I mean you don’t really need to spend money to know that it’s likely a combo of both. The game itself isn’t super complicated and doesn’t really have all that much writing. So the creator is likely busy doing life stuff while the art gets made.
worry for asking but i guess there no translation. if there is then i am sorry for waste this time…
There are machine translations, but I don’t believe people have taken the time to make a hand made translation yet.
ok checking thanks. i do hope the game be complete soon.
There are translations and mods of 4.0, like three of them. The newest version just hasn’t been released yet.
Ah, I see he is stuck in the Monster Hunter hole as well.
It’s one hell of a drug.
Mega keeps telling me that the file is unable to be downloaded now… Can you re upload it somewhere?
That’s an old link, the working one is further down. Also I recommend using one of the modified versions by other people even further down.
Is this the best most up to date link then? 299.04 MB file on MEGA
also btw, how did I never hear of this game before?!~? It’s pretty legit! (the cheating takes all the “game” out of it, but well that’s what cheaters like me want!!!)
edit: Also is there anything I miss out on by starting with the fully cheating unlocked save? And what does the level in the upper right do? is that what toggles cheating? Or with cheating on will I still see all the content, and just skip some of the grind?
I can’t seem to give Alicia the chicken wings, she just asks me if something’s wrong. Help?
Edit: nevermind, I got it!
You miss seeing the intro. Which you can still do, and then load the save file with cheating later.
Does angel hula hoop golem bench press or light weight loss belt do anything?
I got to 237KG then i wanted to lose weight because i figured that might be nice… but none of them worked at all? was that because cheat mode is on? (I just used the weight flucuator) but by cheating … no one in town acknowledged my weight loss at all they just acted like i had restarted… like for example at 237kg the fat taunts you and you say if you ever lose weight you’ll beat him up? but… if the weight loss items don’t work? how is that possible?
There’s no non-cheat way to lose weight to my knowledge. The weight loss items are just quest prep for the maid, and provide some funny flavor text about you failing if you try them yourself.
I would certainly be interested in genuine weight loss functionality being added in the future though since you can really screw yourself in the lategame as things currently stand. Not only would it add some more strategy to your activity scheduling and keep things from being as static in the endgame, but like you say, it would open up loads of opportunities for new interactions with the townsfolk.
Hey, I have an odd request. Would anyone be willing to share the project files for a translated version of the game? If it has one with the mods, that’d be awesome.
The reason I ask is because I’d like to see how it’s all pieced together, so I can better learn to program a game in RPG Maker. I have a long term goal in mind for a project, but what I can learn on the way I think would be a huge help for me.
Just use an rpg maker decrypter on the translated files if they’re encrypted
are there 5 endings or more than 5 endings? hero/karen/elise/house/labyrinth? plus any others?
Don’t they mean like… in engine? I don’t think you can load up the game otherwise on RPG maker, can you?
To load it up on Rpg Maker just copy and paste a rpgproject file you have on another project onto it and then open it. If he still has trouble with that I’ll just do it.
Actually… I didn’t even realize but… you don’t even have to do that. The translation comes with the rpgproject included lol