Feeder Fantasy by Fallboy

how do u get to the goblin in this version is there like a directional puzzle?

The direction you pick doesn’t matter. You have to feed the goblins a certain amount of times, then it’ll be one of the rooms you may randomly end up in, if I remember right.

cool many tks, wanted to ask would u have the tp to go to places on the elf version or opportunities in the future to add upgrades to the house just curious.

I currently don’t plan to work on this for now. Maybe that’ll change sometime next year.

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@Shimerror there appears to be a bug in your version where, if I give the pink haired warrior the fattening drugs, it warps me into a wall in the church from Kitsune’s mod.

(Attempted to post a gif showing the bug but apparently the server didn’t like that.)


Thanks for the report, though I haven’t particularly a clue as to what could’ve caused it. All the same, the link’s been updated with a fixed version.

In fact, you can use bandizip and use codepage to select JPN language to unzip and get the normal running files

My dumb ass keeps reading the title of this thread and wondering when Fall Out Boy got involved in fetish games…


Love your version!! Although, I wish there was an option for a female protagonist. Either way, great work.

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I’ve been trying to reinsert the girl from Kitsune’s version but since I’ve never used RPG Maker for anything other than looking at games that I can’t be bothered to try and beat, I don’t know what I’m doing. and keep getting errors. It should be easy for someone who knows their way around RPG Maker, would just be something like copying the old “Sura” spritesheets and fixing the code to look for that spritesheet instead. The only other hurdle would be to do with the mirror, having to change the flavour text for the examinations and finding suitable images to match Sura.

I’d recommend just forgetting about the mirror. The art on it is insanely good. I wouldn’t waste my time trying to match it.

Regardless, I don’t know anything about RPGMaker. You could try to get into contact with @Shimerror to maybe learn a thing or three about the program so you can mod on top of his mod.

Well, if you commissioned Sunny3257 then you’ll be golden, but that involves money. Regardless, if you just care about a female sprite then there are files7 in the “img/characters” folder labelled “MainCharSheet.png”, “MainCharSheet.rpgmvp”, “主人公&女勇者&女戦士&女魔法使い.png” and “主人公&女勇者&女戦士&女魔法使い.rpgmvp”. All you need to do is copy the japanese filename, rename the japanese files to something else, then rename the two “MainCharSheet” files to “主人公&女勇者&女戦士&女魔法使い”. I think that should even include a final weight level, but no the ones in between. Can’t get faces to work atm since the male character has more expressions than Sura does, and he has individual faces for each weight level,so add that to the list of things needing to be done if someone does a genderswap mod.

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Yeah, that was the main problem with making the gender switch in the first place, you’d have to go in and individually change each and every text box the MC talks in throughout the entirety of the game, otherwise the game will just outright crash / jankily display an incorrect face. But idk if I’d have the time to get the work done, seeing as even with all the debug runs I’ve been doing I’m running blind against RPGMakerMV’s supposed 20-day limited free trial, and even if I were to start right this second, factoring in sleep and such, I’m doubtful I could get a running (and probably buggy) version in less than at least a few days.

Also, idk if this might solve some of your issues, but for the game to recognize assets, at least while I was working on it, I had to re-encrypt things I implemented into the game with the game’s system [dot] json file (found in the data folder of the game) through this specific website:


Just browse, select the system file of the game you’re modding, hit detect (a little popup should occur that says something to the effect of ‘key found’), browse with “en/decrypt-files” to find the file you’d like to encrypt, select 'em, then download them in their new [dot] rpgmvp format either individually (1-2 files you need) or as a zip folder (better for say 5+ files at once)

Also, just for safekeeping / possible torch-passing I’ll put my own encrypted batch of the Sura files that should work with my mod right here, though I haven’t really tested them:

And I’ll post an update on this thread if I’m notified that my trial has run out.

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Then again, I could just happen to magically zoom through the work and have a Sura version of the mod made and appended to my above links, along with a final revision to the male version that should fix some minor issues I noticed. I guess that was an option, too, but that would be absurd. Surely I wouldn’t have done that, right? … Right? Like I said, though, a switch in one version would be a lot of work (at least, as far as I can tell, but I’m certainly no expert), so if you really feel to have the Sura sprites (with no artwork in the mirror, as stated above it doesn’t exist (yet)) as you play the game, for now you’ll just have to deal with downloading the separate version. Sorry, lads, but it’s the best I can guarantee for ya at this time. Best of luck to whosoever might do it, though!


I keep getting stuck on the bush when I go to the secret room behind the house .
Has anyone else experienced this?

Just played through this whole thing (Shimerror recent female patch). Didn’t encounter several of the bugs people in the last couple months mentioned and was able to reasonably complete what I think are all questlines, minus the Kitsune church substitute which I couldn’t get to progress beyond giving the 20 fairy bread. Extremely enjoyable experience.

Only time I encountered something game-breaking was during a chat with the Wildcat shopkeep, and I’ve not been to able to reproduce it. I was I think weight stage 2, and the shopkeep was two weight stages from her max (so the large cake was the next available purchase). I got that exception many others have posted screenshots of immediately after interacting with her and got softlocked. Upon reload, I simply farmed some cash to interact with the cake for her next weight upgrade instead, and all subsequent interactions with her worked perfectly fine.

Also not sure how feasible this is since I know you’ve had lots of trouble transitioning between male and female sprites/character portraits, but having my stuffed, bloblike girl suddenly be replaced with a nearly-naked skinny male during the final two stages of the labyrinth ending killed the immersion quite a bit. Would it be difficult to just substitute that for the girl’s stage 5 weight from the self endings where she gets stuck in the house?

Other than that there are minor things like the male equivalent character portrait still remaining in a few places and male pronouns being left in the script in a few places, but they’re not really distracting and would probably be more effort than they’re worth to proofread for.

One final thing: is there any ending associated with maxing out all the girls’ weights? The choice between getting their personal endings and maxing them out but continuing daily life appeared significant, but I couldn’t find any changes.

Is this still fixable?

First & foremost, sorry for the late reply, got fairly busy with the holiday season.

Thanks for the compliment, and as for the sprite changing mid-sequence like that, it was probably something like one line that I forgot to rewrite that should’ve called up the correct sprite. I’m assuming it occurred after you went past one of the walls in the path? If I’m remembering how that part works correctly that should be the most plausible cause, and would be a fairly straight forward fix to instead call the female stage 5 sprite you mentioned.

There is no maxing all girls’ weights ending or bonus, at least in the game I was working on.

Also yeah, the main goal with the female sprite mod was just to get as functional a game as I could out before the trial ran dry, which happened quite soon after I posted the last patch. Apologies for the minor pronoun inconsistencies and graphical defects here and there.

Also, this project shouldn’t be considered dead or unfixable or anything like that. I mean, Fallboy hasn’t even finished all the content in their vanilla Japanese version, as evidenced by the rudiments of the church being present in the game, but as for my direct involvement in it, as of now and until a very gracious steam sale blesses me, I can’t say there will be much.

However, I do truly encourage anyone who might want to clean up what’s left behind to pick up the trial version of RPGMaker MV and see if they can do it, or even better, wait for the next update and see if they can re-script that properly. I know that I, with just about no experience in any sort of programming or deeper than surface-level computer work, was able to learn how it functioned with fair quickness, so it’s far from impossible.


hey, this question has probably already been asked but, how do I get the mage girl out of the cage she teleports in. I tried to interact with her but she just tells me not to leave her. is there a key I need to get somewhere?

You need to get the dispelling charm from doing the fairy questline to continue the mage girl’s questline.