Fill Me Up (Formally "Untitled renpy feedee game") "January" update now available on Patreon.

I mean, benefit of doubt is one thing, paying when in doubt is another.
Also what I wrote is not just about this one, but on broader scale. I understand fetish games are not something many people will buy, so the development is more of a passion project rather than moeny making business. But when I compare to AAA game that is released for $60 and has 50+ hours of content people are criticising that there is not enough, its too expensive etc. But game like this for people who subscribed from the beginning they payed around those $60 and have about 2 hours of unfinished content if they take time and even than thi is still one of the better polished and cheeper games I have seen on similar patreon subscription model even with the switch to AI models that make characters look different in every screen.

Patreon exists to support creators and support development of projects, it’s not a marketplace. Like yeah, in terms of value I’d buy a AAA game over subscribing to a $5 patreon for a year, but that’s not what it exists for.

I’m not defending this particular project, but it rubs me the wrong way when people complain that they’re not getting updates every month, or that they don’t add enough. That’s always going to be up to each person’s opinion.


And I have nothing agains support for crators, everyone decieds if its worth their money. I am just saying is that patreon in my opinion is not good support structure for long term development projects as it doesn’t have any controlls and all support is based on promise that some day in distant future the project will be finished.
Patreon model incentivises creators of long term projects to slow development to the point where they don’t lose supporters, but delay project finish date as much as possible, as that makes them most money. Unlike for example kickstarter where they get the money upfront and less time they spend developing more revenue they have (not saying that is good model either with “games” like day of dragons being kickstarter project, just a bit better as it incenivises finishing the product).
As for asking for monthly updates on progress rubbing creators the wrong way? I understand creators don’t like it, but if they don’t like giving people who pay them (in this case close monthly $2k), they probably should not be advertising their work on patreon, or anywhere that is subscription based, than asking people to pay them so that they keep working on it withou any timeline or standards. Also why should someone pay for creators holiday or anything if there is no development happening for month or two? No emplyer would :man_shrugging: And for example youtubers prepare videos in advance to release when they are on holiday and they are not directly paid by the people watching. So is it really so bad to expect certain stadars from people you pay for doing something? not saying that for any particular project either, in general are you asking for money on regular basis to develop something? give report to those who pay you on regular basis. :roll_eyes:

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Hey y’all, just gonna say people need to calm down. This game is a side project that’s being made by Bobo for fun, not a small business that’s demanding money for nothing in return, a la Star Citizen & other Kickstarter games.

Be patient. Be kind.

Have a problem? That’s ok. Just pull support until the project is active again. Nobody is making you pay.

I really don’t want this place to turn into a flame war again. We already saw how that went. If they want to keep working on the project, it’s a lot easier when people aren’t mad.


This wise wizard above has the gist of what I feel especially when this is a fun thing for him while they has a full-time job and a family to spend time with.


fair although the monthly updates was something they originally promised right? patreon is so that people can support the creator so they can create the things they promise. if theyre not fullfilling that promise people are allowed to be mad. although considering that theyve promised to give the update to anyone who was subbed in january i dont get why if ur mad you would stay subbed. you have no reason to hold on after all you can do that once you get what your paying for

is not like people are asking him to spend all his time on the game just give us proper updates on its status other than saying its almost done for 4 months.


I think both sides are reacting within reasonable expectations. On the one hand, Bobo has explicitly stated fhe build was ‘almost done’ 2 or 3 times, only to drop communication and have no update to show for several months. If you set an expectation by your own words, people will expect you to deliver on said expectations, or reasonably provide commentary one why you couldn’t achieve it. When you have people who are actively, financially supporting your project, you do become somewhat beholden to their expectations; expectations you, yourself, set for them. When you fail to deliver with little to no explanation, people are going to become critical, and I think reasonably so.

That being said, Fill is a pretty beefy project, with many images, scenarios, choices, and thevlike to play out. Its ‘only’ on its 3rd update, and already has a significant amount of content, and considering the images are going through a revamp. Time and patience will obviously be required between updates, and so some of those supporting the project went in knowing the final, finished project and the updates toward it would be a long time coming. Having patience is something of a requirement.

In the end, I’m not a supporter myself, as I am BAB (read as broke ass bitch), so I’m fairly uneffected by the whole cycle. I do think, as someone who has supported other projects through patreon in the past, that Bobo has genuinely had a failure of communication regarding this particular update. I believe his last communication was in June? Its been 3 pay cycles on pateon since then, and as someone stated earlier, he’s getting about 1.6k per cycle. For just shy of $5k he could probably drop a memo. People reasonably expect accountability when it comes to their money.


Pretty much nailed it for me there. To add my own take there’s been a few devs in the last year who have lead patreons on massively and are still taking money to this day (Vocalabs). It takes a few minutes to drop a patreon post and it doesn’t need to be a physical update it can be a little screenshot of whats been going on in the project.

To earn 5k and put out two patreon posts one of which saying “im not a good communicator” doesn’t really cut it for me when money is involved.

