Fill Me Up (Formally "Untitled renpy feedee game") "January" update now available on Patreon.

They didn’t post an official changelog in Patreon but they did say that there was roughly 2-3 hours of additional gameplay depending on if you replay the game for different outcomes.

Also they’ve gone away from the AI art approach and instead moved to effectively training the AI off their own work so it’s like an auto touch up as opposed to fixing crap in photoshop.


Actually thinking on it, do we need to DM Bobo first if we were members through June/July, or just wait a few days while they sort through things?

He can actually see who was a member during that time and will likely reach out to folks once they’ve created a version with bug fixes.


You can click the little pencil icon next to the date on any post that has been edited to see who, when and what was edited. Also you can check the summary page (click on someone’s name to bring up the banner and then click again on the name when the banner comes up) of any user to see when they have last been on, posted, made an account, etc. The post has not been updated and Bobothesecondtwo has not logged in since last year. I would guess with them posting 1AM their time and looking to go to bed after presumably being up for awhile finishing the update, there are likely somethings that not thought of, such as a change log.


Hello does anyone know how I can download the new version without paying for a VPN or Mega’s premium services? I did pay for Bobo’s patreon

You can wait, I think Bobo is going to upload a compressed file tomorrow.


Alright, it’s just I can hardly wait lmfao

Correct me if Im wrong, but I think this is the only game that lets you play at the higher weights that give increasing problems with mobility weirdly enough


There are others, for sure. Tramp has mobility content, and at least a few RPG maker games slow the character down at higher weight stages. Related, there’s an entire sub-fetish called “stuckage”, with a few games entirely about that (the one I saw was a text adventure). I can’t be bothered to find the links, but a lot of these things are findable here on WG.

Using the desktop version of MEGA works, if you use two days. Once the transfer limit is reached, the program lets you wait until the next to to resume the download.
Might be worth it if you’re close to the datechange.

You can load it until the limit is reached then change your IP using a VPN and continue for the rest.
There are Free VPN extensions for the browser.

Can confirm that using a VPN allows you to bypass the download limit for the MEGA app. However, I would advise extreme caution when using any sort of “free” VPN. It’s extremely easy for these services to steal your data, and the reason you pay for a VPN is to buy security against your data being harvested by the VPN provider.

Free VPN extensions have no reason not to steal your data, so anyone who doesn’t hava MEGA premium or a paid VPN should probably wait for bobo to offer some alternative download methods before buying.

Hey all, wondering if many people have already played through the update and would be willing to give a bit of a review?


I can, put simply if you liked the previous content you will continue enjoying the new content.

They gave the MC 2 more gain stages and fleshed out some other routes based on your choices giving the game some additional replay value. They have some weirdness with certain images (one image had a character’s butt facing the wrong way which I found quite funny) but that will likely get fixed when they have a second to go over everything.

All in all I’ve spent 5 dollars on much worse things so if you have 5 dollars, and want to enjoy a game I recommend it.


Sweet! 2 more gain stages for the MC and some content all around.
I am a BIG fan of the game XD
It’s a bit pricy-er for me in Australia coming in at almost $10 :disappointed_relieved: but as long as there is enough new content for me to explore thats A-okey.
Hope we get change logs at some stage :star_struck:
Thank you for your reply


Played to the first stage where Akane is visibly fatter and Erika thinner. I am very glad about the few things that have been added to the experience like a pic of Akane returning home and the post volleyball moments in the cafeteria (which were a surprise but a welcome one) as its pretty fun seeing Yuka and the shortstack encourage you to eat them fatty foods (if you choose to of course). Definitely exciting update and wonder what else may come

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I know tramp has some but got any other good ones bedside Fantssy feeder?

Guys I’ve been thinking about the update on patreon does it worth the subscription or not.
I know that the developer is not active but i thought maybe there is more to see in the patreon update

I don’t know if you’re aware it’s hard to tell from your post. 0.4 was just released on patreon and the dev has been actively posting there. According to the dev the images added double what was in 0.3. I have not gotten past more than a few weight stages myself while playing and documenting typos and errors. But the update adds a few new weight stages for the MC, some new content, mostly removes the use of AI images and has some reworked dialogue for some of the older content. If you liked any of the versions so far you should like this as well.


It’s also worth noting that the end of the content is somewhat unfinished. It seems clear from playing it that they wanted to map out the ending but didn’t quite finish everything involved with that just yet.

There’s a lot of branching paths that will likely be explored as they continue work on the project but I expect that progress to be slow.

They had a very good personal reason for why they went silent, I don’t feel like sharing it is appropriate since I don’t believe that post was public but when you see the reason it makes a boat load of sense.