Feeder Fantasy by Fallboy

That’s gonna take me a while to decrypt so many. I was just hoping for a download of the current files, if anyone was willing to share them.

But the decryption program is a good idea if not, so I appreciate that suggestion

The files in my latest release are already decrypted. Just download rpg maker MV and open the Game.rpgproject file inside the www directory.

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Minor news report since it’s taken more time than I expected, Fallboy’s been working on a short project for the past few days where an Ojou has some kind of competition with a Mesugaki that results in them getting fat.

It started as a whimsical horny tweet, but he progressively got more and more into it and now is making like a whole production out of it. He’s apologized a few times for halting his other two projects (including this) to spend time on it, but he seems like he’s having fun lol.

Hey, nothing wrong with having fun (and hopefully something else good coming from it, in time).

Oh hey, awesome! Thank you!

I have a two question in FeederFantasy4.0_patch2 .7z.

  1. What am I supposed to deliver to the church, and where can I get it?
  2. I want to know how to make a Goblin cave.

Both of those questions have the same answer, and it’s that you need to take them the pieces of furniture in the Food Labyrinth that you get to by telling the guard at the entrance of town the password from the drunkard in the bar. Once you’ve gotten every piece, the goblin cave becomes available.

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I little confused. It seems like four different people are working on this game. I just want to play this game then it is finished.

Who do I give the furniture to in the church? I’ve spoken to all three, and none of the them ask for anything, and I’m not sure what I need to do.

The furniture can only be given to the nun in the non-modded (fallboy’s) version of the church. Kitsune’s version has no use for the furniture. This also means that to access the goblin cave, one HAS to complete the original church, via furniture from the labyrinth as well as the initial donation.
Do correct me if I am wrong.

Seems like. One original creator (that stopped, I think?), an original translator…and I think the last two version of the continued translation/additions were different from the original translator?

Personally, I kinda hope to see more things come out like the food maze (but with more gameplay in it, more to do), and less overriding the fun (and actually original) church, with the two priestesses. Also, while the overlayed art of that was added is a nice idea…can’t say I’m a fan of the style, or the shape of the characters in it (especially when the art clashes with the descriptions, showing that they’re just an insert of the artists tastes, and not trying to represent what was happening). I loved the fact the original game actuall included breasts getting bigger with gaining, and less rolls and melty shapes (though, they definitely do exist in some cases)…but the latest version just has small-boobed pancake stacks super-imposed over everything during certain moments that I’d normally like, making a success feel like I’m getting punished for it. If nothing else, it would at least be nice to have that togglable, since there’s not likely to be replacement option.


The original creator has never stopped, he has done everything and will be releasing v5 soon. He is the japanese version. Then there are 2 “translated” versions. One that is the same game, just translated, and another one that on top of translating, modded the game so the protagonist is a female instead. The art of the original game was specifically commisioned by the original creator (Fallboy) if I understood properly too.


Thank you for the clarification.

I am certainly glad for the translation with that change to the protagonist. It, at least for me, makes it a better game. Admittedly, it’s the only version I really know (besides modifications to that version), but it’s definitely the one I’d choose, regardless.


Is there a version 5 planned or in development? I first played the game like a year or so ago, before there was the new character art. This new art really elevates the experience, so I would love to see other characters like Ai the dojo girl receive art depicting her weight stages as well.

i wonder if you can comission that with the artist

I believe you can, yes. But there might be a language barrier, he is japanese.


I think this was him.

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If anyone’s actually willing or planning to do this, you should get on sunny’s fanbox first and probably PM Fallboy as well, because I know from some teaser tweets he already has some assets for the next update done. Fallboy’s a pretty chatty and friendly guy though, so I’m sure he’d appreciate assistance.

That said, I’m not sure exactly what’s limiting the asset creation process: is it a side project for sunny that he only does in his spare time, or is Fallboy in a high tier or something in his fanbox and just gets like one full color image a month or something? If it’s the former case, the art’s not gonna get done any faster no matter what.


Sunny runs a fanbox and does commissions. I don’t know where the assets for the game run in terms of any kind of priority list. I just know that Sunny seems to do a lot unrelated to this game so I would hazard a guess that it isn’t their main focus.

That being said, Fallboy seems to do other projects also so it might just be a thing of waiting for the actual game content to be be done before Fallboy commissions the art. In which case it’s waiting for Fallboy to finish his part and then going and waiting on Sunny.


excuse me but how do i open the newest version? im not exactly a computer genious so i dont know how.


The version I’m playing is Shoe Snail’s version. There’s like four different versions of the game, and that’s the one I enjoy. And honestly, that one should be as simple as downloading, extracting it to a folder of your choosing via winrar or 7zip, and double clicking on the “Game” icon.

Please, for the love of all that is good and holy, use an official rar program. There was one guy some time ago who used some cheap knockoff, and they had nothing but grief with it.

You can find the latest link to his version on post 325. Just click and drag on the blue bar on the side until it says 325, then let go. Should get you right to it.