Seconding this. The reason for radio silence was an incredibly valid one & Bobo is being very active now. Also very true that the ending feels like a skeleton rather but there is a fair amount of new material between where .3 left off and the ‘end’ (two new weight stages worth). I’d say the new content is greater than the jump from .2 to .3 in scope but is also a little buggy (though it’s also been patched at least once since release)
Some advice for a second playthrough to explore content, I went full glutton route first time, want to do that again but bring Erika down with me, however I can’t seem to get her to pork up, any advice for that?
Seems like the game is kinda buggy with routes and consequences. I’ve been trying to fatten nene up and got the event that shows her self-control going down, but when I reach the new content she’s ALWAYS slim lmao
You give her Yui’s cupcake and then keep going to the gym and giving her cup cakes.
Eventually you both give up on the gym and get fat.
Excellent! I will do so with great joy, I got through a route and saw Nene with 3 fatties and It was hilarious to me
I also had that route be bugged, specifically if you go fat Erika & Akane. If you’re fit then she’ll gain but it won’t trigger the move to the new house & the NPCs new stages (narrative dead end effectively) & if Erika remains fit then it will trigger Nene’s gain correctly. There are images in the game files for everyone gaining & Bobo mentioned being aware of it as a bug in a comment.
Oh no, I want fat everyone but Nene, she is apparently (from endgame change due to fox) very much into her role as feeder for the three, and I want that.
That’s super weird, because I AM on the “fat akane but slim Erika” route! I tried twice to only gain weight via running, going to the restaurant and activating specific waiting events, and selecting the option for Nene to gain, but nothing happened. Curiously enough, the cutscene that ends the “slim Akane” route never triggered in my fat akane route, I wonder if that’s what caused it…
On a slightly related note I’ve also dug through the files and saw there was an option for Cjika to become slim by the time you move out again and I have zero idea what are the requirements for that. Do you need to never go clubbing with her??
Anyone know if both Erika and Yui can become fat within the same route yet? I would assume the answer is no still. But before I waste my time trying to get Erika to trigger her fat stage without using Yui’s cupcakes, I figured I’d ask. Especially since Erika’s feedback scenes are so rare to trigger.
I can see that you’ve gotten the self control down but have you let Erika feed Nene on the couch and encouraged it ten times? I assume it still unlocks the extended scenes with all the girls in the bedroom and Chika on the couch. This used to be the way to trigger her gaining going into stage 6.
That’s what you need to do??? I don’t think I’ve done it that many times. It’s a random waiting event, isn’t it?
Edit: as for your question about Erika and Yui I don’t think so, not to my knowledge.
Yes. The random waiting event you need to encourage Erika or Nene I don’t remember how it’s posed in the option ten times and this should trigger extended options in other scenes with her. After that she should be fatter going into the next stage, if everything works the way it did in 0.3. There are of course bugs or things not triggering normally in a few places and I have not finished going through the game myself yet either. Let me know if that seems to not work for you.
I’ve found the save editor works pretty nicely with this, you could set certain flags right and the UI reads correctly despite being Renpy which it has problems with, just get the Appdara file and copy paste it since they are the same file
A very quick review after going through the MC wg only route.
I forgot how much I loved the style of the game. Especially with the mirror feature the models really help make the gain seem gradual and natural. That and the models have a really nice charm to them - which makes me even more happy that the AI is now used only to slightly enhance them. The demand for AI in patreon comments still seems large, but thankfully Bobo said that there would be 2 versions of the game, and i know which one I’ll be choosing.
My favourite parts of the game were always the animations, and I’m glad there’s been a few new ones, though I feel like some opportunities were missed. I’d love to see more wardrobe malfunction animations, and more stuffings ones, too - though I’m aware that probably takes a lot of time.
The new stages were chef’s kiss. I really enjoyed the sense of corruption in my route. Again, if I were to suggest something ambitious, it’d be to flesh out a non-intentional gaining route for the MC - but that’s something to consider for the future. It’d just love to see her balloon up despite her best efforts, instead of becoming an active feedee.
Regarding the ending of the current version (of the mc gain route at least): It felt a bit sudden. And somewhat epilogue-y. I hope it’s just a placeholder, as I’d love to see both some of the stages in-between, as well as the extreme side of fatness explored in greater detail, rather than a sudden acceleration of the gain into “just” immobility (as if immobility is not a major milestone, lol). The only similar game that touched on the topics of extreme, EXTREME weight gain that I know of was Gaining Perspective, and it was very very veeery dark. My personal wish would be for the game to give a willing player an option to go further, and play out the extremes in a much more lighthearted, horny stream of consciousness manner. There’s probably only one person who wants that (me), but please do consider it
I’m glad to see more content throughout the entire game, as it means less skipping for minutes on end. Of course there are bugs here and there, but at least in my case they didn’t break my save (there’s been some cases of that, some already fixed).
All in all, I really like the direction the game is taking. Hope Bobo’s life is a bit less chaotic now, cause man I can’t wait to see even more!
I love extreme and I love dark but there’s only a limited appetite for that in the world of feederism content. But I agree with you: that would be the cherry on top of a very delicious dessert here. What’s here is amazing, but I would love seeing a further exploration of extremes, either here or potentially in a sequel / expansion pack / standalone side game.
The possibility to have a setting that lets you replace extreme scenes with more…how do i say that “normal” ones. For example other games have the ability to switch sex scenes on and off. Here it could be to switch the extreme and dark parts of the game on and off. I am indeed aware of all the time that such a feature will take lots of time and I myself wouldnt even know how to do that but its a wish
Should clarify that I don’t want dark stuff, just the extreme stuff in a lighter flavour. But yeah, the game already has a switch for fantasy stuff so that wouldn’t be out of the question.
No they can’t both be fat, if you check the image files you’ll see she only goes fat if Erika does not.
You are not alone, I too want to see this happen.
I was trying to avoid looking through them until I had finished the content I knew was in game.To avoid spoiling myself. I figured it still wasn’t an option since there’s a good amount of side stuff that is underdeveloped. Thank you though.