Feeder Fantasy by Fallboy

Sorry, I just started posting, so I don’t know what to do …

I sent you a DM over this forum here. I think you can access it over the upper right icon?

I downloaded a Japanese language pack for Windows, but it still can’t recognize those characters. I still get the Zalgo text in the files.

Did you restart you PC and re-download the file? If it doesn’t work you might need to set your system locale to Japanese as well.

I have a Japanese locale thing on my computer, but it doesn’t seem to do anything to the files. What am I missing?

I didn’t restart my PC before redownloading. I can try that and see if it works.

after buy information 2, my money all gone and she say i did’t buy information 2.

good job will have to try it latter. busy mealting Bandits in Boardlands 3

can confirm downloading Japanese language pack, switching locales, rebooting and opening the game doesn’t fix it.

Even locale emulator doesn’t seem to work. I’m at a loss here.

Edit: After a bit of finagling, I fixed it. It’s weird, because the text still looks wrong in the file folder, but it runs so I’m not complaining.

What did you do to fix it?

After downloading the Japanese language pack from the windows store, I went to setting → time & language → language → administrative language settings → language for non-unicode programs.= I then clicked “change system locale” and switched it to Japan.

It then rebooted and I redownloaded the file and it worked.

Edit: am currently running Windows 10. YMMV with other systems.


Thanks, it worked.__

ok this game right here, all of my yes, yesyesyes, I love this, however there are 3 very large(pun not intended) bugs, first when the wizard hero teleports to her underground room I can’t talk to her, I don’t think the event was placed properly, second, when I ask the goblin to move in with me the event triggers the textboxes appear and I teleport back home but with no goblin, and I checked she’s actually still in the cave, third and the biggest one, when you but the second piece of information from the info merchant, all your money is deleted and you can’t get any more, my money counter only showed NaN. again love this game, but I thought I should point these out.

So I’ve found a bug with Elise, the magic girl. After she teleports down into the basement, she can’t be interacted with.

wow, we had the exact same idea at the exact same time.

@fallboy3656622 Discourse doesn’t let you DM other users until you’ve spent some time around the forums and read other topics. It’s an anti-spam measure. You may well find you can DM people soon.

Alright, sorry about all these errors. I should have fixed them all, at least I hope so.
@Ayurn @madnessmaka I’m really sorry about this.

data.zip (29.2 KB) this contains the updated maps. Just put them in the www/data/ folder.

@sdgiv1 I’m sorry about that. I should have fixed now, it’s included in the maps above. I think you might need to use a save editor to fix your money.

How do you fatten up the maid? I can’t find what I need.

Thanks for the prompt fixes.

You don’t need to apologize, you went through all the effort to translate and modify this game, so a few bugs here and there is totally reasonable. The NaN bug is still present even with the data update, unfortunately. I can go through the save file and see what it’s showing the gold value as after the bug is triggered later today. Maybe I can narrow down what’s going on then but I have a theory.

I don’t have rpgmaker so I can’t look into the code, but I’m thinking when you rebalanced the cost of things you entered in something that’s converting the gold from an integer to something else, maybe a string. NaN means “Not a number” in coding speak and that, in my experience, usually hints to a type error somewhere.

So, I’ve gotten Karen up to her first size increase, but now I need to feed her something.

my game is saying I need to give her a Wildcat’s Special, but when I do she just goes “Huh? Hic Was dis?” And I can’t progress.

Any help?