FEW -- Carol's Fetish Exploration Weekend

If I remember, during the main part of development he decided against it because he wanted this to be like a real text adventure where you can’t just press buttons to proceed

cause typin out look at/behind/under every object im a room is so much easier then clickin table and havin the optoins pop up lol maybe i just need better hints cause i tried playin without lookin through here first and got nowhere cause i didnt know what was important i spent so long tryin to talk to emily only to come here and find its pointless

To be honest I don’t like tad games because you play word guessing games more than actually accomplishing anything in the game.

ya and you cant do half the stuff because you got the wrong word like it has to be t-shirt and not t shirt or metellica shirt or when things dont even show up on screen even if you type look around like the cooker someone posted about earlier. its also annoying havin to download 2 different programs to run 1 game.

TADS has options for creators to circumvent this problem at the cost of more work, but I figure this project was a one-time deal for the creator.

I think TADS workbench can output a browser-based game but that’s at the creator’s discretion. But yeah these TADS games normally do need you to download the client. They don’t get hosted on the same website Quest games do.

Quest text adventures are a little different, more of a point-and-click experience. In TADS you can create clickable links but the allure is being able to come up with your own commands. Ideally the creator accounts for all the different misspellings and synonyms players might use. Making a branching story is already difficult, though, so this on top of it can be challenging.

Check out IFComp if you’re interested in learning about or trying contemporary indie text adventure games like this. Text adventures aren’t major titles anymore but they used to be on some platforms, think games like Zork or that old Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy game.

i know its all the creators choice i enjoyed the game once i got it figured out just wanted to offer feedback

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this game was certainly near the top of the text adventure category imo

itd be nice if there was a remake lol i tried but got overwhelmed lol

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Hi all!
I’m sorry for the wait. I’ve actually thought that everyone already forgotten abouth that old project, so I didn’t bother to write. But then I’ve seen it high on the “Project” list. Well, at last I could give some explanation to those interested.

I’ts gonna be a longer post, so the details are hidden.


So first I don’t work on the project anymore. As I’ve already mentioned I put it of as a ‘forgotten’ project.
Furthermore, it was my first game written it TADS, and the quality of code makes my skin itch.
I’ve tried to write other games, but got some problems with the compiler. Thinking back, it was probably due to the libraries and I should have just recompiled it, but I think I’m done with TADS for now, as it’s effectively a dead project.

I’ve been recently thiking more about writing another game. I’ve got a new account (@StuffingGamesStudio). I don’t know how long it will take, but I’m learning to draw and I’ll probably post a drawing soon to get some feedback.

It’s gonna be a crossbreed of IF and VN, FetishMaster style. Just with a bit more interactions. I really try to limit the scope, but it tends to get out of control really quickly. So though my goal is to have an “almost linear story”, it’ll likely won’t be. SEND HELP.

Finally, I could get a lot more motivation for the project if anyone willing to help, happens to have any experience with WSL. I’ve heard that now one can run GUI apps, without issues.
Most of my projects died due to cross-compilation’s complications.
I doubt my game will be enough of a hit, to convert anyone to Linux :D. On the other hand, I’d rather cut
off all my fingers than develop it on Windows.

For a solution for “technically-not-involved-users” to run my Linux game on Windows, I’d be in your debt.

That’s all. Let me know below, if you read the whole thing.


i wont be much help for actual game stuff lol but i got story ideas if you wanna hear them

quest is easy for people to use and make stuff on or lots of people here use renpy so lots of help would be there if you needed it

How do I see like what I can do in a room?

I’m sorry, but the whole point in using TADS was, so that I don’t have to go through Quest bullshit…
Being forced to program the game graphically takes out the entire fun of making a game for me, and the scripting language doesn’t seem documented nearly enogh.
Plus the web editor is fairly limited, while the normal version is only available on Windows.
Finally, it’s not Open Source, so a hard pass for me.

If I remember correctly, I’ve linked the tutorial in the introduction. You just needed to type intro or something alike, to get a nice introduction to TADS features.

But bear in mind, that the “game” in itself was pretty basic and there weren’t that many interactions implemented.

It’s help I think, but I know the basic movements and how to move south and stuff but idk how to like figure out what to do

I get most of those things but you can do everything on the web editor, you just have to write out the code yourself sometimes

i didnt know all that my bad i just messed with it for abit and didnt find it hard and that lots used it here so there would of been help if needed

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No offense on my side taken, I just tend to get overexcited when it comes to programming. Anyway, I’ve been honing my skills for a while and I’m itching to code. The winter holidays are around the corner as well, so I might actually create something again.


cant wait to see what you come up with and if you need any ideas send me a message and ill try and help :slight_smile:

twine has none of the listed flaws of quest, just fyi, in case anyone reading this might be swayed (I’m a fairly big fan of twine.)

twine has both a graphical tool for writers who don’t know how to code and cli compiler mode for those who are already coders.

I’ve already decided to use a full fledged programming language for my next game, but I’d still be intersted to take a look.
Do you know where I could find the specification? I can only find the cookbook