If you’ve played 0.4.0 and at least one previous release, how polished / not-buggy is this one compared to previous releases?
There’s already been one patch. It’s very playable atm nothing so far stopped progress or broke the game outright for me after the patch. The biggest thing (although there are bugs) was having the weight stage 6 not trigger and the moving out event skipped. Which means you just appeared in the new house event wise. But I believe this is an issue for when you trigger the next stage but have yet to sleep or end the day. And the game triggers an event that is a not from the current weight stage and it cause the stage 6 weight intro event to be skipped. I got around not having the scene skipped by sleeping to pass time once the weight stage had been triggered but the day had not yet ended. And this allowed me to see the new moving out scene.
Other than that it’s in more of the same state it had been. New content was added but old events were not brought up to speed. New variations and path combos for some stuff but you have what I would refer to as inconsistencies in both narrative or visuals due to things like Kaede or Iroha being able to gain weight but some scenes are still using AI, or don’t have full renders for that variation so some stuff will jump to an “incorrect” render that is used in both weight gain and non weight gain routes. Yuka and Mai’s content is not bound by Akane’s progress stage as it was designed but I feel this works against adding on to them in random events because they are just huge all of a sudden regardless if you do their content.
AI render have mostly been removed with some still being used or a AI assisted fixed render being used occasionally. Which will be jarring or out of place depending on how much the sudden change in art style or look, consistency, and errors in the renders matters to you. Hundreds of dialogue issues with missing periods, typos, misspellings, etc. (most of which to be fair is missing periods probably but a lot of it is old content that some errors have always been there. There’s for sure still errors with the new stuff but the dialogue itself is coherent and very good as it has been in the past.)
It’s about the same as other releases in terms of issues in my opinion, the new stuff is great content, and the renders and models look great. There’s a lot of game to play through and it is worth your time in my opinion. I do wish other routes and older events were brought up to narrative and render equal and consistency that other content in the game has. Iroha, Kaede, Mai, Yuka, Saya and Lisa have certain parts of their content that was added at different times in the past and have some issues were they have not been updated to reflect some of those changes and it would of been nice to see the weight loss route at least updated to include stage 6 content beyond the introduction weight transition event. But I’ve enjoyed my time so far.
Quick review of new content and some forks. The new stages are lovely, even if they cause the most bugs and have a good bit of grind. The lack of mirror late game really makes the game feel like it drags even though the unique events give good mile stones for progress. There are a lot of variations depending on what you chose earlier on, which is probably me favorite part. That said, not all choices are fleshed out. As an example Iroha has a lot of content if you choose to date her but not any/many if you chose to do something different with her. Or(spoilers for specific interaction): the blonde hair pizza delivery person has one scene that requires Rin to be fat but doesn’t show up after her solo scene on certain routes.
Quick list of favorite expansions: Yui, Iroha, the volleyball girls, Erika, all of the new stuff has been great but those were my favorites.
I highly recommend a couple playthroughs, there is a lot of variance and I barely touched it when I did my first run, the second was a lot better cause I trying a bunch of new stuff.
Also maybe bug: Has anyone run the Akane weightloss route yet? I think I bugged mine and it didn’t get to the new house, can’t tell if bug or just not done yet.
The weight loss route doesn’t have a new progression stage. It’s the same content unfortunately. You can 100% still play through the route though it’s there and functional.
So a bug I noticed, I had met Lisa at the park, shared meal with her in caf, but didn’t ‘meet’ her in class until later on, not sure if its a bug or sequence breaking
What are the conditions to trigger the Kaede weight gain route instead of breast expansion? I’m sure you should ask her to help out with meals at the shrine. But can sharing milk on the weekends too often push her into the BE route? And does Kaede’s route have a link to any other character’s? I feel like her WG route may be exlusionary to Erika’s slim route. But that’s just a suspicion on my behalf after several play throughs.
I don’t know the exact number but I’m almost certain the WG route is only tied to asking her to help eat food at the shrine. Five times in both times I was testing it for sure made it happen for me, and you can have Erika fat and Kaede WG. Currently I think it requires you to pass time for alot of the route to make sure you don’t accidentally push the stage before you do the 10 cupcakes from Yui and 5 asking for helps.
I may be wrong on the exact unlocks or amount needed for Kaede though as I am basing it off of testing and not through glancing at the code. So take that into consideration. I
There’s only a tiny event where Lisa goes hey I’m in your class, and it triggers the exact same way that the other stages of seeing Lisa in class do. So like quite a few things you can just miss stuff if you don’t happen to go to a place and see it trigger. One of the things I was referring to when talking about consistency and narrative across the different parts of the game. You can miss stuff because you need to go do a certain action at a certain time/stage but it’s doesn’t lock you out of a route or just pop up as an event to make sure you see it.
Okay, 5 times. I’ll try that out. And yeah I think I’ve probably been pushing to the next Akane stage too fast. It’s easy to blow through weight stages with her lmao.
