FEED THE DRAGONESS (v1.5) - Tower Defense Game

I was wondering cause, whenever I used pizza in level one I would actually end up not making target compared to muffin only.

If I’m able to do another update, I’ll boost up the pizza’s calorie count then. It might be taking up too much space for how many it has versus 3 muffins.
Also, if you’re still having trouble with Level 2, try out a Snowbold or two with your Sword Kobold(s)!

Oh, I just did some testing and yeah, on a small plate, a regular muffin is 350 calories while a pizza is only 200.

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Okay, so I went a bit overboard on Endless Mode level 2… No joke, she’s been swallowing for five minutes straight and still going.
Edit: seven minutes that took…

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How do you access endless mode? I don’t see that option anywhere

When you finish the preset rounds for a level, hit the left button in the Results menu to continue the stage in endless mode.
If there’s only two buttons, either you didn’t meet the quota or your HP hit zero in endless mode.

yea, it took me a bit to find out how to do endless mode myself.

Though after I found it I was able to set up a good enough defense that I just let it keep going on while using an auto clicker to keep advancing the rounds… getting to the point I added an extra ~1000 or so pounds, though the counter seems to only go up to +999…

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Yeah, I capped it for gaining pounds since I wasn’t sure if it’d make it too easy to get the upgrades (even if the cap as-is still makes it pretty easy anyway).

Even if it takes a while to reach that cap depending on how many extra large plates it decides to spawn in.

Any tips for layout on level 2? For some reason I can’t get a setup (even with a snowbold or two) that manages to stop and defeat the red one, let alone with actually having any foodbolds out to fill dishes.

Round 3’s trays are a jape - you can wait until round 4 to add a green kobold so you can use that cash elsewhere. I might end up adjusting this in the next update just to remove some confusion. The calorie quota is VERY low for Level 2.

I just can’t stop the red slime with the resources I have, hah, though I also happen to be pretty terrible at tower defense games.

Edit: That is, even with 0 foodbolds. Ah wait, finally got it after a few dozen different layouts.

so, i think i found the ultimate defense on level 1, there are 18 green feeder kobolds, 36 snowbolds, and 46 sword kobolds, which i have no upgrades at all

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bit overkill, I’d say. Just need like 8 swordbolds lined up at the bottom and you’d be set. The amount of muffin bolds is enough, though.

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you think this is only a bit overkill? tbh, to me, this is very much overkill, as honestly even now, slimes don’t make it round the third turn, and right now, i’m on round 327, still haven’t had a slime make it past the third turn, i paused the game cause at that point, it will take forever for the dragoness to swallow all the muffin, and i don’t even know there is multiple upgrades for each kobold

I don’t think it’s you, the Red Slimes seem to dodge both the swords and the snowballs no matter where I place them. I feel like they need a health bar or something so I can see if the towers are actually doing anything.

Overall, pretty darn good, but I honestly thing you need to reconsider defensive units being able to destroy plates.

Questionable at best, annoying at worst.

I’ll consider it! It was mostly a way to try and force the player to spread out their units, since a filled plate is invincible. I’m still trying to figure out a happy medium on balancing this.

I love the concept and gameplay loop of this one. reminds me of a mobile game I used to play before mobile games got shitty, jelly defense, with the two classes of enemies and towers which attack independently. my only criticism is that I don’t think there are any weight stages for Azalea, which is fine for a regular game, but as is its kinda just a regular tower defense game with a fat dragon you need to protect and mild theming around food. That also might just be me though, and adding additional weight stages is annoying, I’m well aware, so its by no means a huge issue.

I love your game, and wish you luck!

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The advantage of having a simple and effective gameplay loop is that Softfoxxo now has the luxury of time to polish up and juice the experience if they so choose.