FEED THE DRAGONESS (v1.5) - Tower Defense Game

Ahm… I have only one question: right from the beginning of the game the dragoness sprite already look like she is pretty fat. Is her visual look changes according to how much calories she get?

I agree with the dragon already starting out as fat making it less interesting to continue.
I also would like to push for a faster ending screen, since farming the endless mode makes it take forever to finish.
Another good addition would be like a toggle feature for endless mode, where you don’t have to click the go button each time.

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No, but I’m considering adding an “upgrade” that allows you to spend a LOT of the magic pounds to make Azalea put on weight, like you’re letting the pounds actually settle onto her. I’m unable to access my PC for now though, so I may not have time to complete that concept - and all the other gameplay adjustments are coming first.


I’ve got an update in the works that already allows you to cut off the cutscene early (it doesn’t skip, but they’ll stop throwing food as though it’s the end of the cutscene, so same effect), amongst a few balancing adjustments. I’ll add putting an “auto-play toggle” feature on the list of things to add - but it’ll be a bit, can’t access my PC at the moment.

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I think I found an unbeatable set up for level 3

Also, level 3 is really easy compared to the second, I think it’s because there’s more options for food tossers than damagers.

maybe instead of destroying the plate outright it could remove food off of it

though then people could just front load with defensive units

The plates seem to die in one hit (again it is very hard to tell, since there is no indication of damage against the trays or the enemies until they’re dead) so maybe just making it take multiple hits to destroy would make them less frustrating.

Another idea would be to say that a hit on a partially filled plate knocks one piece of food off again like red_raster suggested, while empty plates are destroyed because they don’t have anything to protect them anymore.

I find the tactical consideration of making plates break when hit quite intriguing, even if the resulting strategy is simply placing all feeders before all defenders. Even that one takes some time to figure out.

Very cute pixel art but I think you need to make the difficulty ramp up more in endless mode - I haven’t gotten any upgrades yet but I was lasting out to wave 50 on the first map and only stopped because I accidentally quit.

Would love to see the dragoness’ (and maybe the kobolds?) sprite change as you get more things unlocked too.

kobold upgrade system yo

The game’s pretty cool, but the fact that the kobolds can MISS is incredibly infuriating, I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before in a tower defense game, and it shouldn’t happen here, either. It’s a factor in the difficulty that the player has no control over, and it just makes me think the game’s tracking is broken.
Like, on my top ten list of complaints about this game, missing shots is the first seven.

The other three, in no particular order, is that the dragon doesn’t ACTUALLY gain weight (more of a personal complaint, it’s weird for a feeding game to start with them being fat already), that we have no indication of there being food trays on any given level (I always forget what wave in level 2 starts spawning the food trays, so I always fail late in the level. I’m not sure why you’d warn us about the enemies, but not the trays and plates), and the fact there’s no 2x speedup or “rush the next wave” buttons (kinda related, feeding could use a speed-up too).

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i believe there’s a projectile speed upgrade for one of the kobolds
itsa feature

It’s not just one kobold that’s missing, they all can IIRC (my least favorite is watching the sword kobolds miss), which is why keeping them pressed against the lane is basically mandatory and sucks out a good chunk of your ability to strategize where to put them.
Plus, if missing is an intended feature, why would they have a longer range like they do if they’re just going to miss most of their shots at that range?

IMO, improving the upgrade system would be a good middle ground.
Drop the kobold upgrades on the weight screen and replace them with more generic (maybe infinitely scaled?) stuff like +damage, +dragon health, +feeding animation speed, and +projectile speed, then change the gameplay itself to use the more standard upgrade system a lot of tower defense games have, upgrading the “towers” themselves and maybe doing branch upgrades down the road if the game gets developed long enough.

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The game could definitely use a skip button on the level aftermath, because I decided to leave an auto clicker on the endless mode while I did stuff around the house (Probably around 1.5 - 2 hours) and when I stopped it, the dragon ate for a solid 20+ minutes

I mean, 6 million points IS a lot

It’s already programmed into the next update, that update just isn’t ready yet. I initially didn’t expect people to go so long on Endless mode!


I wanna play this game. Is so cute the art style

Also, can I mention how adorable the dragoness looks? She looks so approachable

Although, I do have to agree with SRP, there is no weight gain in the game

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After playing more, I still think the game at its core is good, but it does have some issues, mainly being:

  • No visible weight gain, which does kind of go against the theme of weight gaming a bit. Would be better if the Dragon starts off Skinny (or a lil pudgy) and gets bigger as you go.

  • Upgrade system is a big of a pain to use. Requires way too much currency to start with.

  • Kobolds can miss, which is a bit annoying for a tower defense.


From what I have been able to tell from my gameplay, the only attacking tower that can miss is the snow baller. I understand why people might be thinking that the sword kobolds may be missing, but I believe that it just looks that way since the only visual representation that an attack is hitting is when the enemy despawns. The red slimes are getting hit from every sword attack I’ve seen, it’s just that they are fast and beefy. If there was a way to visual show that the enemies are taking damage, that would help clear this confusion, like a red flash when they get hit out a health bar that goes down when they get hit.

Edit: just did some quick experimentation with it and I see now that the sword attacks can miss, though it’s very infrequent unless there’s a couple slimes in close proximity. From what I could gather green slimes take 2 hits, blue take 4 hits and for red, I’m not sure if they take six or eight hits to typically kill. In the end, almost of the attacks were landing with a few missing if a slime was right behind one that had just been attacked or if it was a red slime, but even then it was usually due to the red slime running past other slimes that were getting attacked

Just noticed a small bug: Blue feeder’s muffins home in on the closest plate, but they also consider filled plates as valid targets. The kobold seems to properly look for empty/partially filled plates, but once the muffin is thrown, it can go into a completely different direction.

Example setup (for v1.2)

Level 3. Use 1 green feeder in round 1, then sell it to place the blue feeder as shown for round 2, and observe. Especially the last plate should show the weird homing logic.