mongoose, ocelot, hyena, fossa… idk, would just be neat to see some more variety.

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It’s mostly just a remake. Some things got visually rearranged, and I added a few more popping scenes that people wrote because they were easy to slot in. But by and large it’s intended to function like the original did. At least for now.


That is probably possible. Although I’d have to do some tinkering. I basically got the species selection menu to it’s minimum viable state and went from there. But odds are good I can do those two things.

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Also I just released an update that adds the 9-button directional thingy back in! I have no idea if it works, but I spent about 10 hours today figuring it out and then implementing it so I really hope it does!


Why was it so time consuming to add that in to the game?

You don’t actually have to go anywhere for that quest. It’s just something that keeps track of whether you fought them or not. So having that quest just means you can go into their town safely. There’s probably better ways to handle that now, but at the time quests was the best solution I had!

Mostly just lots and lots and lots of retyping every action in the game. And I had to figure out how to physically make it in the first place because I have close to no idea how html works. So if I knew what I was doing I could probably have done it faster, although most of the time was just spent retyping tons of stuff.

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