Fayane's Funhouse (24/7 Server, 20 Players)

All npc with colony deeds vanished when I logged to the server, have you the same problem?

Make a save in your local files in starbound storage player file.shipworld, before log in.

I just joined the server yesterday and I hope that the whitelist application was okay.

I sent my whitelist application yesterday and I got kicked out of the server, did I do something wrong?

Have you received a reply that it was accepted and added to the access list?

No I havent, I put all the info needed as well.

Then they probably just haven’t gotten to it yet. Give it a little time, and if it’s been a couple days, send another DM to make sure it didn’t slip through the cracks.

I just wanted to say that I used to be in this server but I got out because of mean people that they are still bothering me I hope this don’t happen to other people I want to think this is only something that only happened to me but maybe it isn’t. (I just wanted to say this sorry if I am bothering)

You critiqued art (which was just you saying “drawing bad”, but I digress), and other disagreed and said that the art was fine aside from the context (it was an ahegao face). You got all hostile for no reason and left without warning after people called you out on your behaviour.

More distasteful comments afterward but out of respect for you I won’t post them.


honestly seems a cool server

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But then I apologize I know I did something bad and I feel bad because I did something really stupid and I act mean but I don’t deserve people calling names until this day sorry I didn’t want to make you mad is a nice server with great people but all servers have their bad people and I meet the bad side sorry for all of this I hope your server keeps growing and getting more great people I wanted to say about my problem sorry for doing that I am going to keep this to myself like always.

The fact that you felt that wasn’t worth letting the owner of the server know, and that you’re being vague about it. This comes across as something made up.


If you think I am lying that is ok after seeing those comments, how would you believe me anyway and I wanted to communicate but they told me that the server owner was occupied and that she didn’t read her DM and a lot of times they were missed I just want people to stop doing this thats why I leave I am not that kind of people I don’t deserve this for a mistake I just want all of this to stop sorry for bothering all of you

I am going to put this on the past so please I really didn’t mean to do that I lost a lot of friends for this I just wanted to say what happened to me I am going to try to forget this bad experience

I work over 50 hours a week, it takes time but I do try to eventually get to all the DMs. You didn’t even make an effort aside from some snarky remark.


Looks interesting, but I’ve got a character I need to mod into shape first. Wanted to ask; how do I get the Lyceen BigFattie mod to work? Got the vanilla version down, but the Lyceen isn’t working. I’ve found the addon (I think) but I can’t get it to work.

Only vanilla races are supported on Fayane’s Funhouse.

Ah, okay. I actually managed to get the mod working anyway, so it’s all good.


Even though I am not a server player or multiplayer person when it comes to fetish stuff like this, that is still no way to behave @Catontree. First of all, you flat out insult someone else’s work (you can’t say or claim it was criticism since you only said “bAd DrAwInG” without giving any valid reasons as to why), then you try pretending to like it just so people will leave you alone, followed by you bashing them for wanting to ignore it, and as the flaming cherry on a napalm milkshake, you personally tell Fayane you are leaving since other people are reacting negatively to your surly behavior. At least you could have had the dignity to leave by yourself instead of being a snarky little shit, but instead you decided to be just that.

So to recap, you caused trouble by being an asshole, pretend you stopped being an asshole so that people would ignore you, insulting those people for ignoring you, then DMing the server owner to insult her creation + letting her know you are leaving you for everyone calling you out instead of being a mature adult and just leaving quietly.

I do not enjoy getting involved with drama like this, but quite frankly I cannot stand people behaving like Catontree did. At the very least you acknowledge what you did was bad, but chances are it was only because your friends started ditching you for your actions and you are trying to win over their hearts and the hearts of others. You had multiple opportunities to apologize for your behavior or to take back what you said, but instead you just kept digging the hole and got upset when you could not crawl back. I will not continue anymore since I can already feel my anger boiling over and I would prefer keeping the conversation somewhat civilized so I will just leave you with this; insulting people for doing things differently from the norm will lead you to dark places, so quit doing that as soon as you can.

Rant is now over, if you do not wish to see it this is your stop. I hope those of you that do not wish to see me angry have succeeded in their goal and to those I might have upset reading this I apologize for souring your day. I probably should not be doing it in a forum and if Fayane, Dispatch, or any other moderators ask me to delete this post or forcibly delete it themselves, I will comply without issue.


I’ve been trying to send multiple DMs to the person who owns the server, but they’re very unresponsive, its been a couple of days I think and it may actually be inactive now, i’m not sure. May give an update again soon if I keep sending DMs and dont get a response.

Server is definitely still active. The owner is Australian so make sure you’re trying to ping them at times they’re likely to be awake and not working.