Is there a way to reply to multiple people? lol, I’ll just say to the posts above talking about personality transformation, big yes, I love that too and its something I want to develop in some of my characters too. It’ll be tricky. I’m especially fond of things like, shy foodie to proud feedee shifts, or tough punk to soft & domesticated kind of stuff
bimbo/himbo/thembo is also fun ~
As to DreadRoach’s post:
I’m glad you liked the blueberry stuff! It was my way of testing scenes being triggered by status effects, which is now how I’m building up my transformation system.
Demon tfs are defs in the plans, going to start of with simple stuff, but like the long goal is really getting into like “embracing your gluttony/sins” kind of demon tfs, going hog. We’ll see. It’ll be fun to write ~
and oh yes! I remember the blubberslime thing in boundless. I was planning on making the caldera blobs a mutagen thing. Haven’t exactly decided if they’re going to be just slime tf triggers or if I’ll be leaning more into my bodyhorror blobby fun interests. either way. On the list ~
As for mpreg, defs a planned option. When the pregnancy system is implemented they’ll basically be two core ways it can work. The types that require a womb and those that dont. Some of the characters will be egg laying and can incubate in a player character without a uterus. TFs oriented around becoming egglaying creatures could be applicable either way, like if the player doesn’t want a uterus but does want egg laying content it’ll defs be an option
Also of note, The game treats bodies, pronouns and presentation as separate factors. If you want to play as a trans man, you can just by having male pronouns and picking whatever parts you want. The characters in game will treat the player as a man (or woman or nonbinary based on pronoun choice regardless of sex characteristics)
The next update is also adding facial hair options and facial presentation (feminine, androgynous, masculine) etc
so, yeah, in short, regardless of if you’re playing a cis woman, a trans woman, a trans man, a cis man or whatever you like, some form of pregnancy and egg laying will be available ~