Feast Manor - hand drawn point and click visual novel - OUT NOW!

Just bought the game cuz i loved the theme
Then i came to the door code well tried everything even with the help from above the small hints some players gave but nothing worked just debating if i just refeund this game like why would a developer start like that?

@danny Sorry to hear about your frustration, I messaged you the combination you need to input. The game starts with dialogue, then there’s a puzzle, then food to eat. (Each goes over the basics before letting the player roam freely around the Feast Manor.) I understand the front door puzzle was a bit confusing (There were other players with the same issue) so that’s my bad, I shouldve made it more clear. Please contact me if you have any frustrations or feedback :slightly_smiling_face: I always want to hear what the community has to say so I can make my games enjoyable for everyone!

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It might be intriguing to have a poll going to gauge the difficulties with the first puzzle with options like: got it within several tries, took awhile but figured it out, and checked the forum for help

Okay okay, I get it. I’ll fixing the door. :sweat: I’m going to change the sounds the knockers make if you hit the right one or wrong one. (Right one will have a high pitch, wrong one will have a low pitch.) I am also going to add more dialogue from Ember when she comes up to the door, and she will basically break down the combination so it’s less confusing. I will let everyone know when I update the game. (Sometime today.)

Also @LupusGamer that would be interesting to have a poll. I know I can do a poll on my Patreon (if you’re a member), but I’m not sure if there is a way to do one on here. If there is, please let me know how!

I’m currently on mobile, so I’m not sure if it’s the same with desktop, but you can create a poll while creating one of these messages by clicking the gear icon and at the bottom of that list should be a choice called build poll. I think you can make it anonymous as well. I would do it, but I feel like it’s better fit for the op of a topic to do it

As requested (due to my inability to make a decent starting puzzle) here’s a poll for everyone to see how you solved the first puzzle in Feast Manor - the front door one.

  • Got it in several tries.
  • Took a while but figured it out.
  • Checked the forum for help.

0 voters

I am also working on an update right now that will make it easier. (Look at my previous comments to see what I’m changing.) I should have it done soon.

Thanks for all the feedback and support! Hope you enjoyed the game nonetheless, and have a wonderful day. :two_hearts:

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I had been given a lot of feedback that the front door puzzle was complicating. So, I tweaked it up a little to make it less confusing.

  • Hitting the correct knocker makes a different sound than hitting a wrong knocker.
  • Added dialogue to Ember that explains the combination a bit better.

​I also updated the android version.

  • Fixed bug when continuing or starting a new game.

To install the update on Itch or Patreon, delete your existing Feast Manor files and reinstall them.


@RainyBro From my experience, no one ever really donates money on Itch :sweat: free games are helped financed through Patreon. That in mind, the price I set for my games helps me create more games by allowing me to have the money to get better software, and support me to have more time in developing.

I understand you frustration, but if my games were free, I don’t think I’d be able to continue making games sadly :cry: unless, somehow, my Patreon financed me enough, which is doesn’t currently.

Right now, I’m developing Fatrifice 2, but I do have a plan to make a F2P game afterwards for those who want to experience CupCupMug but don’t want to spend money.

Unfortunately, I can’t make Feast Manor free because if I did, I wouldn’t be able to continue making games. But, as I said, there will be a free game from me in the future for you to play. (And possibly more down the road.)


Hey I ended up buying the game on steam and all I have to say is the game is amazing. pretty short but fun. both door puzzles did take awhile. I have a question though. I have the small key from the basement but I have no idea where to put the key in to grab the last photo. mind giving me a hint if that’s possible?

Very glad to hear you enjoyed the game! :blush: As for the keyhole, look behind where Voo used to be. It’s very small and hard to find.

Is there any way that i can run this game on my phone? I tried Joiplay, it didnt work and i know for a fact that Exagear dont either

@Curves_Conniseur If you purchased the game on Itch, there’s an APK file that runs on Android. (As long as your phone isn’t more than 2 or 3 years old, it should work.) All you need to do is go onto Itch on your phone, go to Feast Manor, download the APK file, and run it.

after playing this game, i found it eventually quite deacent though even with the update i needed to check the forum to figure it out myself, kinda wished it had more endings though rather than those 2 only

@maldy thanks for the feedback and support! If I were to make another puzzle / point-and-click game, I would definitely make the beginning puzzle much less difficult. (And also add in dialogue options and alternate endings based on the decisions made.) Alas, solo developing is very time consuming and difficult :sweat: but the more I keep doing it, the better I will be and I hope to be developing even better games in the future!

Can you please help figure out what I’m doing wrong with the door in the basement?

@denixion_Nelson It’s just like the front door, except the shapes are in a different order. (You can also listen to the sounds they make when you click them. A higher pitch means its right, a lower pitch means its wrong.) You will also need to find all of the gems first before you can open the basement door. There are 4 gems, you can check your inventory to see if you have them all.

For example: the first code is a circle, so click the circle gem first. Then the second code is 2, so click the second gem. And so on

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When I hit the circle shape first it makes a low ding sound, but when I hit everything else except the circle shape it makes a high ding noise that’s why I’m so confused about the basement door

I’m playtesting it right now and the circle gem should be making a high pitch ding. Are you playing on computer or mobile?

Here’s the code if you want to try it out: circle circle triangle rectangle rectangle diamond. Let me know if that works or not, it might be a glitch that I haven’t heard of yet.

I’m playing it on mobile