Feeling the Weight of It All - Weight gain VN

Looks amazing, Well done!


WOW!!! That’s amazing!!!


Hey, that’s pretty good!!!

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Fantastic, been very excited for the next update. Seems like you’re going in an awesome direction.


Hey everyone I been working pretty much all day on the game and came to a fork in the road on how I want the game to play out.

My idea was at first to make the game more linear and have you just go through the game as the MC just watching all the girls gain weight and such but now I wanted to try and experiment with day and night cycles and have it be more dynamic something akin to the weighting game or fattening career and having it be a bit more random in who you interact with but still having the same system of affinity toward a particular girl you like and such let me know what you think about it or what would you guys rather have.

Also the planned release of the next update is going to 23rd so be on the lookout for the next release soon.


Personally I tend to enjoy games with more dynamic systems like the ones you mentioned, compared to more linear titles, so this idea sounds very promising to me.

Great teaser image btw! Can’t wait for the update!


There are good WG VNs out there for more linear stories like @vrazz’s Queendom of Corpula. Or more (semi) sandbox style VNs like @tiggertoo’s The Weighting Game or @Bladerune9’s fattening career. I don’t personally prefer a certain type of VN what matters to me is the story, visual representation and overall feel of the VN. Rather than a particular style of VN.


Glad you like the CG teaser and thank you for the feed back!

That is fair. I been thinking of this for a bit and was kinda stuck on how I wanted to present the game in what style of dynamics and such. But I would like their to be more openness to the game and have more choice in what happens depending on the players actions and choices.


I think it would be better to just have a linear story with branching paths like it is now. You wouldn’t have to overhaul anything, and it leaves more options for more cohesive storytelling. Also, it would be nice to have more traditional-style VNs on this site, since they seem to be in the minority.


I can understand that. Scope bloat happens with every project and it’s going to depends on your narrative and overall gameplay loop. But having a particular style of VN can lead itself to increased workload and increase of scope.

You can have a branching narrative with many choices and routes within a non sandbox game. I would think choosing something that works best to not increase your planned workload and scope drastically makes the most sense to me.

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Yeah I can see that. Im still thinking about it and right now what I have planned is that the game have a prolog which is what it is rn but having the game more open after those events. Its not going to be for the next update but the one after that. But I’ll make a poll in a bit to get and idea of what everyone thinks.

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The game is still really in its infancy and this will shift the focus to how I want the rest of the game to be. So far in the story will act as the prolog since it already introduced all the characters and the rest of the game will be more open like the weighting game or fattening career.

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Here is the poll.


Just fyi if you were unaware. You can build polls on the site as well with the little cogwheel :gear: when making a post. And choose “build poll”. If you ever need to in the future.


Oh I didn’t know but I also posted this poll in the discord for the game so they could vote too. But thank you

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Depending on how you want the game to go, I like the idea of setting an endpoint that you can get to if you so choose. I’m thinking kind of like beating Ganon in Breath of the Wild. It allows the game to have both a plot leading up to that ending for linear story and open ended character story where other characters can join the player if they have been interacted with in some way. Take for example, a game about getting stuck in the past. The player could go through the required story and find their way back to the present alone, or they could interact with the characters around them, complete an extra storyline or several, and bring a happy wife back to the present with them.


@Krispee I’m just stuck on how I want to move the game forward into the next update lol. Rn I have an idea but im not sure how to bring it into a actual idea if that makes sense .

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Maybe you could try writing up a schedule for these girls; give them a life outside what the player sees, even if most of it is never used. That somewhat solidifies and gives a good grasp on what each character does in a day. That also helps to see if some characters might overlap in unexpected areas. And if you end up going open-ended, having a schedule already means you don’t need to make one later.


perhaps but I want it rn to be a bit more open ended and have the player to have more freedom, and interaction with each character but ei a, still stuck on the direction on how to place what I want in each story path