The only thing I can find in the kitchen is a bottle of soda and a soft drink (outside of the UK/EU, I’m pretty sure those are the same thing, but I seem to recall UK English using ‘soft drink’ for juices and such as well, basically anything non-alcoholic, while at least in the US and Canada, ‘soft drink’ is a synonym for ‘pop’/‘soda’). And when I type in the exact phrase “search for food in kitchen” or just “search for food”, I get “What do you want to look that up in?” (and in the latter case, if I type “kitchen” at that point, I get “The word “kitchen” is not necessary in this story.”)
This is actually the whole point of IF, to DO THINGS ON YOUR OWN, not to just type a simple phrase as
eat everithing in sight in order to be able to get the best result
. However, I’ve read the description of the kitchen and I have to admit that it really is a little bit short in comparision to what there is. I’ll describe it better in next version. For now just think that if you can cook something in kitchen, there usually should be a cooker in the kitchen.
The phrase “search for sth in sth” have a different meaning in TADS, than you expected. It’s used for example to look up a definition in a dictionary.
Needlessly rude/snarky, since literally my whole post was about the same issue, and you’re treating it like I said “I typed what you wrote, and didn’t try anything else, and it’s not working, fix it”.
Is there any way to go outside to the Hotdog Stand yet?
I figured it out. Or at least a part of it There is food in the Oven
I’ve been quite bussy the last days, and I didn’t have time to log in, but I’m still working on the game.
I’m really sorry, if I sounded like that, since this is actually my fault – there ARE too little descriptions in the kitchen. It’s already changed and will be released in the next verson.
No, there isn’t.
There is a cooker in the kitchen, with dinner on it, and a built oven containing cake.
Is this still being worked on? It looks really promising and I’d hate to see it disappear.
Yeah I was confused hopefully he’s working on a big big update
Hi there.
Since I didn’t post an update in a while, I decided to explain a little bit:
First of all I did not aband the project. I’m just ridiculusly busy with my studies.
Therefore, the next update still needs to wait a while, probably to Christmas break or even winter break.
Anyway, I promise, that the next update will be something big.
So stay tuned .
Thanks for replying, looking forward to the update whenever it is.
Hey, loved this game, how’s it coming along? I’d love to see more games from you!
thats a nice commet agin great comunity
Hi there!
Since it’s been a while without any posts, I’ve decided to update you about my future plans for this project.
First of all: I’m going to finish this project.
It’s actually a real challenge for me, because I tend to start tons of interesting things and then abandon them, after I’m sure that I’m able to finish it. I just get bored if the rest is only some trivial job, that takes lots of time.
How will the end project look like?
I’ve already decided on the form I want this project to take. I’ll add some random content you can do at the first day (I want it to be as sandbox as possible) and on the second day there will be a much more linear story, chosen depending on what did you do/say/find etc on the first day. I’d like it to be at last 3 different stories, each with it’s own endings. It should be much more linear than the first one, but I’d like to give the player at last two choices which will affect the ending. I’d like for it to take at last 10-20 min to complete each story, even following the shortest path.
When to expect it?
Well, since the ground work have been already done, there is not really that much left. I should be able to do it in hopfully less than ~50 hours of constant coding. I’ll try to work something like half an hour a day after I’m done with my exams. It’ll be something like 3-4 months, but I’d like to post a new version earlier.
This is for the ones of you who are really enjoy the project and would love to help, if it would mean a faster release. Since there is a lot of typing, room descriptions and similar things to be done, there is lots of work for the game, that almost anybody would be able to do. Same goes for typechecking of corse. In exchange, you’d get an extra line in the credits.
If you’re interested, PM me.
One last thing
After this project is finished, I’m planning to find an artist who would like to colaborate and create a simple game possibly based in the same world, as this game is in. It is strongly dependent on whether I’ll be able to find anyone to help me with this, however.
It’s all, I hope you’re now in a better mood than you was before . Stay tuned!
can this be played on Android too?
Did I miss an update, or has the update not come out yet? Just curious, I’m excited for the game’s development!
I’m actually way more busy right now, than I’ve expected, therefore the update have been postponed to an indefinite future (I really hope this sentence makes sense in English…).
I cannot promise any date right now, but I’ll definitely get to write it at some point.
So, in case you’re waiting for the next update, it’ll be best to forget about it for now, and get nicely surprised the next time, it’ll pop up in your newsfeed or among the newes posts (if you’re not watching this post).
If you really need something more specific, than think of it as “not earlier than half a year”.
As far as I know, TADS does not provide any version for android devices… Sorry.
this game is pretty good I hope you continue to work on it (I also hope Emily gets in on the fun as well)
Also can’t figure out what to do at susan’s door
Can I have your permission to work on this
Very good IF Adventure so far! I’ve gotten two endings (dunno if there’s more to get), and I can’t wait for the next update.
fun game but a pain in the ass to set up lol it would be easier if you could get it on like sarah goes to college