I passed time most of the time for that stage and every few days go to the gym to get a cupcake and then on Tuesdays and Thursdays go to the shrine to see if the rng event happens to allow you to ask for help.
My best guess would be when you have problems eating food in the shrine, you could ask for help
Just another Glitch I’ve noticed, during the stage where you give Erika Yui’s cupcakes (I think 3 or 4) the stage where you go to Yuka’s place the game doesn’t advance time properly
There are a few time bugs right now, mostly at the end. Some of it is that there is no wait to trigger home scenes, so they play on their own even if they take up time slots. Don’t know how much are bugs though because I like that bit of flavor and loss of control for the narrative even if it is a bit frustrating to have to sleep to guarantee you get the morning time slot. Akane being so out of control that she can’t even keep a proper schedule is a nice detail if intended.
Couple of things to note, using the skip function to much can cause errors or skipping of certain scenes (particularly during end game), and I do not recommend you do Akane’s fail diet route. Tried it to see if it changed any dialogue but all it did was make it so I could go to the gym even though I wasn’t supposed to be able to being on the Erika fat route. Also seems to cause a scene with Erika and Saya to loop and potentially eat scenes.
If you never go to the park and take the gluttonous route with the volleyball team the girl from the park that is gaining the weight as her friend loses, mysteriously appears to join you in the gluttony encouragement scene with the volleyball team members.
Near end of glutton route, game is skipping days, going from Tuesday to Thursday
I didn’t know that!
I’ve tried at least 3 times for this route
If I get to the point where Erika and Chika point out my stretch marks is it too late?
How do I make it to stage 3 without choosing “greedy/gluttonous options”?
May I please have some EXTRA handholding so I can see this route myself? I seem to keep making the wrong decisions
Are you talking about the weight down route? (weight loss route where Akane is a feeder to fat Erika and Chika.) Do you need help with it over all or just the Rin part. Rin will be fit if you choose to say “No this isn’t right.” the very first time you see her and at least in the old versions she could help you lose weight which is another option. This isn’t it’s own route though. It’s what I refer to as paths or variations certain characters have based on choice within a certain route. Fat or fit Erika, Kaede, Yui, Rin, Yuka, Mai, Iroha and then the different combos some of those girls have for interactions.
But if you need help overall getting to the weight loss route. You should be able to start the game and choose as many gluttonous options that tell you, that you are losing some self control for the first stage. The hotdog at the park, Erika’s coffee at the gym, etc.
You need to unlock the restaurant by “weight up 2” or the third overall stage to meet Yui to get cupcakes to feed to Erika ten times, and you can only meet her at stage three (weight up 2) at the restaurant. You can unlock the restaurant at stage one by just choosing a bunch of gluttonous options. To check that you are around the place you need to be, when going to work you will lose the option to turn down Hinata’s drink but not automatically accept the hotdog or Erika’s drink. Around the time this happens late into stage one the restaurant event should pop up if you have been trying to go and do the events that make you lose self control more often than others.
Once you unlock the restaurant you can just not chose anymore indulgence options that make you lose self control as it’s not needed and you don’t want to be too greedy to turn things down for later. Keep gaining until you reach weight up 2. Going to the restaurant will eventually have Yui pop up. Accept her proposal and give Erika the cupcake. When working out at the gym now only once a day and not every day an option to get a cupcake from Yui will pop up to give to Erika. And you need to do this ten times before you push your weight to the next stage if you want a fat Erika and don’t if you want her thin.
From here the game splits into weight up 3a and b. A is a fat Yui, thin Erika (happens if you failed to feed Erika ten times.) B is a thin Yui and Fat Erika (when you succeed.) At the end of either Chika will make a comment about your face getting fat and if you haven’t been too gluttonous you will have two options. “I’ve had my fun. Time to lose weight.” And “I’m going to keep going. I’m having too much fun.” The first one you will pick to lose weight and working out enough without pick any gluttonous options is what progresses the stage (it’s from working out from here on out for the rest of the route.) You can fail your diet if you indulge. And pick the other option if you want to keep gaining.
Now if you picked a the option to help Rin lose weight she should help return the favor during these events but I haven’t played through that in awhile. And it’s just a few scenes like I said and not a route in itself. Outside of strong rin’s content when she calls you up to hang out and it can be different depending on fat Erika/thin and Akane’s weight.
Thank you once again for your help
No that is weight up 2 or the third weight stage. As long as you have unlocked the restaurant by now you can meet Yui at it. That is however the stage you need to feed Erika ten times on. You can progress the game as normal by eating during this stage once you have given her ten cupcakes. If done right the next stage will be weight stage up 3b (or stage 4) and Erika will have started to relapse. From there in weight stage 3b you just need to work out enough to progress the stage and don’t make gluttonous choices. Which will lead you into Akane’s weight down 1 stage (or stage 5 and the beginning of the weight loss route.) You progress the same way by working out and it will lead you into “stage 6b”, the sixth stage, which is the last part of the route it will only be a weight stage event.