The Devs that get stick on here are never really given a hard time when they say they’ve got life stuff going on. I think we all know stuff happens and delays happen. Speaking personally and not for anyone else i do get annoyed when i’ve paid money and been given an expectation like you said only to then be ghosted for months on end. It feels like theft and reality is Bobo COULD just disappear like Vocalabs did and will have taken thousands off people who can do nothing about it. The issue i have is that these experiences make the forum a hostile place with people arguing like what’s happened on here periodically.

There is no excuse to why you can’t simply communicate with the people paying you.


Patreon actually lets creators charge per release instead of per month, BUT, they have to choose which when they create the account, they can’t ever change it later :frowning:

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i am willing to give them another chance if the latest update is really good and has more content than planned

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From what we can see on their profile, they didn’t connect on the site since the end of may, so it’s possible that their not in a position to answer or talk about it

No one is talking about updates on the site. As it’s against the community guidelines to ask for updates from a dev and no one should expect them here. People are referring to supporting the dev on patron. The dev is working on the game throughout the months but there’s no word from the dev or accountability to the people that monetarily support them, sometimes for months. If they do communicate it’s in the comments section of month(s) old posts generally responding to inquiries about the status of the project, outside of the odd official post.

Most people that support do so because they like the project and want it to continue development. A monthly content update is not necessary or expected but the supporters have to be able to have trust in that dev and lack of any communication while being supported monetarily makes people feel uneasy at the very least. I think most people expect at least a once a month check in and don’t really mind however long the updates takes.

The dev has updated a couple of times since there last log in and post here. But it’s been three times total. End of May middle of June and August 1st, that is why people are voicing concerns and opinions.


If people continue to back a patreon in a hiatus, that is their decision. I don’t see a point in dramaposting about how virtuous you are in backing/not backing the development, then attacking the opposite choice, as if it has some actual weight and importance in the grand scheme of life.

If someone is thirsty enough to keep supporting it, that is up to them. Voca not closing their patreon account is their own dumb decision, take it up with them directly. Posting here isn’t going to change that.


In any case, one great way to kill a project is to be the biggest debbie downer possible. Speaking form experience, if I think I have ‘let down’ people, that’s gonna suck my enthusiasm to continue, not motivate me to do more.

I am not backing the patreon, I have never backed the patreon, but if your goal was to scam, you wouldn’t bother putting out a game using renpy that’s this long, or redoing all the art assets to make them look better because you feel insecure about how it looks. You’d want to maximize profit by gatekeeping new builds, not offering free copies to old patrons.


Well I think the best would be to let this thing just happen it’ll come if it has to come and if not w’ll it was a good game nevertheless. The best would just let it be and hope that who’s developing the game can continue doing so

One of my favourite games on here! Hope to see an update soon. Also curious for those who have played, is there a route where you just work out and never lose control or does that not progress the story at all? I couldn’t find any walkthroughs on potential different paths

There is currently no route where you are a feeder from the start or never gain any weight. There was talk of potentially adding something like that but nothing yet. I would say there are two main routes with multiple different variations for different girls in the game (these would be my terms, they may officially be referred to as something else.)

You always lose control, gain weight and that can continue the whole game, weight gain route (weight up.) Or you can choose to stop and it turns into the feedee harem route (weight down.) However, there are variations of things Erika can be fat or skinny in the weight gain routes, Nene can be skinny or gaining some weight depending on choices in the main routes. Yui has different variations depending Erika’s weight and the MCs route. The volleyball girls, Yuka and Mai, have different variations depending on if they are both gaining, one or the other, or if you chose to do the fantasy elements of swapping with the two girls. Kaede will have different variations depending on the MCs route and if she is gaining weight. Irona has variations depending on the MC’s route and her weight. Rin has the most variations in game currently depending on if you chose to help her lose weight or not, the Mc’s weight, and Erika’s weight.


Thank you! Very helpful information


I did enjoy playing this one, could just be typical busy summer type of stuff for Bobo not responding which I can absolutely relate to. Hopefully some update will come now that fall is upon us.

I did enjoy the characters all getting quite large. I can understand the new art style but was a little saddened by the change, but I don’t think the game suffers badly from the change in style but I did really enjoy the original art I thought it made it much more unique.

I feel like the outfit try ons you get at the the clothing store need some improvement, particularly towards the much heavier stages for the Mc.

I don’t know if I just was unlucky with what I’m assuming is rdr for instances with the roommate that works out, but I feel like the choices not to indulge never seemed to affect her. Again maybe I’m playing it wrong or not persistent or rdr but I would have hoped for options to make her indulge more and see her absolutely blow up which would be great.

Love the volleyball girls weight gain, absolutely hoping to see more of their growth and maybe failed matches etc. Or they start demanding food from Mc at higher weights.

The MC having issues with the teacher as she gets bigger I did enjoy. Maybe some stuck in the desk or doorway or ripping clothes or spilling out of clothes in class would be nice.

I enjoyed all the side characters, the running girl getting fat though maybe a future option to have both girls on gaining trajectory if played right?
The roommate that goes out drinking was fantastic as well, really enjoyed her model at its highest size. Probably because it did end and playing further causes issues but she still is at work even though she says she was fired at the very end.

Hopefully this game does continue forward, it’s been very enjoyable so far.