Feeder Fantasy by Fallboy - Translations & Mods (Ver. 1.3.1, Original Ver. 5.0)

The README file, if I remember correctly, is outside of the main game folder when you unzipped the file it is likely loose where ever you unzipped the file itself.

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Ditto on what @Krodmandoon said. We’ll look into maybe more clearly titling this since there’ve still been a lot of guide-related questions since it was initially created

Tangential but Sunny just released a preview set on his Fanbox the other day containing standing art for Judy the Maid, Ai the Martial Artist, that greedy sweets shop fairy, and Maria, so it sounds like the new chick is probably the last thing holding the project up.

We’ve still been making minor touchups here and there behind the scenes but it’ll be a lot easier to pick back up once the next major revision releases and we can properly estimate how much stuff needs to be merged between the forks


I also would’ve liked having the original male mc

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I’ve tried it with the origional male OC, and even though I tend to like having male charecters, honestly I think that the female elf just had a lot more personality to them and is fun to watch. While I would like to see the male in the future if only for having the option, I’d personally like more content to be worked on first before any gender choice is made.

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It is a good game.But I can not download it.what’s wrong with my browser?

The games download uses a MEGA link. It’s not accessible in your region. You would need a VPN or a download from a different file sharing site.


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Idk what’s up but the game freezes randomly while I’m playing. Anyone else have this/any idea how to fix it?

Try deleting everything (but your saves, of course) and redownloading it.

I didn’t even have to do that, it froze a few times but then fixed itself (only after I finally started saving every day, of course)

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Loving the game so far. I have a question for anyone who can answer. Im in the food labyrinth currently and have a brick wall blocking the path. What do I do?

This is going to be a spoiler, so don’t read it if you don’t want to be spoiled.

The main bit is that you can’t. That won’t open normally, it’s relevant to one of the endings. For more on the ending, read on:[/spoiler] [spoiler]If you go to the food labyrinth while obese, it’ll trigger an ending where you meet the being on the other side and learn about the labyrinth.

this is the situation im in

Apologies, you can continue by examining the middle of the wall. That seems like a fair signaling issue now that you mention it - I’ve added some sparkles to indicate it in our test build.

Progress is slow but smooth by the way. We’ve been revamping a lot of old sprites and creating some new ones for characters that previously didn’t change appearance despite gaining weight in the narrative. Been adding minor events and contingencies around town for Sura attempting things at higher weights as well, and finally starting to get some major ones off the ground.

We’ve decided given the sudden extra availability of our artist as well as the uncertain time of release for Fallboy’s 6.0 that we may as well just bite the bullet and resign ourselves to editing all his new content into our build instead of the other way around come release. It’ll be a pain, but it’ll let us continue making progress in the meantime. Will let you know if any other major developments occur.


Ahh, I should have explored more. Thank you for the tip!

I’ve been pulling an all-nighter to try this game out. It’s pretty decent, with a lot of potential and funny moments, but it’s still missing some things. I think it would be really cool if we were allowed more choices to live together with another character aside from the Goblin Girl, either in our house or their own, Harvest Moon-style


Blazed through this game and really loved every second of it. For some reason pixel blobs really hit the spot.

What program would I need if I wanted to take a crack at modding this or making some new content for myself?


RPG Maker MV, I believe.

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Nice! Thanks. Time to learn all the event triggers and concepts.


That’d be dope, good luck :+1:

This is just dumb fun, would like to see more of it